Chp. 28

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Everyone were sitting in the drawing room .

Emily - Mh-hm..push ups ?
Charlotte - Nearly.. 10
Emily - okay.. *writing in the report*
Damian - *Sigh* So boring..

Bell rings -

Ren - Amber could you please open the door ?
Amber - Hm.. *stands up and leaves*

Soon Amber came back and David behind her . She sat on the couch .

Damian - *turns around* Ohhh Amber are you happy ?
Amber - The heck would I be happy ?
David - *Sits on the couch*
Duke - Cause Daddy's home ~
Henry - Daddy's home ~
Damian - Daddy's home ~

Everyone laughing -

David - Do you three don't have any work ?
Ren - C'mon let them have some fun..
Amber - *gets a call and picks it up*

On call -

William - Hey ! How you doin ?
Amber - Great ! What bout you ? *Everyone continued their discussion*
William - Same as you..things are going good here..
Amber - That's nice..
William - I just had a little favour to ask..are you with someone right now ?
Amber - Yea..
William - Would you mind getting away from them for a minute..
Amber - Sure wait a sec...

She stood up and picked up her headphones .

Charlotte - You goin ?
Amber - Um-hm..
Damian - You aren't upto something sneeky , are you ?
Amber - Hey ! Be a little should be thanking me..
Damian - Yea yea.. good night !
Amber - Good night everyone !

"Good Night !" Everyone said except David .

Amber - *About to leave*
David - Wait here..
Amber - *stops*
David - *Take the sheet* I'll fill it up and give it later.. *stands up* Let's go.. *leaves*
Ren - I hope he doesn't overwork himself..
Charlotte - What's up with him ?
James - Must be tired..
Damian - Or jealous..
Duke - I mean you know your brother better..
Henry - Nah ! He's unpredictable...
Emily - It was a mixed reaction..
Charlotte - Hm..if you don't mind..can I say something ?
Emily - Go ahead..
Charlotte - Do you really like David that much..
Emily - To be honest..I really don't know..
Damian - You fought with your dad to not include you in the business just to be close to my brother..and you are saying you don't know ?
Emily - It was too quick..I thought I had a chance..but I realised something when I got's not that he's too out of my league..we're equally rich and standard by our background.. but our understanding does not match..
Duke - Keep still might have a chance , try convincing you father again..
Henry - would be a great business woman .
Emily - Hm..I'll try ! *Smiles*

Staircase -

David - *looking at her while walking up*
Amber - ..What ?
David - William..
Amber - He can hear us !
David - I know !
Amber - ..Then what do you want ?
David - Message me when you are done with the call..
Amber - Why ?
David - Just do what I say.. *leaves and closes the door*
Amber - (Weird..) so what were you saying about the favour ? *Gets in her room*
William - Yea.. *giggles*
Amber - What are you giggling at ?
William - and David have a cute bond..
Amber -  What..stop kidding.. *lays on her bed*
William - No I'm serious..he is totally your type , isn't he ?
Amber - ...Uh..Yea I mean..but-
William - You never even kissed me and you did to him without being in a relationship huh ! *Tease*
Amber - HEY ! You are a weirdass ex seriously ? You are my ex boyfriend and you are teasing me with someone else's name ?
William - *Laughs* Maybe what moving on feels like..there is a girl here in my university named Rosé , she is awesome . She reminds me of you .
Amber - Uh-huh ? New crush ?
William - Kinda..we'll talk about it later..I was saying that could you please do me a favour ?
Amber - Yea , what is it ?
William - last few days in New York , I worked as an article writer under Brace's dad to earn and save money..and I bought an appartment with the money and shifted all my documents and mom's stuff in there..I couldn't bring all of it in one journey.. that's why I bought that apparentment .
Amber - Oh..does your dad knows about it ?
William - Um no he doesn't..and he doesn't notice mom's precious stuff in front of his I was coming to New York on Saturday , so..if you could come to see me here..
Amber - You sure you're not upto some sneeky shit ?
William - I swear I'm not . Just trust me on this one .
Amber - I'd like to come..but your dad's men would be finding you out's quite dangerous for me as well as you sure ?
William - Hm..I just need a bit of your help to reach my appartment , it isn't much away from the airport either..Brace's house owner was kicking him out so I told him to live there . I'll immediately take the flight to London on Sunday so you don't need to worry .
Amber - Great what time should I come to the airport tomorrow ?
William - 1:30 pm
Amber - Okay then..see you there !
William - Hm...Bye ! *Hangs up*
Amber - *Calls David*
David - Did you get back together ?
Amber - What ? No ofc !
David - So what did he say ?
Amber - He said has has bought an appartment without his dad knowing and that all of his documents and his mom's stuff is there..he is coming tomorrow to take the stuff and he needs our help . He has called me to come meet up with him at the airport tomorrow..
David - And you think I'd allow you ?
Amber - ......please let me go your majesty !
David - You have feelings for him or something ?
Amber - No I don't not , his mom's stuff could be useful to us , you know..
David - 'Kay but I'll come with you..
Amber - Okay leader !
David - Hm..hey..shorty..
Amber - Yep ?
David - Did you ever have an intense moment in your dreams with someone ?
Amber - *Remembers* (no..I was planning something else..)'s normal to have such dreams.. but if it's common to you're a pervert !
David - who was that in your dreams ?
Amber - *Embarrassed* ..I.. don't remember..hey ! Stop being nosey , why do you wanna know who it was ?
David - *smiles* (little liar..)
Amber - Why so quite ?
David - Nothing...
Amber - Who was the one in your dreams ? That girl you like ?
David - Hm..lucky me..I guess..
Amber - What a show off ! *jealous* Yea whatever..
David - *laughs*
Amber - *smiles hearing him laugh* What are you laughing at ?
David - You are so jealous ! No wonder you pushed Emily..
Amber - No I'm not ! Bye ! *Hangs up*

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