🧸Ultra Magnus x daughter J reader part 2🥀

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Y/n was practicing to fight with N when hit too hard and it form a crack on her chest and something like a claw tried to come out on her chest then they tried to hide it "guys, this isn't going to work...I'm going to tell my dad.." as they walked back to the ship Uzi tried asking y/n about what that was and y/n tried to skip the question "what that was woman!?" N yelled, y/n told them that she got it from her and they wanted to see it but said they couldn't but when they came to the ship Ultra Magnus saw her crack and told them it was unstable.

Ultra Magnus told y/n that's she's going back to cybertron and her friends protested but y/n didn't want to go back and ran to an old abandoned building that y/n and the others would hangout "so what now?are you going going back?" Uzi asked y/n didn't say anything "so what?y/n different so that can be a good thing." y/n had never thought of that before "yeah!and never know it could be a good thing!" "You know what?I'm gonna do it!" "Yeah!go for it y/n!" Uzi yelled and V and N did the same "all here we go!I'm gonna be...myself!" Y/n yelled before she turn into a insect like being then she looked at them and saw the shock then she looked at her reflection and saw herself "d-don't...don't look at me!" She screamed before she crawled away  "we need to get her dad..." Uzi told them still in shock "I'll go after her!" N said as he ran after her.

Y/n was crawling around and every bot looking horrified by the sight of her "I'm a monster!" She cried out then N jumped in front of her but then she saw her father "what the...what did you do?" "Hehe...I know, she's looks fantastic right?" N smiles nervously while trying to cover y/n "what have you done?you've turned her a phenomenon..." "a phenomenally  beautiful drone absolutely haha." "You turn my daughter into a monster!" "Truck!of... prettiness...?" Y/n growls "N, please tell my father that the monster has gone to live in the forest with all the other beasts!" Then she leaves, N glares at Ultra Magnus "what?" "Eh...I wonder what my daughter is upset after I called a her a phenomenon?"now with all due respect I'm gonna ask you to close your mouth!think what you've done because that was really bad!now throw me at your daughter, and after that you two are going to therapy classes and talk about it because your relationship with your daughter is really bad!" Then he threw him at y/n then V and Uzi grabbed on to her after they calmed her down and head back to fix her up.

Y/n and Ultra Magnus were sitting and Uzi was sitting in chair "look, I understand if they're some thing you need to talk about." Uzi said calmly "talk about what?" Ultra Magnus asked and y/n growled "y/n, what about you starts?" Y/n took a deep breath "okay...I felt like you blamed me what happened to mom..." "what?since when I blame you?" Y/n finally broke "since I was young!did you ever thought how I was feeling!I was just a child!and after mom died you just...ignored me!I felt I was alone and felt I was nothing dad!nothing!mom was the only one who told me that she was proud of me!I miss mom...I miss her!she never blamed me for getting her sick!she actually cared me...I just wanted to make you proud of dad..." y/n finally got tell her father how she feel for so long.

Ultra Magnus did say anything and Uzi was just sitting there watching this happen "damn..." Uzi thought "y/n...I..." "I promise mom that I would be okay when she was gone...and I'm not...I stayed by her side..." there was silence until Uzi broke it "okay!now Mr.Ultra Magnus your turn." "Y/n...there no words to tell you how sorry I am...but after losing your mother...I...I just...I am proud of you...but I..." y/n just wanted him to apologize for not being there for her "I am sorry...for being a horrible father..." "well...that least you admitted..." then in a first time she hugged him and he did too "first step to fixing your problems!" Uzi said then they went back to their others "so how did go?" V asked "better than expected!" Uzi said then N hugged her "jeez, can't you you make out already?" Y/n asked "I see your back to your old self." N said "shut up N..." but she was thankful for them, maybe she can fix her relationship with her father "I miss you mom..." she looked outside to see stars.

Hope you enjoy 

Have a good day/night/noon

This was requested by Shaymi999

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