Chapter 32: Evening gown

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With a smile, Jungkook said, "Do I need a reason to support my future wife in her career?"

In a blink of an eye, he was gone.

Lalisa froze in the middle of the room as she stared at the empty balcony. After a while, she walked over and closed the door.

'Future wife?' Lalisa raised one eyebrow. What did he mean? Was he planning on marrying her? But this relationship was fake. . .

This thought bothered He Xinyan the entire day and she decided to ask Jungkook about it when he came and picked her up that evening for the party.

At 4:30, Lalisa began preparing for the party. She knew that the people going to the party tonight would all be prominent and powerful people in the country, and as Jungkook's partner, she had to present herself well.

She looked at her empty closet and sighed. Because she was young, she rarely went to parties and gatherings with her father, so she didn't have many evening gowns.

The only one she had from a long time ago was a little too small for her now, and it stopped at her ankles.

'Uh oh. . .' Lalisa thought. There wasn't enough time to order a customized gown now, and if she wore a ready-made dress, it would definitely lose face for Jungkook.

Even for the parties Bai Jiawei went to, Lalisa knew that the females there all wore specially customized gowns. But this party was at a whole different level. . . A party that Jungkook would personally go to. Lalisa could only imagine how exclusive this evening party was.

Lalisa slumped into the chair and sighed. She had no upper class friends, and she didn't want to go borrow a dress from Eunha. Plus, Eunha probably wouldn't agree anyway.

Just as Lalisa was about to call Jungkook, there was a knock at the door. The balcony door.

Lalisa turned to look at who it was and saw the man at the audition, secretary Bang Chan.

She hurriedly opened the door and looked at Jin Yu, "Hello, secretary Bang Chan. What are you doing here?"

Secretary Bang Chan still maintained his cold expression as he held up a black box, "Mr. Jeon told me to give this to you."

Lalisa grabbed the box and realized that it was pretty heavy, "How did you get up here?"

Without replying, Bang Chan walked over to the railing and flipped his legs over. Almost like a lizard, he climbed down the building and onto the ground.

Lalisa watched with her eyes wide open. Did everyone in the Jeon corporation need to have the talent of climbing walls?

Lalisa took one more look at the box and didn't see any words written on it. She walked back into her room and placed the box onto the table.

The lid of the box was magnetic, and after opening it, she saw a word on the bottom of the lid.

The word 'Hepix' was embroidered in gold and it was fancy but also elegant. Lalisa immediately recognized the word to be the brand name and her mouth fell open in shock.

Hepix was the most expensive luxury brand all over the world and it originated in Country W. The brand only produced three hundred pieces of clothing and a hundred pieces of jewelry each year, and it was extremely hard to order something from this brand.

Most of the clothing and jewelry went to the royal family in Country W, which only made it even harder for people to get their hands on this luxury brand.

Plus, even if you were lucky enough to obtain an ordering spot, it was unlikely you were rich enough. Every single item from Hepix was worth millions of dollars, and even if you were to buy a hat, it would be around a million dollars.

Although the products were truly very beautiful, few people had the money or power to buy it. So why did Jungkook have it?

Lalisa lifted the dress inside the box up carefully and saw that it was light blue in color. It was an off-shoulder gown with a very simple design. The entire dress was made of silk satin and it pulled in at the waist.

There were no excessive pieces of silk or decoration, and it looked kind of plain to He Xinyan. How much was this piece of plain fabric worth?

He Xinyan leaned forward and examined the fabric, and noticed something sparkling. She set the dress onto the bed and looked closely at the bottom section of the dress.

Sprinkled across the fabric, were tiny blue and white diamonds glued onto the dress. Inside the room, it was hard to tell, but Jungkook could guess that in the dark or under the sunlight, the diamonds would probably sparkle.

Each diamond was placed meticulously and although it seemed like the designer just sprinkled the diamonds over the dress randomly, when looking carefully, Jungkook could tell that there was also a design in placing the diamonds.

Jungkook walked back over to the large box and picked up the pair of shoes that also came with the box. The shoes were light blue, and they were probably around 10 cm in length. The shoes also looked quite plain, but Jungkook noticed the same diamond design on the shoes.

Inside the black box, there was also a white card with the signature of the designer on it and a paragraph written by the designer about her thought process on this piece of clothing.

The main and only designer of Hepix was Claudette Caro, and she has won several awards with her unique and beautiful designs.

'My design concept for this gown is the beautiful ocean. When people think of the ocean, they usually describe it with the color blue. However, the ocean isn't only blue. At day, the ocean sparkles. At night, the ocean sparkles. The world underneath the waves is always shining and alive. The oceans hold so much power, yet the world doesn't appreciate it's beauty enough. May you be just as clean and powerful as the ocean with this dress, and I hope that this dress can bring you many amazing wonders'.

As a normal girl, Lalisa's heart was beating excitedly as she read what Claudette Caro wrote for this dress.

Almost every single woman in the world would like beautiful clothing, and Lalisa was no exception. She immediately put the dress on and realized that the gown looked even more beautiful on her body.

From this dress, Lalisa understood the idea that a good piece of clothing can really change a person. This dress was designed so perfectly that it accentuated her beautiful features and figure, but also did a good job in hiding the tiny flaws of her body.

Lalisa then quickly did her makeup and her hair before grabbing a bag and slowly walking out of her bedroom. She walked cautiously the whole way down the stairs, afraid of getting the dress or shoes dirty.

When she arrived downstairs, she saw Bai Jiawei and Li Huiran sitting on the couch.

"Where are you going dressed so beautifully?" Bai Jiawei asked as his eyes brightened a little at the sight of his beautiful daughter.

"I have to attend an evening party with my friend."

"Oh, who is it?" Li Huiran also looked up and asked. She didn't recognize that the brand of the dress was Hepix, as there was no logo on the dress. Also, only a few people have actually seen a Hepix product, and they were usually the very top of the upper class.

The news about her and Jungkook had died down a long time ago, because after a few hours of posting, Jungkook had removed his post about him dating Lalisa, and he also ordered Eunwoo to remove all the news articles about him and Lalisa.

Therefore, most people have forgotten about that news already, and Bai Jiawei seemed to have also forgotten that his daughter was dating Jungkook.

"Just someone from school," Lalisa lied. "I'm going to go now. Bye."

Lalisa walked out of the house and down the front steps. She lifted her dress up with both hands and kept an eye out the entire time, making sure the dress didn't touch the ground.

When she reached the sidewalk, she saw that Jungkook had already arrived.

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