Chapter 27: Jimin's entrance

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Coincidentally, the role Lalisa was auditioning for was Concubine Xi's maid.

The drama's setting was during the ancient period of Country Z, when there was still an emperor and empress, and this drama was about the fight between the concubines in the palace.

In the drama, Concubine Xi's maid tried to seduce the emperor and in the end, she got killed by Concubine Xi. In her past life, this was the role she got.

"The role of Concubine Xi is auditioning today?" Lalisa asked confusedly. The role of Concubine Xi had quite a lot of scenes, and it should have been set already.

"Yes, it's today. But there are only three people coming to audition today." Eunha proudly lifted her chin up and glared at He Xinyan.

Lalisa smirked inwardly, thinking that she didn't even get the role, so why was she acting so confident?

Eunha asked again, "So what role are you auditioning for?"

Lalisa replied truthfully, "Concubine Xi's maid."

Eunha's eyes widened before she burst out laughing, "Hahaha. . . This role is quite suited for you. I hope you can pass the audition, so you will have the opportunity to serve me."

"You suck at talking. . ." Rosè mumbled, but Eunha heard her.

"You are in no position to speak right now." The white lotus glared at Chaeyoung.

Lalisa gently pushed  Rosè behind her and said to Eunha, "Sister Eunha, one shouldn't be too confident. Don't you have two other competitors? It would be very awkward if you don't get the role in the end. . ."

Eunha didn't seem to think about that possibility as she replied, "Then let's see!"

Daisy had finished her work and she came back to find Eunha, and she was also surprised to see Lalisa, "Why are you here?"

Lalisa didn't really want to talk to Daisy but she still politely greeted her, "Sister Daisy."

Daisy didn't talk to her anymore and pulled Eunha aside, "Director Ma arranged for you to audition first."

After the two of them had walked away, Lalisa let out a sigh. Talking to people like them was very tiring and annoying.

"Let's just stay away from them in the future." Lalisa saw that Rosè was so angry her face had turned a bit red.

The next second, loud screams came from outside the door and everyone inside immediately turned around to look at what was causing the commotion.

A few guards ran into the room and formed a line against the wall. Lalisa slightly furrowed her eyebrows as she moved forward in her chair to get a better view of what was happening.

The next second, a man walked in with several people following behind him. Screams erupted within the room too, and the workers quickly quieted everyone down to prevent disturbing the auditions.

The man was dressed in a sky blue suit and he was wearing sunglasses, covering about one-third of his face. However, even with the glasses, it was clear who the person was.

Jeon Jimin, the most popular celebrity in all of Country Z right now. Almost every single girl in the nation was a fan of him, ranging from small kids to old grandmas.

And he was truly very handsome. With beautiful charms, a childish personality and a gorgeous face, it was hard not to fall for him. However, in her past life, Lalisa was completely focused on Sehun, and she didn't have the effort to like or admire anyone else.

And this life. . . Well, after seeing Jungkook, it was kind of hard to find any other man attractive.

Lalisa suddenly raised one eyebrow as she realized that Jungkook's name was very similar to Jimin. She didn't think much as she tried to continue reading her script, but the screaming was way too loud and distracting.

Even Rosè stood up from her chair excitedly and began screaming, "Lili! Lili! It's Jeon Jimin! Jimin! My husband!!!"

Lalisa used her fingers to plug her ears as she looked up at her crazy friend. Rosè's eyes were sparkling as she stared at Jimin, her favorite celebrity.

Jimin waved with a cheerful smile that showed his perfect array of sparkling teeth, "Good luck!"

The screaming grew even louder and some people were about to faint from happiness and excitement.

Jimin removed his sunglasses and Lalisa noticed that he looked quite similar to Jungkook. Maybe all handsome people just look alike. . .

Jimin scanned the crowd and his eyes landed on Lalisa. His smile grew a little wider and he waved before turning around and walking into the audition room.

The people around Lalisa all jumped up from excitement, "Gu Yebei just looked at me! He looked at me!"

"What are you talking about? He looked at me!"

"No me!"

The girls started fighting over who Jimin just looked at, and even Rosè turned to Lalisa and said excitedly, "Jungkook just looked at me!"

Lalisa sighed and nodded her head without responding. Whatever you say, as long as you're happy. . .

After a while, the screaming and excitement finally died down and Lalisa continued to study her script.

A few minutes later, Lalisa and Chaeyoung were talking when someone suddenly called, "Miss Kim Lalisa."

Lalisa thought that it was her turn to audition, and she quickly stood up and walked over to the door. However, when she saw who was standing at the door, Lalisa stopped for a second in surprise.

"You are. . ."

"Hello, Miss Kim. I am Mr. Jeon's assistant, Eunwoo. We met a few times before." Lalisa opened her mouth as she figured out why the man looked kind of familiar.

"I remember. Hello, Mr. Jeon!"

"Hello, I am here today to find Miss Kim."

Lalisa was confused about why Jungkook's assistant would show up here and she asked, "Is Mr. Jeon looking for me?"

Eunwoo shook his head and pointed to the man beside him, "I am here today with Secretary Bang Chan."

Lalisa became even more confused as she turned to look at Bang Chan. Who was this Secretary Bang? Why does he look like I owe him money or something?

Bang Chan's face was so cold it could almost compare with Jungkook as he looked towards Lalisa.

Eunwoo explained, "Yesterday night you mentioned an audition, so Mr. Jeon sent Secretary Bang Chan here to take care of a few things. Secretary Bang Chan already spoke to the director about it."

"About what?" Lalisa raised one eyebrow, still very confused.

Secretary Bang Chan took a step forward and used a voice just as cold as his expression, "I already talked with the director about your role." He handed Lalisa two pieces of paper, "These are the selected sections for the audition of the role, and you can familiarize yourself with the script right now. As long as your acting isn't too bad, this role is basically yours."

Lalisa grabbed the papers and took a look at them. She almost burst out laughing when she saw the name of the role written on the paper.

Concubine Xi!

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