Chp. 18

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"Hey..Amber !"
Amber - *Rolls eyes* (not this again !) Hi..Aaron..

"Amber !"

Amber turned around to see David . She felt happy after looking at him and all the anger flew away of her .

David - Charlotte is calling you to the cafeteria..*moves towards his locker*
Amber - Thanks..
David - *pulls her wrist and whispers in her ear* She has planned about tonight's mission...don't take anyone with you..hmm ?
Amber - Y-yea..*about to leave*
Aaron - Wait..I wanna see you too .
Amber - Its no need ! *leaves*

Aaron walked forward to follow her but David stepped in .

Aaron - Excuse me !
David - Stop following her .
Aaron - Who are you to tell me that ?
David - Her boyfriend .
Aaron - What ?! No she likes me .
David - *Rolls eyes* What are you deaf or something ?
Aaron - She is always kind to me and laughs at my jokes and she clearly looks uncomfortable around you .
David - Stop following her , she is my girl . If I see you following her again.. you know how I kicked that football will be your face next time so better for you don't even go near her !
Aaron - Y-yea..I'm not afraid of you..what do you think you are ?
David - I am her boyfriend which you aren't and never will be . She is mine stop dreaming.. *leaves*

7:00 pm -

Ren - Here are you fake Id's *starts giving it to them* I am Kay Willson , James is Liam Benette , Charlotte is Amila Johnson , Duke is Charles Lewis , Henry is John Darwin , David is Jack Anderson and Amber is Rose Jones .

"Understood !" Everyone said .

James - *Passes a gun to Charlotte* Your gun miss..
Charlotte - This is so cool ! Do you always carry this around ? How cool !!
David - So what about these brothers ?
Ren - Aiden Hart and Anthony Hart..they are twins and 23 currently . Aiden has a visible mole under his right eyebrow on his monolid basically .
Amber - Is that it ?
Ren - Yea..Aiden is a simp so he is usually 'very nice' to girls and Anthony is quite a rude and he is only well-behaved with girls he might be interested in .
Henry - So cocky !
Ren - Aiden is actually new at this 'business' as I said before . So I gathered the info about him that he is going to be at the Museum of Modern Art and disguise as an artist and do the drug deal .
Duke - That's pretty smart..
Ren - Hm..As for Anthony he'll leave for Paris tomorrow .
Charlotte - I'll trick out Anthony then !
James - *Annoyed* How will you even recognize him ?
Charlotte - I have my ways..
Amber - So me and Charlotte were planning about it and I thought that to prove that the fake artist is Aiden we could...

7:30 pm -

POG were sitting at a table while others were dancing around

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POG were sitting at a table while others were dancing around . The party was about 'The new retail' owned by these twins .

Ren - Amber you know what you have to do .
Amber - Who's Amber ? I'm Rose . *smiles* I know perfectly what to do !
David - *Scoffs* Get to work..'Charles'
Duke - Yea..going ! *stands up*

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