Chapter 50: Dirty-minded Lisa

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Lalisa turned around and raised one eyebrow, "Do you not have a mouth or do you not know how to talk?"

Eunha froze for a second as she glared at Lalisa, "You -"

Without waiting for Eunha to finish her sentence, Lalisa turned around and casually walked up the stairs.

Was she stupid? Of course she wasn't going to go find Li Huiran and talk to her for something about Eunha. Plus, was Eunha dumb? Filming for 'Beautiful Things Past' was starting tomorrow morning, and she was going to go to Sehun's house today?

Even though the role of Concubine Xi's maid was not that important, it was still a role and a job. Eunha wasn't famous enough to start rejecting roles now. If she did, it would be hard for her to find opportunities in the future, even if she was the He family's "daughter".

Lalisa rolled her eyes and entered her room. With a cup of tea, she grabbed the script and sat down on the balcony to prepare for tomorrow's scenes. The weather outside was very nice, as the sun was out but a gentle breeze created a cool temperature. Summer seemed to be over but autumn hasn't begun yet.

On the couch, Lalisa read through the script aloud and made notes on the paper. A few minutes later, she heard the front door open and slam close, and then the sound of high heels clicking down the porch.

It was probably Eunha leaving to go find Sehun.

Lalisa took a sip of tea and put her focus back onto the script. Eunha also had a scene tomorrow, and she had a few lines, but Lalisa hadn't seen her practice even once.

Although Eunha's role wasn't important, Lalisa had heard that Director Ma was very strict. Even for small roles, if the actor was bad, he would immediately switch the actor out. He would also scream at A-list celebrities if they failed to reach his expectations.

Lalisa grew nervous as she continued to study her lines.


It was almost lunchtime when Lalisa decided to close the script and go back to her room. She reached for her phone and suddenly gasped as she remembered something.

She clicked on a phone number and the call went through after a few seconds.

"Lili. . ." Rosè's sweet voice spoke.

Lalisa jumped onto the bed and smiled, "I love you, Minger. How did you know what to say yesterday?"

"Ch!" Rosè flipped her hair proudly, "How long have I known you? Of course I know what to say! Oh, but what happened yesterday?"

Lalisa's smile widened as she was grateful to have a best friend that knew her so well, "Nothing. I was at Jungkook's house the past few days, and the stupid Li's got suspicious. You know what goes on in my family. Especially Li Huiran. . ."

"Wow. . ." Rosè chuckled evilly, "Jungkook. . . Jungkook. . ." Rosè purposely raised her voice a few pitches as she imitated Lalisa's words, "Looks like you two are advancing really quickly."

Lalisa smiled sweetly, "Well. . . kind of."

"Did you guys hehehe yet. . . You know, roll onto the blankets."

Lalisa's eyes widened, "Wu! Chae! Young! You pervert! Your mind is so dirty! Am I that type of person?!"

"Hehehe, yes you are." Rosè smiled slyly, "I know you. Don't think I don't know when you are looking at handsome men's bodies on social media. Hahaha, I know everything."

Lalisa's face immediately turned red as she screamed into the phone, "Go away! I'm not talking to you anymore!"

She hung up the phone and quickly ran away. She did look at those attractive bodies on social media before, but only when they accidentally showed up on her feed! Plus, that was before Jungkook. An image of Jungkook's body appeared in Lalisa's mind again, and her face grew even warmer.

Plus, she didn't even know how Jungkook's body really looked like yet. She hasn't seen it yet. . . But with that face, his body was probably very attractive too, right? He also said he exercised a lot. . .

Ah, why was her mind becoming so dirty?!

Lalisa sat down on the dining table and began eating alone, hoping to distract herself from those dirty images.

Bai Jiawei was at work and Eunha was at Sehun's house, but Li Huiran was nowhere to be seen. Lalisa assumed that she had probably gone to attend some afternoon tea with the other women from the upper class.

Lalisa quickly finished her food, but she didn't go upstairs right away. Instead, she entered the kitchen and rolled her sleeves up.

Several workers were still inside the kitchen washing the dishes from lunch, and a few of them immediately ran over when they noticed Lalisa.

"Young miss, what are you doing?!"

After the failed cookies, the workers ended up cleaning up the entire mess in the kitchen, and they had forever learned their lesson. Never let the young miss into the kitchen ever again.

Lalisa smiled, "Don't worry about me. Continue doing what you were doing. I'm just going to make something."

The maid smiled nervously, "Young miss, what are you going to make?"

Lalisa walked over to the fridge and pulled two eggs out, "Omelette rolls!"

In the end, the main chef ended up coming over to instruct Lalisa on how to make omelette rolls. However, it was more like watching over Lalisa to make sure she didn't burn the roof off.

"No - Not all of the mixture!" The chef scrunched his face up and sighed. Whatever, he had given up. Just let her do whatever she wanted. He wasn't the one eating the omelette rolls later anyway. Whoever eating them could suffer.

Lalisa glanced at the chef with her arm frozen and chuckled awkwardly, "There's still some egg left in the bowl."

The chef looked at the tablespoon of egg inside and sighed.

It took an entire hour for Lalisa to finally finish an omelette roll. After several attempts, Lalisa became more confident, and she shooed the chef away so she could try making one on her own.

The final product was more like an omelette than an omelette roll, because it was almost falling apart. Lalisa placed it carefully into a container and skipped happily out of the kitchen.

The chef was dumbstruck. He seriously couldn't understand how it was physically possible for someone to fail at making a simple omelette roll. Even with his eyes closed, he could make one better than her.

The young miss really didn't have any talent in cooking at all.


For the afternoon, Lalisa studied the script, and when it was dinnertime, she left the house and went over to Jungkook's house. This time, she was more careful. Although it seemed like Li Huiran wasn't home, she still had to be cautious.

Lalisa pulled out the keys and quickly entered Jungkook's house. His shoes were on the shoe rack so Lalisa knew that he was home already.

"Jungkook!!!" Lalisa screamed as she ran into the house to find Jungkook. Omelette rolls only taste good when they are warm.

A few seconds later, a man appeared on the hallway of the second floor. He was wearing a black silk robe, and it opened very low, exposing his chest. Jungkook's expression was extremely cold as he looked down to see who had disturbed him.

He was about to call his wifey when this person rudely disrupted him. However, his expression immediately lightened when he saw Lalisa.

"What are you doing here?"

Lalisa smiled and ran over to the stairs, "Hurry, hurry! I made omelette rolls for you. Try them!"

Jungkook stared at the container blankly for a second before he smiled and opened the container. He took a large bite and chewed it slowly.

After swallowing, he squeezed out a small smile and gently patted Lalisa's head, "It's really good."

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