Chp. 37

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David - *Nod and opens the door for her*
Amber - *Steps out*
David - *Slowly closes the door*
Amber - (Haaaaaaaahaa ! Why ?! Why ?! Why ?!) *Breathing heavily* (I forgot to breathe the entire time ! Ughhh ! No no no ! How could he just change like that ?! I won't be able to move on like this ! Nooooo ! I gotta ask him ! Hmph !) *About to knock*
David - *Opens the door* ....
Amber - .....
David - Oh you're still here..
Amber - Ah..yea..uhh..why do you suddenly...?..You said that..I don't have
David - I thought you understood...I meant..after I said that and you were going on blind dates..I didn't like going on a date with another guy..I wanted to punch him . *Smile*
Amber - *Shook* oh.... hehemm..
David - I would still be strict with you at work tho.. let's go !
Amber - Yes yes !

They both slowly entered the meeting room .

Damian - Soooo..did you go to his room ?
Amber - Huh ?
Damian - He said he'll show you the problem in his room..
David - *Wears his glasses* Why don't you try coming to my room and find it out yourself ?..
Damian - ..I'm a guy..
David - You see..Aunt gifted me a new pair of boxing gloves 2 years ago which didn't came in use even once..maybe if you come to my room..I'll remove them.. *opens a file*
Damian - No thanks..
Amber - I didn't go to his room..donno why you're so interested..
Ren - The three of you just want a big ol' drama to talk about..
James - Are you feeling a little better now ?
David - ..No..
Duke - Are you still angry ?
David - Hm...stop disturbing me..
Amber - Where is the file I completed just today ?
Charlotte - I don't know.... *looks around* David's reading it..
Amber - Oh..

David's phone rang -

Edward - David ! There's an urgent mission and you need to attend it..
David - What ? But now-
Edward - I'm really sorry..Aiden and Anthony went to Paris and they came back a day ago , they are again throwing a party and it was in secret but my employee informed's at 9:00 pm you still have 4 hours..make a plan okay ?
David - Could you hand this to Lee Numbers ?
Edward - I thought so too , but Amber's Business woman character and Charlotte's role would be more convincing than new people .
David - Okay..
Edward - Thank you so much ! I'll send you your dresses and suits..
David - Hm.. *hangs up and sighs*
Ren - What did he say ?
David - We have an urgent mission...Aiden and we have our old fake IDs ?
James - Yea..wait *stands up and goes towards the shelf , opens the drawer , gets all the cards out and puts it on the table* everyone find there own..
Ren - I am Kay Willson .. *takes the card*
James - Liam Benette..
Amber - Charlotte is Amila Johnson.. *gives her the card*
Duke - I was..Charles Lewis..'Charles' *looks at David*
James - Henry is John Darwin and David is Jack Anderson.... *Gives them their cards*
Amber - I can't find mine..
David - Rose Jones..
Amber - *Looks at him*
David - Try finding with that name..
Amber - Yea.. *stands up looks through the cards*
David - *picks a card from under her hand* Here..
Amber - T-thanks.. *sits down*
David - These are getting old...we need to take new photos..and make new ones..
Ren - Hm..I'll inform boss..
David - Now c'mon..we've gotta make a plan..
Ren - there any possibility of the deal ?
David - I don't think looks like boss is sending us to this one to study more about the people around there..

Bell rings -

David - Everyone come to the drawing room.. *stands up and leaves*

Everyone went to the drawing room but Amber and Damian stopped and went to David at the door .

Damian - Woahhhh are these new clothes ?
David - Yes..Thank you.. *closes the door*
Amber - Boss must've sent these !
David - *Looks at Amber* ..why ? Can't I buy it for ya'll ?..
Amber - could..did you brought it ?
David - No... *Picks up a few bags and leaves*

They both carried other bags and followed him to the drawing room .

Charlotte - Woahh ! What are these ?

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