Chapter 46: Omelette rolls were delicious

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Jungkook cooked faster this time, and he was done in less than thirty minutes. The two of them sat down and began eating.

Lalisa loved every single dish he cooked, and she was a little suspicious of how he knew exactly what she liked to eat. Or was it just because their hearts just connected?

Lalisa liked the second reason more so she decided that the second reason was the right one!

They ate slowly and like last time, Jungkook only ate a little as he was busy putting food into Lalisa's plate and watching her eat.

When they finished eating, it was almost 9 o'clock already, and Lalisa knew she had to go home, or else Bai Jiawei would only get more suspicious.

Before leaving, she turned around and grabbed onto the corner of Jungkook's sleeve. She mustered up all of her courage to ask, "Can you come over earlier tonight?"

A bright smile appeared on Jungkook's face as he nodded his head, "Yes, I will."

Lalisa smiled back at him before leaving and slowly walked back to her house. Jungkook stared at the door for a long time as several thoughts flew past his mind.

From how she acted today, Jungkook wanted to believe that she liked him too by now. However, he couldn't be sure of himself. What if she didn't, and she was only treating him this way because she liked the food he cooked?

Jungkook closed his eyes and pinched the skin in between his eyebrows. It's okay, he had to be patient. He will wait until the day she could confidently say that she liked him too.


Lalisa had walked back in the shoes Jungkook had given to her, and they were the black slippers that belonged to him. She picked them up and walked into the house.

At once, she saw Bai Jiawei and Li Huiran sitting on the couch, and it was evident they were waiting for her.

Bai Jiawei didn't smile when he saw her, "Lisa, where did you go?"

Lalisa suppressed the urge to run up and punch him as she squeezed out a calm smile, "I'm sorry dad, I forgot to tell you. I went over to my friend's house and I stayed for dinner."

"When did you leave?'

"A long time ago, probably around 4."

Bai Jiawei let out a breath of relief when he heard this, and he nodded his head before sitting back down onto the couch. He was probably just too nervous and thought he heard something in the hallway when there really was nothing.

Just to make sure, Bai Jiawei held out the back of the earring, "Lisa, does this belong to you?"

Lalisa glanced at the back of the earring and frowned. She lifted one hand up to the back of her earring and realized that one of the backings was gone.

With a calm smile, Lalisa grabbed the back of the earring and looked at it carefully, "No, it's not mine. The back of my earrings is all gold because the skin of my ears is really sensitive."

Lalisa handed the small, plastic item back to Bai Jiawei, who seemed to have believed her.

"I'm going to go to sleep. Good night." Lalisa walked away as her expression immediately changed and her smile disappeared. She quickly walked up the stairs and opened the door to her room. She set the black slippers down near the doorway and walked in, and saw that someone was laying on her bed.

"Jungkook?!" Lalisa widened her eyes in shock, "What are you doing here?"

Jungkook laid on his back with one leg stretched out and the other bent. With the pillow positioned slightly up and both his arms behind his head, he looked extremely sexy!

"Didn't you ask me to come early?"

Lalisa didn't know how to respond. She did say that, but she didn't mean for him to come right after she left! It wasn't even time to sleep yet!

"But, it isn't even time to sleep yet."

Jungkook smiled, "It's okay, we can do other stuff before we sleep."

Lalisa didn't know if it was because she had a dirty mind, but the sentence sounded weird to her, "Um. . . like what?"

Jungkook shrugged, "Anything? Or we can just go to sleep early tonight?"

And so they did. After Lalisa washed up, they ended up sleeping before the clock even hit 10. Lalisa was surprised that she was able to fall asleep so early.


The next morning, Lalisa woke up feeling refreshed with Jungkook still next to her. He had woken up before her and was staring at her.

"Good morning, baby," Jungkook said with a smile.

"I'm not a baby," Lalisa frowned, which made Jungkook laugh.

"Do you want to stay home today? We can go on a date." Jungkook found the perfect excuse to bring her out on a date. He guessed that she probably still hadn't fully accepted all the information from yesterday, and staying inside the house wasn't a very good idea.

"Okay. Where?"

"Where do you want to go?" Yes! His plan had succeeded!

Lalisa responded immediately, "Can we go to Springborn Lake again?" She wanted to see the beautiful lake and scenery on the top of the mountain again. She needed the beauty and hope it provided, and she also needed the strength for her to fight alone and take back what belonged to the He family!

"Okay. Get ready, and I will wait for you outside." The two of them got out of bed and Jungkook left. Lalisa quickly put on light makeup and wore a pair of jeans and an off-shoulder yellow top.

When she walked downstairs, only Bai Jiawei was eating breakfast. Lalisa suddenly remembered that today was a weekday, and there was work. So why did Jungkook have the spare time to go on a date with her? Did he not have work to do?

Bai Jiawei was no longer suspicious of Lalisa anymore, and he calmly greeted her, "Good morning, Lili."

"Good morning." Lalisa clenched her fists together as she couldn't imagine that her dad, who treated her so well since birth, was such a cruel and vicious person.

"Are you not going to eat?" Bai Jiawei asked.

'Not with you,' Lalisa thought but didn't say aloud. "No, I'm going to go hang out with Rosie today. Goodbye, dad."

Lalisa quickly walked away and frowned when her stomach grumbled. The omelette roll for breakfast today looked really good!

When she walked out, she saw Jungkook waiting for her already, and he was dressed in casual clothing, which was a rare sight.

They got onto the car and it was still early in the morning, so the air was crisp and fresh, and it was a little chilly.

Lalisa put one hand over her stomach as they drove out of the neighborhood, and she decided to speak up about her problem.

"Jungkook. . ."

Jungkook turned his head towards her slightly but still kept his eyes on the road.

"Can we go get an omelette roll?"

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