🌹Kittyformers x Kitty N's mother reader🥀

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Y/n was grooming her kitten N and he was being a little feisty "mom can I play now with J and V?" After she finished grooming him she agreed "now be careful and be gentle with the toys..." they lived in a stuffed animals store with other cats because they were supposed to kill mouses and he was playful with the plushies but he would always break them and it was causing the store to go bankrupt because N would break them, she watched as N played with J and V while worried about her kittens she lost her other kittens they all been adopted but N was the only one who didn't get adopted so y/n was protective of him when the owner came in and picked N and while J and V hissed at them and y/n thought they were going to give N to y/n when they threw N out of the store and y/n tried going after him to owner grabbed her by the neck, she meowed for her kitten but the owner didn't care.

N meowed for his mother but then the store owner chased him with a broomstick, N wondered the street then it started to rain then he hid in a box and fell asleep then he woke up when he saw a girl's face "hey there...are you lost little guy?" N was scared but sense that she doesn't mean harm he allowed her to pick him.

sari took him and gave him a bath and gave him some food then she introduced him to her other cats.an old grumpy cat named Ratchet, a energetic cat named bumblebee, a quiet cat named Prowl and a big cat named Bulkhead and the last cat seems to be the leader named Optimus.at first N was scared but over time he became more comfortable with them but he missed his mother, N would tell them about her "your mother sounds like a wonderful cat." Optimus told him placing a paw on his shoulder Optimus was like a father to him, he likes to hang out with bumblebee and bulkhead they like to chase each other around and play with cat toys and N enjoy hanging out with Prowl when N wants to talk to someone and he likes to nap with Ratchet and sari founds N adorable and she likes to play with him with cat toys.

One day they were being chased by dogs and these dogs were big "they're getting closer!" Bumblebee yelled "I'm an old cat kid!" They kept running when they saw a hole in a building too small for the dogs so they went in, they caught their breath when they saw old plushies and N knew those plushies they were the plushies that the store that N lived it had finally went bankrupt when cats came out of the shadows and surrounded them.when the leader of the cats was In front of them when her eyes landed on N "N?" "mom?" Y/n immediately hug him then y/n got to meet the others "I'm Optimus and that's Ratchet, bumblebee, Prowl and bulkhead it's nice to meet you." "It's nice to meet you too, thank you for taking care of my kitten." He blushed she seems nice despite being a leader of a cat gang then they started talking "what happened here?" Prowl asked y/n had to explain what happened when J pounce on N while V just watch like they used to do, Prowl felt something in his heart there was something about y/n that made him feel strange, they talked some he really felt something.

"N told us about." Bulkhead said "yeah!he told us everything." Bumblebee told her y/n chuckled "so he did." She continues to chuckles and they blush, she was the most beautiful cat they ever seen and she was really sweet and kind, and Ratchet really enjoys talking with her it was nice to see other cats in the old store then y/n and N were alone "I'm sorry I let you down mom..." "oh there's nothing to be sorry about N, not all of us are cut out to be mousers." N scoffs "I'll say..." "N this is really for the best, you wouldn't survive here, you have a good life an easy life we all envy you." N nuzzles her "I'll miss you..." "I'll always be with you N and if you ever need me I'll be there, now go dear it's starting to get dark, N I love you." N had tears "I love you too mom..." they hugged before they head back but N said he'll visit and the others agreed, y/n was happy now she saw her kitten again...but she stole a few hearts...

This was requested by Shaymi999

Hope you enjoy 

Have a good day/night/noon

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