🌹Blurr x pregnant cybertronian reader part 2🥀

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Y/n had stay in the relationship with blurr for her sparkling sake and she has to put up with blurr being protective of her and he told her that he needs to be with her to make sure that her and their sparkling is safe, the once loving relationship that y/n had dream of but that changed overtime and felt more like a prison than a relationship she has to put up with but she can't have a conversation with anyone else without blurr getting upset and locking her up in their home but when ever she felt like she was about to break down but then her baby would kick her then she would gain strength because of her child and she promised that she would be there for her child.

Y/n was giving birth to her baby and feeling like she might die but she stayed strong, after a while she finally was holding her son in her arms and she was crying from her emotions and held him close to her chest "hey there, it's me your mom, it's was worth it to finally to see you, your the one kept me going for a long time and now I'm holding you in my arms my sparkling..." she said tiredly.after she rested blurr met his baby and held his newborn son.

Blurr started pampering their newborn son but y/n had to still put up with him and ever she felt like she was about give up her son would do his adorable beeps and she would kept going, he was the reason why she kept going and would do anything to make sure her son had a good life.

Y/n was holding her son in her arms while blurr held them close, while he and their son were sleeping y/n was thinking about her life before she met blurr and wondered what would happen if she never met him, would she be happy with her life before she met blurr and would she would've met another bot but then her son snuggled up to her chest and she forgot what was she thinking and closed her eyes and fell asleep.

This was requested by Shaymi999

Hope you enjoy

Have a good day/night/noon

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