Chapter 138: Eunha's anger

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"Director, Lisa! She - She kicked hay onto my face so I forgot my lines!"

Lisa turned around with a smile, "That was on accident. . . However, it was only a small piece of hay. I didn't know that you could forget lines so easily."

Director Ma sighed, "Let's go again. Lisa, be careful next time. Eunha, focus!"

They tried again and once again, Lisa purposely kicked hay onto Eunha's face. This time, Eunha was smarter and she held her anger in to avoid having to film this scene any more times.

"What lesson do I have to learn?"

Concubine Xi bent down and narrowed her eyes, "Yinlan, when did you become like this?"

"I was always like this! Hahahaha! I was supposed to be the master! I am also father's daughter! Why do I have to be the servant?!"

Concubine Xi's eyes burned with anger and she raised one arm up, slapping Yinlan across the cheek.

"Ah!" Eunha screamed, lifting one arm up to cover her cheek. This was supposed to be a fake slap! But Lisa actually slapped her!

She was in shock for a few seconds, but Eunha quickly fixed her expression in hopes to not have to film this scene another time.

"My father took you in because he pitied you! If it weren't for my father, you would be homeless on the streets right now! Yet you repay his kindness with hatred and complaints! You should learn your position! In the palace, you are a servant!"

"I want to be a master!" Yinlan seemed to have gone a little crazy by now, and her eyes were red.

Concubine Xi stared at her crazy expression for several seconds before standing up, "Maybe in your next life."

With that, she walked out of the cell and the guard locked the door once again.

Yinlan's laugh could be heard the entire way until Concubine Xi walked out of the building.

"Cut! Great job, Lisa! Your expressions were on point! Eunha. . ." Director Ma sighed, "Keep working."

Eunha clenched her teeth together as she stood up and brushed the hay and dirt off of her body. The floor was filthy, and Eunha felt disgusted just from laying on it.

"Ughh!!" Eunha grumbled as she stared at Lisa, who was sitting on her seat and drinking a cup of milk tea in her concubine outfit already.

That was her role! Lisa was supposed to be laying in the hay!

Although Sehun's company was getting much better, he never helped her in getting the roles she wanted. Whenever she asked him, he would just change the subject and tell her to use her skills to get roles.

Besides that, Sehun was far from President Jeon! They were on two different levels! Sehun wasn't even on the same level as the Kim family yet!

Just thinking about it made Eunha's face red with anger!

The next scene was when Eunha gets hanged and Lisa also had a small part in it. It took a long time to set up because Eunha has to be suspended on a harness so she doesn't actually get hanged, although that would also be kind of cool.

Lisa relaxed, sitting on the chair as she talked to Rosie, Ji-eun, and Jimin, waiting for the scene to start.

Meanwhile, Eunha was having a hard time as she got lifted up into the air. It was very tiring and it hurt a lot to be hung in the air.

Then, they had to drop the rope to hang her.

After a long time, the filming finally started. By then, Eunha was feeling sick from being lifted up into the air, and she was cursing Lisa for stealing her role once again.

This time, Lisa decided to be nice and let the scene pass in one take.

Yinlan got hanged in front of all the servants in the palace and right before she got hanged, Concubine Xi rode by in her sedan chair, glancing at Yinlan as she traveled by.

Yinlan's fingers dug into the rope with anger. She always had to walk next to Concubine Xi while she rode comfortably in the sedan chair.

In her next life, she will definitely be the master!

The scene quickly ended after Yinlan got hanged and Eunha's scenes were finished for the day. Lisa had two more scenes and she would get off of work too.

Eunha quickly changed out of her maid outfit and stared at her dirty hair and face. Angrily, she quickly returned to the Xihe Estates and entered her house with Sehun.

Eunha took a shower and changed into a beige-colored merino wool dress that hugged her body curves. The temperature was getting colder, so Eunha wore a pair of black silk stockings underneath the dress.

She let her hair down and curled the bottom, also putting on a bright red lipstick.

Then, she left the house and drove to Newstart Entertainment.

When she walked in, all the workers greeted her. She came once in a while, so most people recognized her.

"Hello, Mrs. Su."

"Good evening, Mrs. Su!"

Eunha smiled at all of them and walked over to the elevator. She overheard a few female workers in the lobby whispering.

"Mrs. Oh is so pretty! President Oh is lucky to have a beautiful wife like her!"

Eunha's smile widened as she stood a little straighter. However, the next voice angered her.

"Have you seen the actual daughter of the Kim family? I saw her once on the news! Lisa is her name. She looks even more beautiful than Mrs. Oh and I think she is single. I wonder why President Oh chose Mrs. Oh over her."

Eunha's smile immediately disappeared as she turned around angrily, scanning the people in the front lobby.

However, the voices suddenly disappeared, probably because they realized that she noticed.

The elevator door arrived and Eunha stepped in. She slammed the 17th button and crossed her arms together.

She was still furious about what happened at filming. She wanted good roles too, but Sehun couldn't give them to her!

The door opened and Eunha stepped out, walking straight for Sehun's office.

Without knocking, she stepped inside. At once, two pairs of eyes turned around to look at her.

There were two people inside the office.

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