Chapter 81: The Contract

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Lisa stopped smiling and put on a serious expression, "Why did my mom die?"

Bai Jiawei's eyes flashed and his entire body tensed up from nervousness. He did not think that she would ask him this right now, and he was very shocked.

Lisa observed his every change in expression, and the slight movement in his eyes was seen by her. This just made it more obvious that her mother's death wasn't an accident.

"This was years ago, and your mom has died for several years now, so why are you still asking this?" Bai Jiawei drank some tea to cover his uneasiness.

"It's because she died so long ago, so I want to know the truth. Why did my mom die? Was it really just because of bad health? Dad, don't you think that is a little unbelievable? Or. . . is it because you know the reason, but you just don't want to talk about it."

Bai Jiawei sighed, "Lili, let's not talk about past things now. She did die because of poor health, that is the truth."

Lisa clenched her teeth together and endured the pain she felt in her heart as she stared at Bai Jiawei, "It seems like you don't want to talk about it."

Lisa slowly pulled out the original document from the folder, "Dad, this is the last chance. Why did my mom die?"

Bai Jiawei didn't know what Lisa was planning to do, and he thought that it was okay for him to just not say it. The worst situation would be he didn't speak and Lisa didn't give the contract to him. He could just steal it from her later on when the opportunity came, or exchange it with her for something else.

Bai Jiawei sighed and shook his head gravely, "Lili, that was really an accident, don't -"

Rip. . .

Bai Jiawei froze as he watched the contract in his dreams get ripped up into pieces in front of him. His mouth was so wide it could fit an egg. It took a long time for him to register what happened, and it almost felt like Lisa just ripped his heart in half.

"You, you. . ." His finger shook uncontrollably and he almost couldn't speak probably, "You ripped it!"

Lisa smiled coldly and ripped the paper again, and again. She watched as Bai Jiawei's eyes turned red as she continued to rip and finally, she threw the shreds into the air.

The small pieces of paper danced in the air and slowly fell down. Bai Jiawei watched the small pieces of paper and tried to grab them with his hand but ended up not catching anything.

"I said, that was the last chance. Dad, don't ever think about getting another contract like this from me ever again. Also, there are some things that you may not want to say, but I will still investigate them. When I do, I hope that it won't have anything to do with you."

With that, Lisa turned around and walked out of the room.

After she left, Bai Jiawei fell down onto his chair. He stared at the pieces of paper on his desk, clenched his fist together, and slammed it onto the table.

"I ripped the contract," Lisa called Jungkook inside the car. Although Jungkook gave him the power to do whatever she wanted, she still felt it was right to tell him what happened.

Jungkook sat on the couch and typed on the laptop with one hand and held the phone with the other, "Okay."

"You're not surprised?"

Jungkook stopped working and walked over to the window, "There is a 50-50 chance of the contract staying or getting destroyed."

Lisa smiled. He's right. . . There were only two options, so it wasn't much of a surprise.

"Since Bai Jiawei isn't ready to say the truth, what do you plan on doing?"

"I already know for certain that my mom died because of Bai Jiawei and Li Huiran, but I think there is something more to the story. I will figure out the truth. . ." She wouldn't give up. She had to avenge her mother and grandfather, who were all innocent people that died because of Bai Jiawei and Li Huiran. . . She also had to avenge herself. In her past life, she was also a victim.

There has to be evidence, it was just hidden. And she will find it somehow. . .

"Okay, I got to go get my money now. Goodbye!"

Lisa hung up and took a deep breath before starting the car. A few minutes later, she stopped in front of a coffee shop.

At once, she saw the man sitting at the table near the window.

Lisa flipped her hair and walked into the shop. She went straight for that table and placed her bag down onto the chair across from the man.

"I don't have much time, so be quick."

Sehun looked up at her and smiled.


Before Lisa entered the He Corporation, Sehun had sent her a message to meet with her at the Haosu Coffee Shop to give her the 50000 dollars he still owed her.

Sehun placed a check on the table and Lisa stared at the large number on it with a smile.

"Seems like your company has been doing well," Lisa placed the check into his bag and raised one eyebrow.

Sehun nodded his head, "It is growing very fast."

He then looked up at Lisa and stared at her, "Now that you got your money, delete the video."

"Of course." Lisa pulled out her phone and deleted the video in front of Sehun. She then moved to the 'deleted' section of her photos and deleted the video completely so he wouldn't be suspicious of her.

As she stood up to leave, Sehun suddenly grabbed onto her hand, "If I didn't marry Eunha, would we still have a chance together."

Lisa raised an eyebrow amusedly but put on a sad smile as she looked away, "I. . . You shouldn't give me hope like that. After all, you will be my brother-in-law soon."

She tried to leave but Sehun didn't let go, "You still like me, right?"

Lisa glanced at him but looked away with a blush, "I. . . Goodbye."

She pulled her hand away and this time, Sehun didn't stop her. He had got his answer. . . Lisa's reaction suggested that she did indeed still like him.


Outside the coffee shop, the shy and cute little girl was gone and Lisa smirked coldly as she entered her car.

She would let Eunha marry Sehun, but that didn't mean she would make her married life easy. By now, Lisa had a basic understanding of how horrible a man Sehun was, and Eunha was definitely going to have a tough road ahead of her.

And she was going to make it even tougher for her. . . Lisa was certain that after her little act just now, Sehun would think that she still liked him. That was just another thing to make Eunha's married life horrible.

Before starting the car, Lisa pulled out a USB drive and played around with it in her hand, throwing it up into the air and catching it again.

With a sly grin, she carefully placed it back into her bag and started the car.

Did Sehun really think that she was going to actually get rid of the video?

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