Chapter 21: Cheating

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Imagine getting caught cheating twice, and it's only like two days apart 💀
George POV.

“You cheating bitch!” I screamed out, ripping the covers off of the redhead and harshly waking him up. His eyes widened and I continued to scream at him. “How fucking dare you! I asked if you were cheating on me with someone but it turns out you have a whole second life!”
“Baby what are you talking about?” He asked, feeling shocked and confused.

“Don’t call me baby.” I sneered out the name. “I found your fucking phone downstairs! You didn’t even bother to have a different pin. I found out everything.”
“What are you talking about?” He repeated, still faking the shock and innocence. “I don’t have a second phone. I don’t have anyone in my life except you.”

Although his expression showed innocence, his eyes dimmed with guilt. I stopped yelling, my voice going deathly quiet. “Explain who the fuck Monica is.” I instructed, and the face of innocence faltered again, recognising the name.

I waited patiently, glaring at him as he tried to come up with an explanation. When he eventually fell silent I decided to help him. “Her name has a heart next to it. Yesterday you sent her a text saying ‘coming to visit, George is busy all day’. She responded with a ‘ok see you Fundy’. Then today you said ‘George is out, come over and we can have leftovers’, leftovers I cooked!”

“I have an explanation baby, she’s-” I cut him off before he could get out any more words.
“What did I say about calling me baby?” I basically snarled at him. “Get into the fucking bathroom.” I instructed firmly, pointing towards the door. “Now!”

“What… why?” He seemed confused. He didn’t make any effort to move and so I returned to the bed and grabbed his arm pulling him out of bed.
“Because you are a cheating bastard and I don’t want to look at you.” I told him, back to yelling again. “So get into the fucking bathtoom and lock the door or I will force you in there.”

The redhead was shocked, climbing out of the bed and grabbing himself a blanket to cover himself as he did. As if I cared about the fact that he was naked, he had been cheating on me after all, I couldn’t care at all.when he was out of the room I grabbed a backpack and began stuffing my things inside.

I couldn’t kick him out of the house, no matter how much I wanted to, since this house belonged to him and he paid more of the bills than I did. So I stuffed clothes, books, photos, my phone charger, and some cash from our safe into my bag. Then I went storming downstairs and out the front door, grumbling to myself the entire time.

Despite not knowing where I should go I ran from the steps, heading down the street away from the main roads. I didn’t want the whole town to see me sobbing out in pain and sadness. The whole town didn’t need to know about the betrayal of Fundy, at least not now while my wound was still fresh.

There were some fields on the outside of town, just before reaching the sea which separated the island from the mainland. It was always quiet there, far away from any of the main roads and the farmer who owned the place didn’t come out there. So I would be alone, with just myself and my stuff, trying to figure out what to do.

Fundy POV.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” I begged into the phone. “I swear that I didn’t mean to. I’d just taken my earpiece out for alone time with Monica and didn’t realise he was home.”
“That’s too bad, Fundy.” The voice on the other end of the call was harsh and uncaring.

I was certain that it would mean I’d lose my job. For a while there was nothing, with me trying not to sniffle into the phone. “Head downstairs.” The voice instructed firmly. “Karl is going to be down there in a few minutes and the three of us are going to talk.”

I stepped out of the bathroom as he spoke. “Does Karl have to be there?” I asked. “I hate that bitch, he’s so smug.” I didn’t care to hold my tongue in front of my boss, since I figure he deserves to hear the truth about Karl’s asshole-ness.

“Yes. After you he has the biggest impact on George’s life, anything that happens involving him will also need to talk about Karl. I doubt we’ll get away with drugging him again.” I nodded without saying anything while I walked downstairs. Eventually I settled myself on the couch after getting a glass of water to drink.

The door opened without anyone knocking and Karl walked in. Although he was trying to appear concerned it was clear that he was smirking to himself. “How do you fuck up twice in two days?” He asked, barely glancing at me as he asked the question. “He catches you cheating twice… oh and you didn’t have your earpiece on earlier as well.”

“Karl, not the time.” Jimmy spoke firmly, and the brunette (being the suckup that he is) instantly fell silent. “We were going to write Fundy out a few months from now but instead we’ll have to replan.” He was understandably annoyed, but I didn’t say anything. “Fundy we’ll move Monica into your house two days from now, make it seem as though you’ve moved on.”

“Are you sure?” I questioned. My gaze was on the camera hidden in the TV, knowing that he would be able to see me.
“Yes. Then two weeks from now you two will start to pack, tell everyone you’ve decided to move somewhere out of town for a fresh start.” I reluctantly nodded.

Although I did want to eventually leave the show I didn’t want to right now. I had been earning every single day since I had started on the show at the age of five and had earned close to ten million dollars, with food and shelter being provided I didn’t have to spend any of it. If I had worked until Christmas I would likely have had another million.

“Karl, I want you to go and pick up George, currently he is heading to the fields where you hung out as kids. Insist that he stays at yours, at least for the night. I will let Sapnap know and have Grian organise something nice for dinner. We’ll also check over the cameras in the guest room. Go now.” Karl nodded, standing up.

I saw the brunette flash me a smile as he left and I sighed, knowing I would be left to mope in silence.
1152 words

Karl and Fundy tensions.

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