Tae's Ass - 27

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You were sitting at the kitchen table a couple days later next to Hoseok, the two of you drinking coffee and munching on some fruit.

"You should have protein," Hobi said to you.

"Yeah probably," you replied, refilling your coffee cup from the carafe on the table. He shook his head. Taehyung walked into the kitchen barefoot in gray sweatpants and a slim fitting white t-shirt.

"Morning," he mumbled, his eyes barely open, blue hair a mess and lips puffy from sleep.

"Morning Tae," you said.

"Hey Tae," Hobi said.

He walked to the fridge and opened it, his back to you as he stared at the contents and then bent slightly to reach for the orange juice at the back of the shelf. You couldn't help staring at his thick ass, his sweatpants hugging the curve of it perfectly.

"Damn," you whispered, your coffee forgotten in your hands as he popped the cap off the orange juice and leaned back a bit, tilting his head to drink from the jug, the lean only enhancing the curve of his S bend. Hoseok raised an eyebrow at you.

"You good?" He asked.

"Tae's fucking hot," you breathed. "You ever hit that?" You asked, not taking your eyes off Taehyung's back.

Hoseok snorted into his coffee, chuckling and shaking his head. "I have not. Pretty sure Yoongi has though," he murmured. You slipped out of the chair and padded across the kitchen as Tae put the cap back on the juice and returned it to the shelf. You wrapped your arms around his middle, giving him a back hug and pressing your cheek to his shoulder bone.

"Did you sleep good puppy?" You asked him softly. He hummed and put his hands on yours.

"I slept okay," he said.

"Just okay?" You asked, pressing your hips forward against him, your hands slipping to his stomach and then to his hips, pressing against them and tugging him back against you, eliciting a small gasp from him as you kissed his shoulder.

"I - I slept better when you were with me," he murmured.

"Awe, were you lonely?" You asked him, slipping a hand from his hip around in between your bodies to cup his ass, giving it a little squeeze. He braced himself against the open refrigerator door and pushed back against you slightly, a cute little noise coming from him.

"I w-was," he agreed. You pulled him back tight again and leaned in, reaching up to give him a kiss on the side of his neck and then you stepped away all at once, returning to your seat at the table.

"I can keep you company whenever you want pup, you just gotta ask," you said. He turned around slowly and looked back at you, swallowing heavily, his cheeks pink and a hand blocking his crotch. You winked and he blushed even darker, nodding and turning to leave the kitchen.

"O-okay Gray. See you later."

You smirked as you watched him go, licking your lips. "Damn," Hoseok chuckled. "It's hot when you go all dom on them like that," he said glancing at you.

"On them?" You asked, raising an eyebrow and leaning back to look at him, sliding your eyes slowly up and down his chest, dragging your teeth over your bottom lip. "What about you?" You asked then, meeting his eyes and tilting your head to the side.

"Yeah I gotta go-" he said quickly, blinking and standing to put his dishes in the sink. "I'll see you later." You broke into a grin and held your hand out to him.

"I think you're forgetting something," you said, raising an eyebrow. He turned and looked back at you, gulping.

"What's that?" He asked.

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