Chapter 34: Liu Xiumin

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As Lalisa munched on a cookie, she saw from the corner of her eyes that a woman was walking their way.

The woman was wearing a dark red dress, and she seemed to be around her 50s. She smiled at Jungkook and didn't acknowledge Lalisa.

"Mrs. Shen," Jungkook greeted the woman.

"Jungkook, who is this?" The woman asked as she pointed at Lalisa. Lisa could tell that the woman wasn't very friendly, so she silently ate her food as Jungkook talked with the woman.

"She is my girlfriend."

"Girlfriend?" The woman seemed to be very surprised, but she didn't talk any further about Lalisa. Instead, she switched the topic to something about their business and Jungkook talked with her for a while later before she left.

Once she was gone, Jungkook turned to Lalisa and said, "That was the wife of the CEO of the Shen Corporation."

"Oh, okay." Lalisa watched as the woman left to go speak with someone else. She knew of the Shen Corporation. It was one of the most powerful corporations in the country, but of course, it couldn't compare with the Jeon Corporation.

If there were levels, Lalisa would say that the Kim Corporation was probably on the third level, whereas the Shen Corporation would be on the second level. And on the first level. . . Only one family fit on the first level - the Jeon family.

Lalisa handed the empty plate to a waiter walking by and decided to stop eating because her dress was beginning to feel a little tight.

Jungkook held onto her hand again, "Let's go talk with someone."

They walked together to the other side of the room, and the sight of them together was very eye-catching.

Jungkook stopped in front of a short man who had dark black hair, but also had several wrinkles on his face.

"CEO Liu," Jungkook called. The man turned around and his eyes widened from surprise and excitement when he saw Jungkook.

"CEO Jeon! Is there anything I could help you with?" A second ago, Liu Xiumin was still very proud and cold as he talked to a few other people trying to butter him up. However, once he saw Jungkook, his attitude immediately changed as he abandoned the people he were originally talking to.

Jungkook turned to Lalisa and looked at her as he spoke, "This is my girlfriend, Lisa."

Lalisa nodded her head politely, "Hello, CEO Liu."

Liu Qinli looked at Lalisa and quickly eyed her from head to toe. He didn't know whether the woman next to Jungkook was only a mere short-term girlfriend or an actual partner, so he didn't want to lower himself too much but also didn't dare offend her.

From looking at her, Liu Xiumin guessed that Jungkook was just playing around with her for a while because she was very pretty and Liu Xiumin didn't recognize her as a daughter from any rich or powerful family.

"Hello," Liu Xiumin replied as he squeezed out a smile.

"This is CEO Liu, the boss of LQ Entertainment and also the famous producer Liu Qinli." Lalisa looked up at Jungkook in surprise as she recognized the words LQ Entertainment and the name Liu Xiumin.

LQ Entertainment was the best entertainment company in all of Country Z, and only the top A-list celebrities had a chance to join.

The boss, Liu Xiumin, was also a legend by himself. He was a film director, producer, and screenwriter, and every single film he participated in was extremely famous.

No wonder Jungkook brought her over with him. Was he trying to help her?

"CEO Jeon, is there anything you need me for?" Liu Xiumin asked again, hoping to build some connections with the bigshot in front of him.

"Yes, CEO Liu. My girlfriend is a newcomer to the entertainment industry, and I'm hoping you can help her in the future." Jungkook was very direct and didn't beat around the bush when asking for help. "Of course, I will also pay you back for your help."

Liu Xiumin s eyes lit up when he heard the last sentence, and he looked towards Lalisa again.

"Do you have any films?"

Lalisa took a deep breath and tried her best to talk calmly in front of Liu Xiumin, "No, but I will be starring in the film 'Beautiful Things Past' in a few weeks."

Lalisa felt a little embarrassed saying it out loud, because she got the role from Jungkook, so it technically didn't prove anything about her.

Xiumin nodded his head, "CEO Jeon, I will do my best to help Miss Kim in the future. I am currently planning another film, and I will keep an eye out for a suitable role for her."

Jungkook raised one eyebrow, "Suitable role? CEO Liu, I thought you would be more sincere about our deal. What I plan to give back to you is probably worth more than just a suitable role. I expect at least a second female lead for her."

Xiumin furrowed his eyebrows when he heard that, and even Lalisa also scrunched her face up a little.

Second female lead? In all of Xiumin's films, even the fourth or fifth female leads were all top A-list celebrities. The first female lead would usually be the most famous and professional actress in all of Country Z. If no one in the country matched Xiumin's standards, he would even go out to different countries in search of an actress.

Second female lead? Her? Lalisa was still fully aware of where she stood in the entertainment industry. She wasn't even a Z-list celebrity yet, if there was even such a thing. If she got a leading role in one of Xiumin's movies as a nobody, people would think that she used underhanded means to get it. And she did. . .

"Second female lead. . ." Xiumin repeated.

To break the awkward atmosphere, Lalisa laughed slightly and said, "Jungkook, let's not discuss this now. Let me finish my first film first before thinking about my second film. Plus, Mr. Liu is a legend in the industry. I am not qualified to act as a main lead in his films yet."

Jungkook frowned a little as he looked once more at Xiumin. But if Lisa didn't want it. . . he wasn't going to force her.

"Think about it," Jungkook said before walking away with Lalisa. After a few more minutes, Lalisa went back to eating food.

Although she told herself to stop, her hands and mouth wouldn't listen to her. The food at this party was even better than the expensive food from top restaurants Lalisa had gone to!

Lalisa ate happily and Jungkook always stayed by her side, slowly sipping on a glass of wine. The music had started and a few couples were dancing in the middle of the room.

"You can go and talk to whoever you need to talk to. I'm okay," Lalisa said when she noticed that Jungkook was doing nothing but watching her. Most people came to these parties to socialize and build connections, but Jungkook was doing none of those.

Jungkook shook his head, "I like looking at you."

Lalisa gulped and her mind wandered off to think about what Jungkook had said in the car again. It was already nine o'clock already, and the world outside was completely dark except for the moon hanging high in the sky.

Jungkook finished the remaining wine in his glass with one gulp and placed it onto the table. He walked to the front of Lalisa and turned around to face her.

With a very attractive smile, Jungkook placed one hand behind his back and stretched the other hand out with the palm facing up.

He bowed down slightly like a prince and asked, "Would you like to dance?"

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