Chapter 133: Visiting Jungkook's parents

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They walked down the long porch filled with colorful plants, and when they reached the door, Lisa saw that Xu Mengya was already standing at the door.

She smiled and walked past Jungkook, "Auntie Xu!"

Xu Mengya jumped up excitedly and ran out of the house in her slippers, "Lili! You're here!"

They walked into the house together, leaving Jungkook following them from behind.

"Come! Come taste my sweet and sour pork ribs! Big Devil said it's too sweet! You try it." Lisa had just taken off her shoes and Xu Mengya immediately dragged her into the kitchen.

Lisa frowned slightly as she wondered who 'Big Devil' was.

"How is it? Is it good?" Xu Mengya eagerly anticipated Lisa's response.

Lisa slowly ate the sweet and sour pork rib and nodded her head. She didn't know that Xu Mengya's cooking would be so delicious!

After swallowing, she licked her lips and held two thumbs up, "It's delicious! The meat is very soft and chewy, and the taste is perfectly sweet and savory! Auntie Xu, I didn't know your cooking was so good!"

She didn't say this to make Xu Mengya happy, but the food was actually very delicious!

Xu Mengya's face lit up with happiness, "Of course! Ch! Big Devil says it's bad!"

"Big Devil?" Lisa tilted her head slightly.

Xu Mengya pursed her lips out, "Hmph! Big Devil doesn't let me go find you and play with you! Or else I would have gone to go visit you in the past few days!"

As she spoke, she pretended to cry.

Lisa opened her mouth slightly. Was 'Big Devil' Jungkook's dad?

"Mrs. Jeon."

A deep and sexy voice spoke over Xu Mengya's fake crying sounds. Lisa turned around and saw Jeon Hanyu.

His gaze landed on Xu Mengya, and it was very gentle. It reminded Lisa of how Jungkook looked at her. . .

Jeon Hanyu saw that Xu Mengya was acting all sad and wiping away nonexistent tears. He sighed helplessly and walked over to her.

As he untied her apron, he said, "Think about your age now. Aren't you afraid that the younger generation will laugh at you?"

He slightly nodded his head towards Lisa as a sign of acknowledgment.

Xu Mengya's eyes widened and she knit her eyebrows together, "Hanyu, are you saying that I am old?!"

Jeon Hanyu smiled softly and placed both hands onto Xu Mengya's cheeks, "Are you saying that you are still young in front of Lili? Go sit down. I will cook."

He kissed her on the forehead and his eyes were filled with love and gentleness.

As Lisa watched this, she felt a warm feeling in her chest.

She smiled, "Auntie Xu isn't old. If we were to stand next to each other, outsiders will think that we are sisters!"

Xu Mengya smiled triumphantly, "See! Do you hear that?! I'm not old!"

Xu Mengya lifted her chin up and handed the cooking spatula to Jeon Hanyu. She grabbed onto Lisa's hand and pulled her out of the kitchen, "Let's go!"

Lisa blinked a few times and looked back at Gu Hanyu, who was wearing an apron and holding a spatula. He grinned at her and slightly nodded her head. Then, he closed the kitchen door.

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