Chapter 101: Her mother's belongings

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Li Huiran and Eunha were talking on the couch when she walked down, but Bai Jiawei and Sehun were nowhere to be seen.

"Where's dad?" She asked the two people on the couch.

Eunha ignored her but Li Huiran still responded, "He's inside his office with Sehun. They are talking about Sehun's company right now, so it is best for you to not disturb him."

Lisa smiled, "Of course."

As she turned around to get a drink of water, Lisa smiled.

Everything was going well.


After Lisa had gone back up the stairs and into her room to get ready, Li Huiran looked up at the stairs.

"Eunha, do you think Lisa is acting a little weird?" She asked.

Eunha shrugged, "No. Why?"

Li Huiran stared at her daughter and sighed, "Nothing. I'm going to go back to my room."

She stood up from the couch and walked over to the stairs, narrowing her eyes slightly.

Li Huiran walked up to the second floor and stopped in front of Lisa's room, leaning her face close to the door.

She didn't hear anything, so she quietly left and entered her bedroom.

Inside, she walked over to the bed and sat down, pulling open the top drawer of the bed stand.

Li Huiran stopped for a moment before taking out a folded sheet of paper from inside the drawer. She slowly and carefully unfolded it and read what was written inside.

Li Huiran pressed her lips together as she folded the paper again and placed it into her pant pocket.

Just in case. . .


Lisa texted Jungkook to tell him that everything was going as planned before she sat down on her bed and read a book.

About half an hour later, she heard Bai Jiawei's laughter from the first floor, and she quickly closed the book.

Lisa checked once more to make sure that everything was inside the folder before she walked out of her room and down to the first floor.

Li Huiran and Eunha were gone, and Bai Jiawei was talking with Sehun at the dining table as they drank some red wine.

Lisa tiptoed down the stairs and quickly walked over to the living room. She bent down and looked back to make sure that Bai Jiawei and Sehun's didn't notice her before continuing to move.

She walked across the living room and made a turn before reaching Bai Jiawei's office. She carefully opened the door and walked in, closing the door behind her.

To be careful, she locked it before quickly walking over to Bai Jiawei's desk. There were several folders and papers on his table, and it was very messy.

Lisa looked around the table, unsure of where to place the folder so Bai Jiawei would be able to see it clearly.

Finally, she moved aside some of the paper at the front of the table and placed the folder there.

After she finished, Lisa quickly ran back to the door and unlocked it. Only one of her feet had left the room when she suddenly heard Bai Jiawei's voice.

"It's okay, you stay there. I'll just get my phone to show you the picture."

The footsteps were getting louder and louder, and Lisa felt her heart skip a beat as she quickly ran out of the room and down the hallway.

She knew it was a dead end, but she couldn't go the other way, or else Bai Jiawei would see her.

The only other room in this hallway was a small closet. Praying that the door wouldn't be locked, Lisa pulled down on the doorknob.

The door easily turned open, and Lisa quickly stepped in, gently closing the door behind her.

"Hm? I'm sure I closed the door when I left." Lisa heard Bai Jiawei say, and she silently cursed herself for not closing the office door when she ran off.

Bai Jiawei didn't say anything else as he walked in to find his phone.

Lisa slid down onto the floor because her legs were weak from nervousness. She looked around the tiny space and realized that she had never been inside this room before.

Her hand roamed around the wall before she found the light switch and turned it on.

At once, she was faced with a large pile of. . . stuff.

Lisa slowly stood back up and looked at all of the items piled inside this small space. Everything looked so familiar. . . but what was it?

She didn't have space to walk, so she could only look at the books, cups, jewelry, and more.

Finally, at the bottom of the pile, Lisa figured out who these items belonged to.

Her mother.

Lisa bent down to pick up the picture frame. Inside, there was an image of her mom and her grandpa. Her mom still looked very young, and she looked a lot like Xinyan.

Lisa felt her eyes warm up a little as she wiped away the dust on the picture frame to get a better look.

This picture must have been taken before He Yuxin met Bai Jiawei, because she looked like a young teenage girl. . .

Her grandpa's hair was also black in the picture, and the father and daughter stood next to each other, smiling for the picture.

Lisa wanted to take the picture with her when she left this room, but she knew it would be too dangerous. If she bumped into Bai Jiawei or Li Huiran, they would certainly question her about the picture.

And if it was Bai Jiawei who put all of her mother's stuff into this room, he would know she had been here.

Lisa took one long look at the picture. . . She would definitely be back to take it in the future.

She placed the picture back onto the ground and stood up.

Why were all of her mother's belongings inside this tiny closet?

Before she got time to think, Lisa heard a door slam, and it made her flinch as her heartbeat sped up once again.

However, what she heard next was very exciting.

"Oh! Se! Hun!"

With a smile, Lisa closed the lights and slowly opened the door.

Her plan had worked.

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