Chapter 37: Sehun, Li Huiran and Eunha

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Lalisa played around with her half-full glass of water before smiling, "Sorry, but I don't really want to waste my time talking with dogs."

"You -" Eunha's smile disappeared as she stood up from the couch, and Sehun also frowned. Li Huiran's calm expression remained as she lifted up her cup of tea.

"It's okay, Eunha. Let Lili do what she wants." Li Huiran glanced at Lalisa before elegantly taking a sip from her teacup.

Lalisa recognized the teacup to be part of a porcelain tea set that her mother, Kim Yuxin, had loved when she was alive. She clenched her fists up in anger but didn't show anything on her face. Li Huiran. . .

Lalisa turned around and walked up the stairs quickly before walking into her bedroom and shutting the door behind her.

Li Huiran was definitely much more cunning than her daughter and harder to deal with. But Lalisa wasn't afraid. . . She was going to make them pay!


Lalisa set the glass of water down onto the table and was kind of eager for the night to come. She wanted to sleep under the warmth of her blanket and feel the peace and calmness of being inside his embrace once again. She wanted to smell the mint scent that his body gave off and wanted to see his attractive face again. . .

Lalisa had to admit that Eunha, Li Huiran, and Sehun were really good at ruining her mood! Oh, when was her handsome boyfriend going to come?

Lalisa cleared her throat and changed her word choice.

Oh, when was her handsome admirer going to come?

After a while, Lalisa got so bored she decided to go outside. She called Rosè and they decided to meet up at the Haosu Coffee Shop to have some afternoon tea.

Lalisa walked down the stairs casually and ignored the people on the couch as she swayed her hips back and forth confidently to the door.

As quickly as possible, she grabbed her shoes and disappeared.

On the couch, Sehun and Eunha watched frustratingly. Eunha held onto Sehun's arm and sighed, "Sehun, this is how she always treats me! I am still her stepsister, so how can she treat me like that."

"It's okay, she's probably still mad about me and you," Sehun comforted Lalisa, also comforting himself. He purposely said this to convince himself that Lalisa still cared about him.

"But. . . We were together first. She was the third person that came in between us."

*Author's note: Anyone else feels like throwing up?

Sehun smiled and patted Eunha's head, "It's okay, baby. We are together now."

Li Huiran watched her daughter and Sehun with a slight frown on her face. She didn't approve of Eunha's relationship with Sehun either.

Li Huiran also wanted her daughter to find a rich man, as not only will it increase their money, it will also increase their status in the family and society.

However, her useless daughter just had to find Sehun. In the end, Li Huiran chose to blame Lalisa. If Lalisa hadn't dated Sehun, her daughter wouldn't have tried so hard to steal him from Lalisa.

Li Huiran's expression changed slightly as a hint of anger flashed through her eyes. Why was it always the Kim family? Kim Yuxin and now her daughter, Kim Lalisa. They just have to make things difficult for her!

Li Huiran placed the teacup back onto the table and sighed. Since Eunha was stuck on Sehun, there was only one other way. Sehun had to become rich.

However, Sehun had also just started his entertainment business and it was still a small company, not even half as powerful as the He Corporation.

Li Huiran crossed her legs and turned to look at Sehun, "So, what can we do to help? Money? Connections?"

Sehun's eyes lit up, "I have a project in mind right now, but I need a fund to help start the project."

"How much?" Li Huiran asked again.

"Half a million."

"Okay," Li Huiran turned to look at Sehun, "This better be successful."

Eunha looked worried, "Will dad allow this?"

"Don't worry. I have my ways to get money too. After all, I am still the lady master of this house." Li Huiran smiled with satisfaction.

"Thank you, Mrs. Bai. I will definitely not let you and Eunha down. I will work hard to build the company." Sehun smiled happily and Eunha also held onto him excitedly.

"Good." Li Huiran looked at the porcelain tea set and an image of Yuxin appeared in her mind. She raised one eyebrow and lifted the porcelain cup up. It was time for the female power in the He house to change.

A loud crash came from the living room as the beautiful porcelain teacup broke into small pieces, shattering onto the ground.


A waiter came over to the table near the window with two trays full of desserts and drinks on it. She carefully set down the two trays and walked away.

Lalisa smiled as the anger from what happened this morning completely disappeared. Food can really cure everything!

Oh, look at this beautiful plate. Strawberry cake. . . Mango cake. . . pudding. . . egg tart. . . mango smoothie. . . cafe latte. . . fruit tea. . . Lalisa immediately picked up her fork and began eating as she continued to tell Rosè what happened this morning.

"This mango smoothie is good. Try it," Lalisa commented halfway through her story and pushed the cup over to Wu Minger.

"So, what happened next?"

"I left and now I'm here. The end. This pudding is also really good."

Rosè took a bite of the pudding and nodded her head in agreement, "Wait, so you're really going to let that couple off the hook so easily?"

"Of course not, especially Eunha. But this is good for now. I still need my money though." Lalisa happily took a sip of the fruit tea as she thought about her 50000 dollars.

Lalisa and Rosè talked for a while longer and they finished all of the food they had ordered. Lalisa then went over to Rosie's house and she ate dinner over there in case Sehun was still in the He mansion.

It was almost 9 at night already when Lalisa returned home, and Sehun had left. She went straight upstairs and closed her door.

After getting ready, she got onto her bed a few minutes after ten o'clock and eagerly waited for her sliding glass door to open.

For several hours, she couldn't fall asleep, until she finally heard the gentle tap of a person landing on her balcony.

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