Chapter 4: Congenital disease

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In her past life, tomorrow was going to be when she lost her virginity!

Lalisa dug her fingers into the blanket as she remembered what was supposed to happen tomorrow. Daisy!

Yang Daisy had already betrayed her and was helping Eunha now. In her past life, Daisy had "accidentally" spilled wine on her and took her over to the restroom to wash it off.

That was when Daisy knocked her out and took her to a room filled with old and disgusting men, rich leaders from powerful companies.

Lalisa even shivered now when she thought back to the horrible memories.

Later on in her life, pictures and videos from this event were used as evidence when Eunha framed her for "doing it" with a bunch of CEOs to become famous.

This wasn't going to happen again! She had to leave this manager, or else her entire life will be ruined in her hands.

However, as a newbie, Lalisa had no choice in who managed her. Unless she breached the contract and left the company, there was no other way for her to leave.

In the darkness of the room, Lalisa's expression lightened when she remembered something.

Why can't she breach the contract?


The sun had already set the next day when Lalisa and Chaeyoung left their dorm to attend the party.

Chaeyoung had rented a car from a dealership, and she was very proud of it. When they arrived at the large hotel, Lalisa got out of the car herself and Chaeyoung drove the car away.

In her past life, Lalisa never thought to scheme against others or be cautious of the people around her.

In the three years that she was in the industry, Lalisa had never used any underhanded means to become famous, and even chose not to receive any help from her father when it would have been much easier for her if she did.

However, not being cunning didn't mean that she didn't know how to be cunning. Luck isn't enough in the entertainment industry or in the upper social class.

Lalisa had all the necessary tricks and also had the crafty nature in her. When it came to scheming against each other, she had the talent and the skill.

It was just that she never used it. . . especially to the people she thought she could trust.

The sky blue evening gown wrapped around her upper body tightly, showing off her slim waist and beautiful shoulders.

From the waist area, the dress then opened out, reaching the ground. The color and the ripples in the dress when she walked resembled the morning sky.

Lalisa lifted her head up and walked down the red carpet with the perfect smile. The grace and elegance came naturally to her, probably a trait she had acquired from her mom or grandfather.

Her face that looked perfect from all angles and her absolutely gorgeous body proportions and curves made her look charming and seductive. Nobody could take their eyes or cameras off of her as she slowly made her way into the large lobby.

"Lisa!" Yang Daisy called to Lalisa. Daisy was Lalisa's first manager, and also her last one.

Daisy saw that Lalisa looked very pretty, so she brought her to all types of parties and gatherings. In her past life, Lalisa thought that Daisy was trying to help her by doing this.

However, she was very wrong! The main reason was that Daisy knew that Lalisa's looks would be able to attract the liking of many company CEOs, so she brought Lalisa everywhere as a tool.

Besides that, this was of course another scheme to help Eunha. Since all of Lalisa's energy was on coming to these gatherings, there was no other way for her to grow in the industry.

Plus, tonight was their opportunity! Eunha and Daisy were going to take her purity away tonight. Of course, that wasn't going to happen again.

Eunha had used Lalisa's father's money to bribe her manager into scheming against her! And she was stupid enough to not figure this out the entire time in her last life.

"Why are you wearing this dress again?" Daisy asked with disgust on her face.

Lalisa smiled sweetly, "This is the only dress I have. Since you told me to dress formally, I will have to wear this."

Daisy sighed, "You have the same parents as Eunha, but why are you two so different."

Lalisa smiled mockingly but didn't say anything.

"Whatever. Do you see that man over there? That's CEO Liu and he's a very generous investor. If you get to know him, you won't have to worry about not having opportunities later on."

Lalisa looked over towards the man Daisy was pointing at and furrowed her eyebrows together. She instantly turned her head away from the old man and said, "Sister Daisy, I don't think you know, but I have a very bad congenital disease."

"What congenital disease?"

"Since birth, I have had this disease. I seriously judge people, especially men, by their looks. There is no cure for this disease."


"If I look at ugly people, I get scared and start trembling. If it's really bad, I might even puke and pass out." Lalisa nodded her head as she said nonsense with a completely serious expression.

"Then look at that man over there, CEO Chen. He is even more rich and powerful than CEO Liu, and he is also a very interesting person."

Lalisa scratched her head, "But he also doesn't match my beauty standards. . ."

Daisy was getting mad by now, "Stop with the nonsense!"

Lalisa tilted her head to one side and frowned, "Sister Daisy, if you want to introduce me to some powerful CEO, at least give me someone good-looking."

"If you want to survive in the industry then hurry up and go talk to them!"

Lalisa smiled slyly, "Sister Daisy, don't tell me that out of everyone here, you only know those two people."

Daisy's expression froze on her face, "Where did you get the courage to talk to me like that?! Do you want to do well or not?"

'I'm never going to do well under you,' Lalisa thought but didn't say out loud.

"I was only joking. Look over there, sister Daisy." Lalisa pointed to a corner in the room, "You see that guy? Doesn't he look pretty handsome? Why don't you introduce me to him?"

Daisy rolled her eyes, "Don't even think about him."

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