🌹Transformers x disassembly drone N's sister reader part 2🌹

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Y/n changed a little it was her color instead of yellow it was (f/c) and was going to help N and V with camping she even bring Prowl and bumblebee when the bus arrives and they introduce themselves they were scared of V and N then they were less scared of y/n instead they absolutely loved her because she wasn't a disassembly drone anymore and she stopped killing and seemed lovable and sweet and they asked them about earth then V killed one of the campers "V!" Y/n yelled "what sweetie~?" as she place a arm around and y/n blushes then she was pulled away from her by bumblebee and Prowl and they glared that her then Lizzy and Thad said that they're friends then everyone treated like they were harmless then y/n saw Uzi leave and was worried.

They went canoeing y/n was happy everyone was having a good time but Uzi and then she noticed V wasn't there "y/n are alright?" Prowl asked as he placed a hand on her shoulder "yeah...well...no I'm worried about Uzi and I think it might make her feel better if we talk...when she's ready of course." "Where is she anyway?" Bumblebee asked "in the cabin, I hope she's okay..." y/n said, she noticed how Uzi feels left out and lonely maybe when she wants to talk she'll be ready.

They were now doing archery and N shots an arrows in one place "Ah!sorry, did I...cheat?" Before an arrow hit a camper then V scoffs "you didn't even kill everyone here." Then she grabs a bow and arrow she aims it at the target then the campers and they clap "how you even like her?" Bumblebee asked y/n and she shrugs, then they Uzi and N called her over then a camper accidentally shot an arrow that her then when she stops it...it turn into flesh then she looked at the body "I live in the woods now!" then she ran.while Prowl and bumblebee looked at the flesh like thing while y/n and N was trying to hold back V "V we can't hurt Uzi." "We do our jobs and that THING leaves us alone." "I don't know what you're talking about because you won't tell me or my sister!" The campers look at them "what are you so afraid of?" "I'm not afraid." "I am, Uzi is!she's a kid!like us V, what is wrong with you?!" But V didn't say anything "*sigh* look after the campers." The N flew "hot." Then V glared at Lizzy "not hot?you're too good for him." "Do whatever you want." Then V walked "V wait!" Then y/n flew after her.

"V...tell me what wrong?" Y/n asked "you changed y/n..." "what?" "You've changed!ever since you joined the autobots you're different!what happened to the oil thirsty y/n I know and love the y/n who knew how to kill first you left and then act all sweet and nice!then you changed your color and the color is hot!you're hot!" Then V realized what she said "you...think I'm hot?" Y/n blushed hard "y-yeah...I do..." then y/n held her hand then kiss her then they heard something they quickly parted then they saw Prowl and bumblebee "oh hey guys!wait...shouldn't you be watching the campers?" Y/n asked "we just wanted make sure nothing happened to you." Then they heard yelling they back to see Uzi about to kill Lizzy "guys make sure the others campers are alright, me and V can handle this!" Bumblebee and Prowl nodded and head back.

Then V block Uzi's attack then slash at her "killing her not saving you." "V!" "Okay moms." "Y/n, go get N!" Y/n hesitated but flew "V...please..." Uzi pleaded "new body, new horrors, huh cyn?still trying to get to y/n?" "I...don't know who that is...can I...talk to N or y/n?" "I'll make sure you can't." V told her.

Y/n got N then as Uzi tried to kill V, N grabs her "whoops!easy there buddy." Then Uzi stabs his hand "whoops *laughs* ow, up we go." Then he threw her up to the sky "what'd I say about antagonizing her?" N asked as he held his hand in his mouth "ugh!you two always take her side!" Then y/n flew up "Uzi...please tell me what's going on..." then Uzi covers herself in her wings "No!don't look!I'm gross and eating people and stuff." "Yeah...we'll figured that part out..." then she sighed "before we met things were scary...I hated myself and what I did to those worker drones...and wish I could forget about that...then I met the autobots and I came to earth." then she saw Uzi staring at her "the thing is, me and N cared about you no matter what and we just wanted to make things fun, we kinda forgotten what that was like..." "same..." then Uzi hugged y/n for comfort "and we'll stick together!" Y/n said as used Uzi tail as a puppet in a goofy voice and Uzi laughs "don't frickin' touch!" Then she used it too in a British goofy accent "plus, my voice is more like-" y/n holds her as they hit the ground then she hands her to N "I think this you yours." She told him.

They head to the bus and y/n sat next to V "gonna miss ya...babe." V blushed "me too." Y/n as she holds her hand and can't wait to till she'll see her new girlfriend again...

This was requested by pujizen3

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