Late Nights and Bruises - 45

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You fell into a hazy post sex nap in his arms and an hour later Hoseok woke to you rutting against his thigh, whimpering and gripping his shoulders needily.

"Hobi" you whined, shyly, lowering your head as you rocked your hips, rubbing your nude heat against him. Hoseok, still half asleep, just gripped your thigh to help you move better and pressed his leg up to you, murmuring encouragingly.

"Go ahead princess, use daddy's thigh," he said, his voice low and husky in your ear, his skin warm beneath you. You were slicking his thigh as you ground against it - it was wet and it was messy but he didn't care, just making you tilt your head up and kiss him as you did it. In no time at all you were coming again, and he was squeezing your ass and pulling you against him and praising you, his eyes still half closed, his lips pressing against your temple.

When you fell asleep again, it was for much longer this time.


You blinked your eyes open in the idle of the night to a soft beam of light falling across your face. You yawned, squinting as the light quickly disappeared again and the door shut.

"Joonie?" You whispered, your voice very scratchy and low.

"Sorry Gray," he mumbled as he lit up his phone screen and used it to cross the room. :Didn't mean to wake you."

" 's okay," you replied, rubbing your eyes. Hoseok was sleeping soundly next to you, his chest rising and falling with each deep breath. The sheets were tangled around his waist and his bare chest was visible and you couldn't help thinking that he was so beautiful with his face relaxed, dark hair falling across his forehead, eyes lightly shut. His lips were parted as he breathed deeply though his mouth.

"How are you feeling?" Namjoon asked softly as he took off his shirt and pulled his bedsheets back, digging around for his shorts to sleep in.

"Better," you whispered. Now that you were awake you had to pee, so you carefully scooted away from Hoseok and pushed the sheets back. "Sorry for being a bitch earlier." You slipped from the bed and stood, your nude form barely lit by the moonlight coming in through the curtains. Namjoon blinked in surprise, his eyes sliding over you and then cutting to Hoseok's bare body in the bed before he cleared his throat and looked away quickly.

"Um," he said awkwardly, "I was going to come kiss you but it feels weird now," he murmured.

"Why?" You asked, looking around for a shirt or something as the cool air nipped at your bare skin. Namjoon quickly grabbed one of his and held it out for you. "Thank you," you murmured, accepting it and pulling it on over your head. The fabric fell to your mid thighs, sleeves to your elbows.

"Just - looking at you guys like that, I can tell you had sex recently and - I don't know," he mumbled, rubbing the back of his head awkwardly. You frowned.

"What's that got to do with me kissing you?" You asked. "Joonie... are you uncomfortable with our relationship?"

"No! No I just.. I don't know I've never done this before, I just don't know what's okay. I - I need you to teach me," he said, his brow furrowed and his eyes pleading. "I want to be a good boyfriend." You softened, stepping closer to him.

"You are a good boyfriend Joonie," you told him. "You're doing fine. And you can kiss me whenever you want." He sighed and wrapped his arms around you, holding you to his chest and resting his forehead on yours.

"Thanks babe," he murmured. "So um. What. What about like..." he trailed off and you pulled back to look up at him. He was sort of blushing and you had never seen him this soft and it was throwing you off how cute he was.

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