🌹Godformers x human reader🩸

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Y/n was walking back to her village with a basket full of fish that she caught when she saw a eagle and with a smile she waved at it then went back to her village where everyone greeted her with kindness, people say she had the beauty of a goddess that she came from heaven but she was just human but y/n wished to be married but she didn't know if was ready or not but she was hopeful plus what kind man wouldn't love her?she was so kind and beautiful and she was quite dutiful most men in the village were happy if she chose one of them to be her husband and that would be a great honor while gods looked at her with love and obsession they wanted her to be their bride and she would be in heaven with them, the sun god bumble was happy to see his human smile and her beautiful face while the moon god prowl looked at her with fascination and longed to be with with her.

Y/n got home and started to prepare the fish for dinner she also cooks delicious meals and even shares it with her villagers after making dinner and giving it to the villagers that couldn't capture fish and then she calls her mother for dinner after eating she puts her mother to bed herself hoping she would meet a husband to wed.

One day she finally met a man in the village who wanted to marry her and she so was happy but she told her mother instead of being happy she was fearful "y/n!I had dream about this!never leave him on his own the gods will be angered you must be by his side for three days!" Y/n was confused when she told her mother that he left because his mother was ill and thought her mother was just tired and needed rest...but the next day the villagers found his body without his head and there were blood everywhere and his ill mother was somehow not sick anymore "h-how did you know?" Y/n asked her mother "the gods said they will take you as their bride to wed and kill any man who would try to marry you..." y/n was know fearful.

Since then any man who tries to marry y/n would be killed in two days so y/n didn't talk to any man or try not to think about marriage she once joyful girl was now fearful, y/n she came back to her home her mother said she would be staying her brother's home for a couple of days when she turned around to see the god himself Optimus Prime, y/n bowed in fear not knowing what he was doing here then she remembered when he lifted up her chin and smiled then he picked her while she was to scared to do anything.

When he brought her to heaven she met other gods bumblebee was really happy to see her "you're going to love it here!" He smiled at her and held her close it was kinda fun ripping off that man's head off his body who wanted to marry HIS human then she met Prowl who chuckled a little at her, she was so cute and y/n felt more comfortable with him "you're so cute~" he said and Optimus prime smiled as he now had the human girl that they loved is now in heaven with them and would make no one will take her, the gods she met feel more in love with they would anything to keep her to themselves even if killing a few humans and they would never let her find out, she's theirs and now she'll stay in heaven with them forever...

This was requested by NekoTwins12

Hope you enjoy 

Have a good day/night/noon

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