Brat - 24

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Jimin woke in the morning, his eyes blinking open slowly. He could feel fingers in his mouth, resting on his tongue and he sucked lightly on them, immediately feeling comforted and safe at the feeling of something in his mouth.

Hang on.

His eyes flew open and he saw Hoseok on the pillow next to him, his eyes closed and his lips parted slightly, hair messy and face puffy from sleep - and his arm was between them and - his fingers were in Jimin's mouth. Jimin slowly slipped Hobi's fingers out, feeling embarrassed. He sat up and went to get out of bed but Hoseok frowned, flexing his hand and then stretching his arms over his head, his forehead wrinkled and eyes squeezed shut as he yawned.

"Baby boy," he said, his voice low and husky in the morning. He cleared his throat. "Minne, where you going, come back," he grumbled, reaching out to grab Jimin's arm.

"Hyung I... I'm not little," Jimin murmured, embarrassment over Hoseok's wet fingers making him squirm and try again to get out of the bed.

"So? You're still my baby boy, come back here," Hoseok said, tugging on his arm again. "Come let me hold ya, c'mere."

Jimin hesitated, but then laid back down, turning his back to Hoseok. The older boy tugged him close and wrapped his arms around him, chest pressed against Jimin's back, breath softly stirring his hair. Jimin smiled to himself. He had thought his hyungs would only baby him while he was little but this was nice. He drifted back to sleep for a little while longer.

That day you had sit through three hour long classes back to back with quizzes in two of them and a presentation assigned in the other one. Your phone died in your last class and when you left for the day to walk all the way back to the guy's house it started raining. You cursed under your breath and broke into a jog, pulling your hair back and tucking it into your hood. When you got home you were tired, cold, dirty, and grumpy.

Jimin was reclining on the couch in the front room on his phone and he glanced up when you came in.

"Hi Gray," he said, watching you cross the room. You waved but didn't stop.

"Hey Min," you mumbled, heading straight upstairs. You didn't see anyone else and you took a hot shower and then dressed in leggings and a big hoodie. You opened the door of the bathroom, toweling through your hair to see Seokjin outside the room.

"Hey sweetheart," he greeted.

"Hi Seokjin," you replied softly, already feeling yourself relaxing away from your normal headspace into something smaller, only helped by the older male's presence.

"Dinner's done, come on," he said. You frowned. You had planned on going straight to Yoongi's bed and collapsing into it, plugging your phone in and sleeping early, but you just sighed and let him lead you downstairs. He was just trying to take care of you, and you knew sometimes you needed that.

You sat at the table for dinner with all the boys, pushing your food around your plate. You weren't really hungry, although yoongi's cooking was good as usual, you just didn't want to eat it. Especially the broccoli. The boys were chatting amongst themselves but you weren't paying attention, resting your elbow on the table and your head on your hand as you poked at your plate. You didn't want to eat. You didn't want to talk. You didn't want to do anything. You just wanted to sleep for a long time.

You sighed and scooted your chair back.

"Baby girl," a voice murmured lowly. You looked up to see Namjoon staring at you from directly across the table, his own fork poised in his hand as he watched you. "Where do you think you're going?" He asked, raising an eyebrow, his voice deep and dangerous.

"I'm not hungry, I'm going to bed," you replied, looking at him darkly. His eyes danced as he glanced over your frame, and you knew what he was going to try and do. You felt your jaw set stubbornly.

"You didn't eat your vegetables," he said softly, staring at you.

"I don't want them," you huffed, crossing your arms and slumping back in your chair, staring him down. You were slipping away, your bratty side rearing its head as Namjoon pushed you further.

"You can be excused when your broccoli is gone," he said, looking at you calmly.

"I want to go now," you said back to him, setting your jaw and glaring.

Namjoon set his fork down and leaned towards you, raising his eyebrows seriously. "Are you sure you want to keep acting like a brat, baby girl?"

You continued to glare at him. "I don't like broccoli," you said angrily.

"I don't care," he replied. "Don't test me. Eat your broccoli."

You pouted, then had an idea. "What will you give me if I eat it?" You asked slyly.

But Namjoon wasn't having any of it. "How about I tell you what I'll give you if you don't eat it?'' he growled out in his deep voice, staring right back at you. You held eye contact with him and shoved your plate away, tossing your fork down on the table then sat back in your chair with your arms crossed, setting your jaw. Namjoon stood quickly, his chair scooting back as he smirked, his eyes dancing dangerously.

"Upstairs. Now," he snapped, pointing at the staircase.

"Or what?" You replied, not moving yet, testing him.

He leaned down and placed his hands on the table, his eyes dangerous and captivating, "Or you won't be able to sit for a week," he growled. "Let's go, you have sixty seconds to get to my room." You dropped your arms and stood slowly, challenge in your eyes. "You're halfway through your time baby girl, you really want to test me?" He asked. You finally walked around the table, arms dropping to your sides as you headed for the staircase, making sure to take them slowly, glancing back over your shoulder. "Now," Namjoon warned lowly, making you giggle and move a little faster.

A rush of excitement was flowing through you at the idea of Namjoon punishing you. You heard his footsteps following slowly behind you as you hurried into his room and waited for him to join you, feeling a bit breathless. The door opened and then shut heavily behind him and he stood back, leaning against it. The way he held his jaw and looked down at you told you that you were in trouble and you swallowed heavily in excitement.

"Namjoon-" you said, stepping toward him.

"No." He cut, his expression dark.

"D-daddy?" You asked, your eyes widening.

He tilted his head to the side and stepped toward you. "Been a bad girl haven't you baby?" He murmured, his hand moving up to brush through your hair. You let your eyes flutter closed at his soft touch. "Know what happens to bad girls?" His voice was taking on a dangerous quality and your eyes snapped open as you gazed up at him. "Daddy has to punish them."

"Daddy," you breathed.

"Are you ready to be punished baby?"

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