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Amber came at the backyard and saw Henry and David . She went towards them .

Henry - A-are you sure ? He is a big target .
David - No one messes with my things . He is getting in the way of my team . Iviano was already a big pain in the ass..
Henry - I don't think so you own her . I don't even own Iphone 17 that was released this year .
David - I don't want to own a Iphone 17 . I am very happy with what I have . But I do own her , I am the leader..infact I own all of you . Call me dad..
Amber - What are you doing ?
Henry - Oh- David your daughter is here-
Amber - What ?
Henry - Nothing..this is called shooting practice .
David - Do you wanna try it ?
Amber - Yea..sure !

Amber stepped forward and took the gun from David's hand and stood on his spot .

David - Stand straight and aim towards the middle point .
Amber - *Trying to focus* *shoots*

The bullet which was shot by Amber hit only a little away from the centre point . "Not bad on the first try !" Henry said .

Henry - Yea , I mean , you wanted to hit on someone's head but it accidentally hit on his its fine .
David - Yea-

David then stood behind Amber and placed his both hands on Amber's .

David - shoot !
Amber - *Presses the trigger* *Hits right at point*
Henry - Good !

2:15 pm -

Amber entered the drawing room to see a weird man , James , Henry , Ren , Duke and David sitting on the couch .

James - Oh- Amber , you are finally here ! Come sit !
Amber - ....*walks upto them*
David - This is our new member , Amber .
Duke - She is great at missions .
Henry - Great at playing games too .

"Its great to see you Amber . I am Michael Campbell . New partner ."

Amber - Its..nice to meet you Mr. Michael .
Michael - Just call me Michael..
David - Today we have a mission , Michael has given us all the information needed . So , be ready till 7:00 pm .
Amber - (Can he ever be nice ?!) No-....I mean yea..okay
David - *Glares*
Amber - I'll...I'll leave .

A few moments later when Amber entered the meeting room to read the criminal/Suspicion list she found Michael there reading some files from David's shelf .

Amber - *Scoffs* Mr. Michael ?
Michael - Yea ? *closes the file*
Amber - Sorry to say..but have you asked Mr. Dawson before reading that file . Its written in the rules actually..he doesn't allow anyone to touch his private information list or his point of views file .
Michael - Oh..*annoyed* okay..
Amber - You can tell me if you need anything..
Michael - Sure ! You may leave .
Amber - Hm..*Takes the criminal list file* *Closes the door and turns around*

As Amber turned around she saw David standing right infront of her .

David - You need anything ?
Amber - N-no..*Steps back* I just wanted to talk..
David - About what ? *steps forward*
Amber - ..aa..about.. James ! James wanted to talk . He is in the drawing room right now .

Amber went forward as David followed her when they reached . In the living room as David entered , everyone was silent . James told David to sit .

David - Why are you all looking so serious today ?
James - *Sigh* I am not the leader David , but I am older than you , So I hope you will understand .
David - Hm..*sits on the couch*
Henry - We know Michael is your childhood friend but I don't think he can be trusted .
Duke - You can't tell him our plans , we've took help from Gabriella , she is his younger sister but she can be trusted cause she was in Ms.Linda's control .
Henry - And Michael was in France since the past 8 years .
Ren - We don't know what he used to do..
David - Are we done yet ?
Amber - Mr. Dawson its serious..Michael may get us in trouble or what if he supports the opposition-
David - *Looks at Amber* Shut up..Gabriella had given us the needed information , get ready for the mission everyone . And stop thinking about this matter too much . *Stands up and leaves*
Amber - *Sigh* What a meanie..
James - Wow..that rude..

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