Chapter 105: The plan had failed

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However, Li Huiran suddenly screamed.

"No! Jiawei, I'm pregnant!"

Bai Jiawei froze with one foot on the stair and he slowly turned around, "What?"

"I. . . I -" Li Huiran pushed herself up with one arm and fumbled through the pockets in her coat and then her pants. Finally, she pulled out a folded piece of paper.

Li Huiran sighed and quickly unfolded it with her shaky fingers.

"Look, it's here. The hospital's pregnancy test results!"

Lisa furrowed her eyebrows together as she took a step forward. This wasn't part of the plan. . .

Bai Jiawei slowly walked over and grabbed the paper out of Li Huiran's fingers. The entire room was silent as Bai Jiawei looked over what was on the paper.

His eyebrows furrowed as he got to the end of the paper. . . 'positive pregnancy test'.

"This is real?" He asked as he looked at Li Huiran.

Li Huiran nodded her head furiously, "Yes, yes! I swear it is real!"

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?" Bai Jiawei asked as he walked forward to Li Huiran.

"I. . . I wanted to give you a surprise. The test was only a few days ago, so I was waiting for the right time to show it to you."

Bai Jiawei read through the paper one last time before looking down at Li Huiran with an unreadable expression.

Everyone inside the room waited in silence for his reaction.

Finally, Bai Jiawei stretched his hand out and Li Huiran let out a sigh of relief. She grabbed onto it and Bai Jiawei slowly pulled her up from the ground.

"You should have told me earlier." Bai Jiawei knit his eyebrows together and muttered, "For the baby, I will let the money go for now. However, if you dare do it again -"

"I won't! I promise!" Li Huiran was almost on the verge of tears when she heard that she was saved.

Bai Jiawei then turned to Sehun, "You better earn the money back. I will create an IOU statement for you."

Although Sehun wasn't happy with the IOU statement, he had to agree.

Lisa watched this with a calm expression, although she was the exact opposite on the inside. Li Huiran was pregnant?! How was that possible?

She was 49 already, and the timing. . . It was too much of a coincidence to Lisa. However, she couldn't say anything right now.

She had no evidence.

Bai Jiawei led Li Huiran over to the couch and they sat down together.

"I shouldn't have pushed you back then. You should have told me you were pregnant!" Bai Jiawei placed one hand onto Li Huiran's stomach, "Is the baby okay?"

Li Huiran smiled shyly, "Yes. The doctor said that the baby is very healthy and it is three weeks old already."

Bai Jiawei turned around, and there was a smile on his face now.

"Eunha, go get your mom a cup of warm water!"

Eunha's face was still a little pale from the alarming incident a few minutes ago, and she flinched when Bai Jiawei spoke to her.

"Oh - Yes." She walked over to the dining table and got a glass of water. So, a few minutes ago her mom was getting kicked out of the house, and now. . . Her mom was the treasure of the house because she is pregnant!

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