Chapter 124: Catching a robber

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She drove to the shopping mall and stepped out of the car.

Inside the mall, she looked around and entered several shops. The distance from this mall to the restaurant was quite a distance, and she was running out of time.

In the end, she entered a female clothing shop and bought a simple white silk scarf with a red flower on it. She then bought several bags of snacks she enjoyed eating and a basket of fruits.

With everything in her hands, she quickly walked out of the shopping mall and stood outside waiting for a taxi.

A few seconds later, a woman also came out from the shopping mall and stood next to Lisa. She seemed to be also waiting for a car, and she was texting on her phone to someone.

Lisa glanced at her and couldn't help but gasp at the woman's beauty. The woman seemed to be in her late 20s or early 30s at most, and she had a gorgeous face and body.

It wasn't the sexy or charming kind of beauty, but more like a cute and easygoing look that made you want to be friends with her.

Lisa blinked a few times and thought that maybe this was a good sign! Seeing such beauty right before meeting Jungkook's parents! Today would also be a beautiful day!

Lisa's arms were getting a little sore as she was holding everything, and she turned around slightly to put the fruit basket down behind her.

As she was about to put it down, she noticed a very sketchy man standing behind the beautiful woman. He was wearing a black hat, black mask, black sweater, and black pants.

Lisa narrowed her eyes and took a closer look. Her mouth opened in surprise when she saw that his hand was slowly moving toward the beautiful woman's purse.

His eyes were so focused on the purse that he didn't notice that Lisa was staring at him.

Lisa dropped everything she was holding immediately and screamed, "Robber! Catch the robber!"

The man flinched and realized that he was exposed. He snatched the purse from the woman, who probably wasn't holding on to it extremely tightly.


Lisa was prepared and she immediately ran after the man down the street. She was very fast at running, but the heels she was wearing today slowed down her pace.

"Ugh!" Lisa kicked her heels off and lifted up her skirt to her knees before continuing to run. Because of this, she was now further from the robber and she had to speed up.

In middle school, she had won the 50-meter sprint and the 400-meter dash in the school sports competition.

Lisa took a deep breath in and used all of her energy to spring after the robber, who turned into a narrow alley.

At once, he regretted his decision. The alley was a dead end. He turned back around to leave but was greeted with Lisa's smiling face.

"Hi," Lisa said as she tried to slow down her breathing. The next second, she punched the man's chest as hard as possible, and he fell backward, crashing down onto the ground.

Lisa walked over to him and pulled him up by the collar.

"Forgive me! Please forgive me! Miss, please let me go! I'm wrong! I apologize!" If the robber had known that Lisa was such a fast runner, he would have never stolen from that woman.

"This is my first time stealing! Please forgive me!"

Lisa raised one eyebrow, "Really?"

"Yes, yes! I need money to pay for my daughter's medical fee! She is really sick and I have no other way anymore. I'm wrong! I'm sorry, please forgive me!"

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