Sweet Moments - 57

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Gentle hands shook you awake after only a couple of hours and you frowned, pouting and burrowing into the blankets.

"Wake up baby, I need you to eat," Seokjin's voice said, distantly. You whined but turned it into a contented hum when you felt lips pressing softly to your cheek and you turned your head toward them, chasing after the gentle touch with your own mouth. Jin chuckled and obliged you, pressing his full lips to yours and brushing your hair back from your face.

"But I'm not hungry," you mumbled, lips pouted as you slowly opened your eyes and looked up at him. Your stomach growled and Jin raised an eyebrow, his pretty lips pulling to the side quizzically.

"Is that so?" He replied. "Because I'm pretty sure Hoseok is cooking," he said. He slipped out of the bed and you whined but he just pulled the door open wide so you could hear voices and the clinking of pots and pans and get a waft of the scent of food. You inhaled deeply and sat up, clutching the sheet to your chest. "It smells good doesn't it?" He said, chuckling. You nodded.

"I like when Hobi cooks," you said, your eyes wide, stomach growling again. Jin smiled and helped you dress in a pair of leggings and one of his shirts as you sat on the edge of the bed, your body still a bit achy.

"Come on baby," he told you, but you whined and held your arms out for him. He sighed but obliged you, bending down and picking you up with a grunt. You suddenly realized he must be tired and hungry too, after he spent all that time with you as well.

"Wait - I'm okay," you said, feeling bad for making him carry you.

"It's fine baby girl," he assured you, his strong arms holding you tightly to his chest. "Let's get you some dinner." When you got downstairs some of the guys were gathered around the table and when you saw Taehyung you remembered that he had picked out the dress Jin had bought for you to wear. You gasped and whispered to Jin and he set you down with a nod and you scurried over to Tae, climbing into his lap. You sat on one of his thighs with your legs stretched across to the other and turned to smile shyly at him.

"Hey baby," he said, his hands coming around your waist immediately.

"Tae Tae," you said, grinning. "Um - oppa said that you picked my dress. Thank you," you said, lacing your fingers in your lap.

"Oh did you like it? Which one did you wear?" He asked, rubbing your back lightly. Your eyes widened.

"There was more than one?" You asked.

"The black one," Jin said from where he stood helping Hoseok finish.

"That makes sense. There is also a red one and a blue one, but they are cuter and less...Seokjin-y," Tae said. You giggled.

"I like cute," You said then, looking at him with big eyes.

"You do?" He asked, smiling. You nodded. "Me too," he said.

"Can I wear one of the cute ones tomorrow?" You asked him sweetly.

"Sure baby," he replied, squeezing your thigh.

"And we can go on a date!" You said, putting your hand on his hopefully, your voice dropping a little shyly.

"You want to go on a date with me?" He asked, tucking a strand of your hair behind your ear. You bit your lower lip and nodded.

"Yes oppa," you said.

"I - I'm not..." he trailed off, seeing the hopeful look in your eyes and glancing over your shoulder at Jin. "She's...pretty deep right now huh hyung?"

"Coming out a bit actually, but yes," he replied.

"Sorry, this is coming out? Where was she?" Hoseok said, looking back at Seokjin. Jin shrugged.

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