Pacifier Part 2 - 33

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Jimin drove his seldom used car to the grocery store and you were walking in with the list in your hand, pushing a cart with him by your side.

''There's a lot of food on this list,'' you murmured, your brow furrowing as you read it over, Jimin's hand tucked casually into your back pocket.

You have spent so much time either in class or at the house lately it was nice to just be out with him, his affectionate touch and his soft mannerisms relaxing you. Jimin was dressed in tight jeans and stylish black boots, a loose but fairly short shirt that barely grazed his belt buckle layered under a denim jacket. He had sunglasses pushed up on his head smoothing most of his hair back from his forehead, a single strand falling loosely across it. You reached up and brushed the stray hairs out of his face as he glanced over your shoulder at the list.

''Well there are eight people in the house,'' he said. You nodded. You couldn't help but lean in and kiss his soft cheek, making him smile cheekily and give your butt a little squeeze through your pocket.

''Does Jin always buy this stuff?'' You asked as you began walking slowly, making a plan as you went over the list.

''Mostly. Like if we want our own stuff we get it, but Yoongi does most of the cooking and he makes a list and Jin buys it. It's nice that the fridge is always stocked, between all of us we can eat a lot,'' he said, shrugging.

Here they were, taking care of each other again. You glanced at him and smiled to yourself. ''Well, Let's get moving then, we've got a lot of ground to cover.''

You were in the store for a long time, and Jimin was comfortable and chatty at first, adding things to the cart that weren't on the list, helping you pick the boys' preferred brands to snacks, but as you shopped he began slowly fall quieter, his eyes starting to droop sleepily. You paused when you felt him leaning against you as you examined a shelf, making sure you got the right spice Yoongi had listed.

''You tired baby?'' You asked him, reaching up and running your finger through his hair soothingly.

'' 'M okay,'' he replied, yawning and then shaking his head a little, reaching up to rub his eye as smiled softly at you. ''I think I wanna nap when we get home though.''

''Sure baby, I'll join you,'' you replied, turning back to this list. ''A nap sounds nice right now. Or a coffee.''

''I don't like coffee,'' he replied, yawning again.

He stayed pretty quiet for the rest of the trip, and when you were nearly done, searching for the shelf for the last item on the list, you felt a little tug on your sleeve. You turned to see Jimin standing behind you looking a little afraid, his eyes wide and his hands tucked up into the sleeves of his jacket like sweater paws.

''What's the matter baby?'' You asked in concern, stepping close to him. He just whined quietly, his lip poking out. You reached for his waist lightly, pulling him toward you. ''My baby boy,'' you murmured, looking at him seriously. ''Tell me what's wrong?''

''Feel s-small,'' he whispered, his eyes darting around nervously as he leaned towards you.

''Wan go home. C-can we go home noona?'' He asked hopefully.

''Of course, we'll go home right away baby, let's go check out. Can you do that for me?'' You asked him seriously. You could tell he was teetering on the edge, starting to slip into little space at the store. ''We just have to pay for our things and then we'll go straight home and Jiminie can nap, okay?''

He hesitated and then nodded nervously, but reached for your hand and gripped it tightly. You steered the cart with your one free hand and went through the checkout, Jimin keeping silent as held onto you. You didn't drop his hand though, even when it was difficult to get the money out, you wouldn't let go. Right before you paid he gasped softly and you looked over to see him gazing at a box of lollipops by the register, his eyes wide.

''You want one baby?'' You asked softly. He nodded quickly, sucking his bottom lip into his mouth and glancing at you. ''Pick the one you want and noona will buy it,'' you said, ruffling his hair. He chose a pink one and the cashier scanned it, they held it back out to you and you passed it to Jimin right away. He took it excitedly and then looked between your hand and the wrapper on the candy, perplexed. You chuckled. ''Gonna have to let go, baby. don't worry I'll be right here,'' you told him, giving his hand a little squeeze.

He let go nervously and tried to unwrap it as you paid. You looked over to see him pouting furiously, little finger struggling to take off the plastic.

''Noona,'' he whined, raising his eyes and holding the candy out to you. You clicked your tongue, smiling fondly and took the candy, unwrapping it but then holding it out of his reach.

''What do you say?'' You asked him, raising your eyebrows.

''Please!'' He answered excitedly, eyes bright. You smiled and handed it over and he quickly wrapped his lips around the candy, his face visibly relaxing as he tasted it, his tongue pressing against the underside eagerly. You ruffled his hair and thanked the cashier, pushing the cart out towards the car. You made Jimin stand with one hand on it as you loaded the groceries, his eyes drooping sleepily as he held the sucker in his other hand, and then you helped him in, reaching across his lap to buckle his seatbelt.

''How are you baby?'' You asked him as you started the car, looking in the mirror to reverse it.

''Jiminie sleepy,'' He murmured, his eyes half closed. You managed to get home before he fell completely asleep, put everything away, and dragged him up to his room. You took his nearly gone sucker and he didn't even protest while you pulled his shirt off over his head, eyes all but shut as he stood near his bed, rocking on his feet. You stripped his jeans off him too, leaving him in his boxer briefs and had him lay down. His fingers drifted toward his mouth but you pushed them away, and he whimpered, pouting.

''Be right back baby,'' you told him.

''N-no! Noona don leave,'' he whined, forcing his tired eyes open.

''Baby I have something for you, I promise I'll be right back.''

He pouted but grudgingly nodded, and when you returned with your hand behind your back his fingers were in his mouth, eyes closed as he sucked happily on them, his thick pink lips wrapped prettily around them. You gently pulled his hand away and his eyes flew open, filling with tears as his lips parted, needing something.

''Noona,'' he whined, not understanding why you wouldn't let him comfort himself like he was used to doing.

''Baby me and your hyungs got you a present,'' you told him soothingly, pulling one of Jimin's new pacifiers out from behind your back and holding it out for him to see.

He gasped and his eyes went wide, lips parting in excitement as he immediately made grabby hands, fingers forgotten as he reached for the pacifier. You smiled and handed it over. He was grinning hugely as he just admired it for a moment, tears actually slipping down his cheeks. It was light blue with a bow on it and had ''baby boy'' inscribed on the front. He looked up at you, his eyes wide, clutching it in his little fingers.

''Thank you noona,'' he breathed and then he quickly pushed it into his mouth, his eyes automatically fluttering closed as he sucked on it. You wiped his wet cheeks and brushed his hair back, smiling and leaning down to kiss his forehead.

''Anything for our baby boy,'' he murmured to him. Before you left him alone to nap you pulled the blankets up, tucking him in and snapped a picture of him with his eyes softly closed, cheeks pink and the little blue pacifier sticking between his lips, smiling to yourself as you headed out of the room and sent it to the group chat for the rest of the boys to coo over.

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