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Amber moved in with the Peers of Grey she was given a big room . She didn't had to work as there were maids to do it for her . She went down to the drawing room and saw David sitting on the couch reading a book .

Amber - Hey

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Amber - Hey..David , I am really sorry if you felt bad about yesterday's afternoon , I think you can be good to me if I offer you something . How ab-
David - No need.. *stands up and walks away*
Amber - (This is going to be difficult , I shouldn't have said that to him yesterday .)

Amber sighed and turned on her phone in which their was a message from Charlotte - "Hey William was again waiting at your locker.." Amber frowned and replied "He definitely doesn't miss a chance to be clingy . He should except that its been a year sine we broke up ." Suddenly David came and sat right beside her .

David - I heard you had 90% last year and I don't think so you will be able so focus your studies on this one . *Cold face*
Amber - Uh-Yea..I'll still try tho !
David - So you'll have a tutor in here who'll teach you .

Amber got happy because she now knew that she'd had alot of time to study . Just then Henry came and sat near Amber and turned on the television .

Henry - I see you both are getting together .
David - *Scoffs* No not at all . *Leaves*
Amber - Uh......what was he saying about the tutor ?
Henry - Oh- that- other than James and Ren no one has graduated here , we all get very busy in missions . Everyone are home schooled here like David , Duke and me .
Amber - am I not allowed to go to iniversity ?
Henry - No , no , you can go to university but instead of doing extra classes you can be tutored home .
Amber - That's great !
Henry - And do you have a boyfriend ?
Amber - No , relationships suck .
Henry - So have never had a boyfriend ?
Amber - No , I was in a relationship with William Hughes for a year , then I started to feel a little suspicious about his father and that's why I broke up .
Henry - Wait , WHO !? *Shook*
Amber - William Hughes , the son of the mayor , he is still in my school...such a pain in the butt..
Henry - Son of Will Hughes ?
Amber - Yea..
Henry - He..He is a...
Amber - What ?
Henry - Nothing , leave it for now . Focus on the mission we will do today .
Amber - Mission ?
Henry - Iviano Anderson , he is a detective working for the Commissioner and the mayor he has a business meeting with the Hughes today . James and I will break into the meeting and take some details till then you have to hack their devices .
Amber - That's a very good plan ! But first you have to get his phone number or his social media ID or his phone , Smartwatch or laptop maybe , so that I could hack it , otherwise there is no way I can hack the device .
Henry - We've got that !

8:30 pm -

James and Henry in the disguise of businessman in Iviano Anderson's meeting . And all of them were talking through the Mini microphone which everyone was wearing in their ear .

James - *Scoffs* Can you hear me ?
Amber - Yes ! I can also see the meeting going through Daylight's small camera .
David - Agent Daylight turn a little left so that I could see Iviano's face .
Henry - *turns left*
Duke - Perfect ! Skyfall bend a little .
Amber - Daylight move the camera forward . I wanna see the details on his laptop .

James took a picture of that meeting and Iviano's ID which was on the screen of the projector . Amber then type the few chords on her laptop .

Amber - Done ! *sets a password*

"Now you can see through user. 943156's device"

Duke - Great ! we did it ! *smiles*
David - *smallest smile* Skyfall excuse yourself to the washroom . Below the fourth sink there is a shelf where you will find a gun . When you come out scare everyone that you will shoot them , then Daylight and you can run from there , a black car no. 101010 will be waiting for you at the exit , drive as fast as you can .
Amber - (They have quick plans)
James - Excuse me , I want to use the washroom . *Leaves*

James did exactly as he was told to do . You found a gun fully loaded below the fourth sink in a shelf were towels are there . He put the gun on the waistbelt under his suit . He went back to the meeting room where Iviano was already waiting for him .

Iviano - You don't seem very familiar Mister . Are you a detective huh ?
James - No , not at all !
Iviano - What are you then ?

Henry stood up and pulled out the gun from under his court and pointed at Iviano .

Henry - You'll know that when you die !
Iviano - *Hands up*

Henry shooted in the air and both of them ran like crazy . Thankfully the elevator was on the floor they hopped into the elevator and Iviano ran behind them . Just as Iviano reached the elevator the doors closed .

James - *Huffing* You just wasted a bullet .
Henry - But we escaped ! David did you manage to turn off all the cameras here ?
David - Yea , I have some people to do that .
Duke - Or you both had to spend a night in jail .
James - Well thankfully we didn't !

The elevator doors open as Henry and James ran towards the black car . Iviano reached down but till then Henry and James were disappeared in thin air with the car .


He didn't find anything in the cameras as they were blacked out and they had no cameras in the meeting room .

Iviano - NOOO !

On the other hand James and Henry reached home .

Duke - Yay !! *hugs Henry*
James - *Looks at Amber* You did a great job !
David - You are no one to tell her , I am the leader .
James - I don't know if you are jealous of her good work or jealous of me , but you should be over it now .
David - There is nothing to be jealous of . *Takes out his cigarette*

Amber stood up to leave because she hated the smell of cigarettes . Duke and Henry were running after each other when Amber accidentally got pushed by Henry , David also got a slight push and electric cigarette fell out of David's hands and Amber accidentally stepped on it breaking it into two pieces . Everyone stood there silent as Amber looked at it in a shock .

I'd love reading you comments and guesses !

I'd love reading you comments and guesses !

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Peace out guys !

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