Chapter 14: Cheating

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George POV.

I took a sample of the rice dish that I had spent the afternoon making. It was delicious, and I grinned. “Fundy is going to love this.” I put a lid on the fry pan to keep the food warm before opening the oven where I had been cooking up the bread. As I spoke I felt proud, happy that I was able to do this for my boyfriend.

After setting the table I sat down at it. The scene was sweet, and I waited patiently for Fundy to come home, yet I wasn’t sure what time that would be. I didn’t even dare to wait on my phone, wanting to be fully prepared for him whenever he walked through the door.

This felt fair, after I had ruined the party and disappeared on him last night, creating a beautiful dinner that I knew he would love would be the least I could do. So I waited, patiently sitting and waiting for the redhead to come home.

It took a while, but I didn’t complain. Who knew what he was having to deal with right now. I sighed and looked down. It felt like minutes were turning into hours and hours were turning into days. Yet I couldn’t be too sure as to what was going on. “Maybe he’s just stuck in traffic, that could explain why he is so late.”

Even though it sucked to just be staying in one place I knew that I had to. To distract myself I tried some breathing exercises. I didn’t really believe what all the experts said about how it was good for you to sit and breathe, but it was the only thing I could think of doing without moving from my spot or using my phone.

Despite the fact my patience was running thin, it did manage to outlast him, and I beamed widely as he walked through the door. “Fundy.” I smiled tiredly as I stood up. “Hey… I am so sorry about what happened last night, and you didn’t want me to make lunch so I made dinner.”
After a moment of caution he mirrored my expression. “Thank you George.” He smiled.

“You’re welcome.” I responded. I continued to smile. “Come sit down. Dinner is ready… although it is a bit early. I just wasn’t sure what time you would be getting home.”
“Oh, we can have an early dinner.” He shrugged. “But I did have kind-of a big lunch.” He set himself down at the table.

“Where did you go for lunch?” I asked him as I walked through to the kitchen. “You didn’t tell me anything when you left, or at least I don’t remember anything when you left.”
“Just some old friends from high school, you don’t know them.” Fundy reassured me, and I had to remind him that I went to the same high school as him, and so I probably would know him.

“He’s from the hockey team.” Fundy explained. “A few years older than us, so you probably don’t know him.” His head rested in his hand. “He left school before we started dating, so you didn’t end up meeting him, since I know that you don’t like hockey.”
“Oh, well I guess it makes sense. How hungry are you?”

“With your cooking I am alway very hungry” He grinned, causing me to give him a bashful look as I began dishing up two plates. As I walked over I saw something on his clothes and let out a gasp. “George?” He asked. “What’s wrong? Are you okay?”

It was like a movie or TV show, the slight red mark on the collar of his shirt. It was right there, plain as day. My mouth parted and my lips quivered. “George?” He repeated again. “What is wrong?” All I could do was keep my eyes on the lipstick stain, even though I knew I should have looked him in the face.

“How could you?” I asked, not breaking my eyes away from the mark. “You fucking cheater.”
Instead of just owning up to what he had done he looked at me innocently, as though he had done nothing wrong. “Baby what are you talking about?”
I glared. “The lipstick on your fucking collar.”

His face completely changed as he glanced down and saw what I was looking at. His eyes widened. “George… honestly it’s… it’s nothing.”
“Who the fuck were you actually with?!” I asked him, ignoring his protests that nothing had happened. “Cause I know it wouldn’t be a highschool hockey team buddy.”

Neither of us spoke for a few moments, with me continuing to glare while he just glanced away trying to figure out an excuse. “I have been so fucking conflicted for weeks if I loved you or not. But it’s so easy to lose every feeling I had for you when I find out that you cheated on me.”
“You don’t love me?” He responded.

“Of course not. Every time I feel like I care about you, you then do something to make me hate you more.” I was about to continue my angry rant when suddenly a group of people burst through the door and ran towards me.  They completely ignored Fundy and I was shocked as two grabbed me and-

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A man sat in his office. Behind him was a large window which had a town beyond it. From this position the town was small enough that it seemed like it could be a model, however cars were driving around, showing that it was real.

“I apologise for that.” He said awkwardly, bowing his head momentarily before lifting it again. “I am not sure what caused those technical difficulties. The moment that George is back again and better the show will be back on the air.”

He glanced somewhere off camera for a second or less before continuing. “We’ve received word that George is alright, just being sent to a hospital for a routine check up.” A moment passed where the brunette smiled fondly, as though George was a friend of his instead of just a work assignment. “Until then we’ll show you some of George’s best moments.”

The cameras cut and a frown grew on the man’s face. “How did this happen?” He asked, walking out of the room. Multiple people fell behind him, a mix of crew and assistants. “How on Earth did all of this happen?”
“Fundy was with his girlfriend. You knew that Jimmy.” Another man said.

“But Chandler, he’s been with his girlfriend before.” Jimmy continued. “What are the chances that today that happened; right after his birthday, and right after Clay arrives in town, and right after we made the decision to write Fundy out of the show.” Both the men exchanged a glance before Jimmy continued again.

“Matt, can you do me a favour and look into the drug that was given to George. Perhaps see if it causes amnesia so he forgets all about Fundy’s cheating.” Another brunette nodded and left the group. “Kris, go keep an eye on Fundy. I don’t want him to get into any more trouble with his girlfriend for today.” A woman nodded.

“Everyone else piss off.” I complained. “You have your usual jobs, just do those. I need a few moments to think.” I heard a couple murmurs of ‘sure thing Jimmy’, and ‘whatever’s, but after that I was left alone to disappear into my office.
1255 words

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