Pet Play 76💦

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You had been thinking about something for a while and finally got tired of thinking and ready to actually do it. So after class you stopped by a store you didn't normally have any reason to visit and picked up a little something - got it personalized and everything. Then you headed home, excitement bubbling in your stomach. You went upstairs and laid the item out on Taehyung's bed for him to find when he got home - then you waited.

Taehyung and Jungkook walked into the house together, kicking their shoes off and shuffling across the room. You sat in the kitchen and they both greeted you.

"Hi noona," Jungkook said, leaning in and turning his face for you to kiss his cheek.

"Hi bub," you replied, smiling at him after a little kiss. He shuffled over to the fridge and dug around for snacks.

"Hi Gray," Taehyung said, leaning down to kiss your cheek.

"Hi pup," you breathed. He headed upstairs after, and you let him get about halfway up before following after him slowly. He went into his room and put his backpack down, and you leaned against the doorway, watching. He saw what was on the bed and picked it up slowly. "Do you like it, puppy?" You asked.

He turned around with the collar in his hands and looked at you, his lips parted in surprise. It was a simple black dog collar made of soft material and had a tag hanging from it that read "Tae".

"Gray," he breathed. You smiled and walked to him.

"How was your day puppy?" You asked, reaching up to pet his hair. His eyes fluttered closed at the soothing touch and his fingers curled around the collar. "Was it stressful? I know you have that exam later this week. I bet you need to...relax for a bit." He looked up at you with big, soft eyes. You tilted your head, brushing your fingers through his hair again. "It's okay puppy. I'll take care of you."

He seemed to practically collapse with relief, holding the collar out to you and nodding quickly. You smiled and took it from him, reaching up to put it around his neck gently. Once it was fastened you slid your fingers along it, brushing them down and over his throat lightly.

"You're a good boy, aren't you Taehyung?" You asked him.

"Yes-" he said but stopped when you raised an eyebrow, clicking your tongue and shaking your head at him.

"Puppies don't talk do they?" He shook his head quickly in response, his collar tinkling with the movement. "Maybe I should have gotten you a muzzle," You murmured thoughtfully. You took his hand and led him out of the bedroom, down the hall and around the corner to the upstairs sitting room. You sat on the couch and then pointed to the floor next to it, the soft rug cushioned beneath your feet. Taehyung obediently sank down on the floor and laid his head on your knee. You put the tv on and began running your fingers through his hair. Taehyung sighed contentedly and his eyes closed.

You continued to pet him softly for so long you thought he might have fallen asleep at some point, you were proven right when he finally started to shift again, yawning softly. He was squirming awkwardly and wouldn't hold still and you sighed, giving his hair a little tug. He turned his head and looked up at you then, his eyes big and hopeful.

"Did you have a good nap pup?" You asked. He nodded, not looking away from you. "Now what?" You asked softly.

Taehyung nosed at your leg then, turning around on his hands and knees and shuffling toward you. You watched him nose your knees apart, scoot between your legs and look up at you. He raised a hand and used it as if pawing softly at your thigh, and you spread your legs a little farther. His gaze trailed down to your crotch and he nosed along your inner thigh until he reached the apex, brushing his mouth against your clothed core.

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