Tested - 50

212 1 0

You slept in late, snuggled in Namjoon's bed, and he woke you up with soft kisses to your forehead in the early afternoon.

"Come on babe, time to get up, I'm starving. Let's have lunch," he said, nosing at your hair and face. You grumbled and shook your head, pushing it into his chest.

"Five more minutes," you whined. He chuckled.

"Well I was sort of thinking...if we're gonna do the no condom thing we should probably have everyone get tested right? I mean, I know its been a while for me and I'd like to know everyone you're sleeping with is clean," he said teasingly, giving you a little squeeze. You yawned and nodded.

"Yeah, it's a good idea. We should tell the guys."

So, you and the guys all visited a local clinic for testing and a couple of days later, everyone's tests started to trickle in. You all assumed positive results but it was good to be sure. When Jimin showed his off proudly, test indicating he was totally clean along with everyone else, he turned to you in excitement.

"So Gray...does that mean we can...you know," he suddenly blushed when you turned your attention on him. "Well um. Condoms suck," he said shyly. You laughed.

"They do. Yeah - we don't have to use them anymore, unless you guys want to, I'm cool with it. I've got an IUD and we're all clean, so there's nothing to worry about," you shrugged.

"IUDs can fail sometimes though, right?" Hoseok said, sounding curious.

"Everything can fail sometimes," you agreed. "But technically IUDs are more effective than condoms, so we don't have anything to worry about. I trust you guys, and-" your eyes flickered to Namjoon and he nodded encouragingly, knowing what you were going to say. "And I love you all. Anyway, gotta go, bye!" You said, grabbing your backpack and rushing out of the kitchen to get to class, your cheeks burning.

Had you really just shouted that you loved them and taken off? That was not how you had intended to have that conversation. You sighed, kicking yourself. You had intended to tell them all individually, in a real and meaningful way. You would have to try again later and hope that had never happened.


Hobi: So does someone want to explain what happened earlier?

Joon: ??

Yoon: Uh when Gray shouted "I love you all" and ran out of the house

Jk: Like so fast. Like vroom vroom

Jimin: hehe

Yoon: fr she took the fuck off

Jimin: !

Jimin: bad word!

Yoon: Ah shit

Jimin: :o


Yoon: WHAT I didn't know he was in ls!

Jimin: hehe

Jimin: fuck

Joon: NO



Yoon: shhhhsfkld

*Yoon has left the chat*

Jin: What is going on in this chat

Jimin: hyungie said fuck

Jimin: Jiminie say fuck

Tae: Jiminie no

Hobi: I'm gonna STRANGLE that tiny pale man

Jimin: :o

Jk: ohmygod guys

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