🌹TFP x TFA x disassembly drone muffet reader part 1🌹

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Y/n was disassembly drone but she was different, her wings can also turn into spider like legs and she had fangs but her venom was a little bit different more like a toxin also she has spiders and loved them but not much as her wife she was conjunx to Airachnid and they loved each other deeply "love you my spider queen~" "love you my spider bite~" then they kissed they were so in love tho no one knows that she was already taken and often the decepticons and autobots would flirt with her when she's in battle and often threaten them about biting them with her venom or feeding them to her spiders but one day y/n was somehow transported to a different universe.

Y/n was feeding her spiders fresh bugs she had found in the garden she has then she saw a portal when got near she slipped then everything went black.

She wakes in a daze when she looks around a see she was in a city in a panic she crawled onto a wall of building "where am I!?" She looks around then tries to remember what happened when she remembered a portal then she got near it and now she was here "m-my wife!she must be worried sick!I have to find a way to get back!" Then her spider like legs transformed into wings then tried flying around see a portal that brought her here when a shadow hovered over her "my my what do we have here~" she looked around to see a bot behind her "w-w-who are you!?" "My name is Megatron my dear~" she tried to fly away but he grabbed her.

At their hideout the decepticons looked at the bot while hissed and lashed her tail "aw she looks so cute~" black arachina said "and so pretty~" blitzwing said while lugnut stared at with adoration and starscream smiles looking at her while she struggled to get free, they put her in a cage so she wouldn't escape Megatron said she will stay with them, she just wanted her wife then blitzwing tries to pet her but she bit him her venom wasn't poisonous it just make the bot a bit dizzy "WHY WOULD Y-YOU..." he yelled but he felt dizzy they looked at her "relax, it will wear off in a hour or two..." she said then black arachina asks her about her venom and she just told her but she just wanted to be with her wife...

This was requested by Shaymi999

Hope you enjoy 

Have a good day/night/noon

Yandere TFA x reader oneshots 1Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora