Tea is Important - 70

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"Listen, Hope, what do I have to do to get that video from you?" Taehyung asked, looking at him with big eyes.

Hoseok just leaned back in his chair, smirking as he took a bite of the apple in his hand. He wiggled his eyebrows.

"Let me think on that Tae," he replied. You were sitting in Yoongi's lap at the table, his chin resting on your shoulder and his hands draped casually around your waist. His chest was pressed against your back and you knew he was finishing his aftercare, which for Yoongi always involved lots and lots of touching and cuddling, even for hours later. Especially after a session as rough as what had happened earlier. You shivered when you felt him press a light kiss to your neck, your eyelids fluttering.

"Please," Taehyung whined, pouting now, his dark brows pulled together hopefully.

"I'm gonna hold onto it for a bit," Hoseok said. You chuckled but nothing came out but a few breaths of air and Yoongi smiled softly against your skin.

"What do you want?" Taehyung asked. "Want me to suck your dick?"

"Hm, maybe later," Hoseok said, winking. He took the last bite of his apple and tossed the core into the trash from where he was sitting, sinking the shot easily.

"What about me, can I get the video?" Namjoon asked, poking his head into the kitchen.

"Watch it together later?" Hoseok replied. Namjoon curled his hand into a celebratory fist and left the room, making Taehyung whine louder and stomp his feet.

"Puppy," you said, your voice low and breathy. "He'll give it to you eventually, don't pout." Some of your words only came out partially and you were a bit hoarse. Taehyung hung his head but nodded.

"What happened to your voice noona?" Jungkook asked as he walked into the kitchen. Having only been home from work for a few minutes. He reached for the fridge handle, grabbing a drink while he looked at you leaning back against Yoongi, his lips still resting lightly against the soft skin of the crook of your neck.

"Dicked her down," he replied in his deep voice, lifting his head to smirk at Jungkook. The younger choked on his drink and thumped his chest as he swallowed, putting the lid on and sticking it back in the fridge.

"What?" He asked, blinking those big eyes.

"It was fun," Hoseok said.

"I helped too," Jimin whined as he came into the kitchen looking sleepy. He pointed at Taehyung's lap, his brow furrowed and lips pushed into a pout and Taehyung quickly scooted back, spreading his legs a bit so Jimin could comfortably sit in his lap.

"He was not good at it," Hoseok added.

"I'm sorry Gray," Jimin said as Taehyung slipped his hands around the boy's waist, resting them on his hip.

"It's okay Jimin baby," you replied in your husky voice, smiling at him.

"Did anyone make her any hot tea at least?" Jin asked, scowling at Hoseok as he walked into the kitchen.

"There are too many people in here," Jungkook pouted, scooting back against the counter.

"We gave her water," Yoongi said, lifting his chin from your shoulder again to look at Seokjin.

"Tea sounds nice," you mumbled, and Seokjin grabbed the kettle, filling it with water and setting it on the stove.

"Your aftercare needs work, you three," Seokjin scolded, looking at Yoongi, Hoseok, and Jimin.

"I'm bad at it, I don't know how," Jimin whined, pouting.

"It's okay baby, you don't need to know how, we'll take care of you," Taehyung said, nuzzling his nose against the side of Jimin's cheek. It made him blush and giggle.

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