Chp. 12

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Nurse - See , no one !
Amber - *Walks a little closer*

The nurse all of a sudden pushed Amber inside the room . As she fell down the nurse closed the door and locked it .

Amber - Hey ! *stands up and bangs the door* please let me out ! *bang* please !
Nurse - How do you feel now Ms. Brave ?
Amber - W-what are talking about ? Let me out ! *bang*

The nurse removed her cap and mask and said .

Alloi - You'll have to pay , Amber .
Amber - Let me out you psycho ! *grabs a vase*

A hand came over her mouth , she tried to speak but couldn't .

Amber - Mhhhhhmmm
Michael - You won't run away so easily Amber Jackson...

Amber then banged the vase on his head , in pain he moved a little back .

Amber - HELP ! HELP Someone ! *bangs on the door*
Michael - No one is there , bit*h !
Amber - Shut the heck up you motherf*cking bastard !

He tried to grab her wrist but she was able to dodge it . They fell down and Michael was able the pin Amber's wrists to the ground .

Michael - You're so-
Amber - Leave me ! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa HeLp sOmEoNe !
Michael - I said no one's there !

"Michael take her and leave ! David is coming this way !"

Michael then stood up and tried to pick Amber up , she was struggling to move away from him . She suddenly smashed her head on his face as he shouted in pain .

Michael - You are such a bi*ch !
Amber - I know right ! *dusts her clothes*

The door slammed open as David burst in . Michael ran away through the window as David and Amber followed him through the gate way , it was a small road where cars were parked . David was still running behind Michael when Michael fell down on his face . As soon as he saw Michael , he punched him .

David - If you dare to touch her again , it won't take time for me to kill you ! You are not more than a mosquito to me .
Michael - My nose is bleeding idiot !
Amber - You are an assh*le Michael !
David - *punches him again on his face*
Amber - No..wait *tries to stop him* are on the right side..he'll face alot of things for hurting those many people .
David - *kicks him* Don't teach me . I should've known how this man was..*about to kick him again*
Amber - Wait !..Mr.Dawson..
David - *Stops* I should've known your jealousy , you wanna take everything away from me huh ? Try it .
Michael - I will..definetly !
David - You still have the audacity to speak back .
Amber - (Its wrong ! Totally wrong , Mr. Dawson would kill him..) *dragged away by David* will kill him ?
David - *angry* Pack your bags and get ready , We will get a discharge soon .
Amber - Don't do'll be in jail !
David - And why do you care ? Shut it and do as I are not my mother , you're just a teammate of mine .
Amber - I don't work under you , we all work together .
David - Don't give me suggestions , I don't need them .
Amber - I am telling you the truth ! They aren't suggestions !
David - *stops* Spout nonsense one more time and I'll....*sigh* nevermind..
Amber - You're threatening me ! Feels like you really wanna go to jail...

Phone ringing -

David - *picks up* Oh- James...I have my car you don't have to pick us up..we'll be there till 1:00 pm
Amber - But we will be out of the hospital at 12:00 pm .
David - *hangs up* stop spouting nonsense , will you ?

12:00 pm -

Amber - *closes the car door*
David - Did you take the cream they gave you ?
Amber - Why do you care ? Go back to being Mr. Rude .
David - You are speaking too much today , aren't you ?
Amber - Nope ! I think I'm completely normal .*trying to be normal*
David - The backseat's know if I shut your mouth and just throw on the one will ever find out .
Amber - *eyes widened* Uh-right-aa I'll put my bags there .
*keeps her carry bag on the back seat*
David - *sly smirk*
Amber - *notices* How bout I go home by an uber or something ? *tries to open the door* did you lock it ?
David - Yea..for extra safety , privacy and so that no one can see what is going on in the car .*closes the window*
Amber - oh r-right... *awkward* ...oof , its getting hot in here . *swinging her hand for air*
David - Hmm..*starts the car* babies need extra safety like you , who knows when you will fall out of my car .
Amber - How rude ! *turns on the AC*
David - I can still move the bags from backseat tho..
Amber - No , no , no its fine..good at its place .
David - *small smile*
Amber - Why are you smiling ?
David - ..I was just joking around..
Amber - You make jokes ? They are quite personal but atleast a serious man like you is trying to make jokes now . Great !
David - Take out the electric cigarette from my carry bag .
Amber - Don't tell me you wanna smoke in here..*removes the electric cigarette* you don't even say please..
David - Keep it with you and after reaching home give this to James and tell him to check it....'please' . I am going out somewhere with John from Lee Numbers . Don't wait for me for lunch .
Amber - Okay....hey that's not the way . Where are we going ?
David - To buy you clothes..
Amber - And why so ?
David - Take it as an apology from me , for not listening to you..and you got into serious danger because of .
Amber - (Aww) Thank you ! You didn't need to do this .
David - *Expressionless*
Amber - You're heartless..

1:00 pm -

David picked up all carry bags and headed towards the door .

Amber - Should I take some ?
David - Its fine .

Maid 1 - David-la what's all this ?
David - We came back from the hospital aunty and here *gives her a bag* its a gift for your daughter .
Maid 1 - Thank you David , may god keep you both happy . *takes a few bags* I'll put it in your room .
David - Yea and please take care of her aunty . *glares at Amber* Take care of yourself too.
Amber - Yea...I'm not a kid..
David - *gives the remaining carry bags* you are..a kid *leaves*
Maid 1 - Bye David- ! Come in..
Amber - Should I call you aunty ?
Maid 1 - My name is Xai-Mao but you can call me aunty . You are very lucky to have a boyfriend like David , he is very good guy also caring..
Amber - He is not my boyfriend aunty , we're just teammates , peers of grey together .
Xai-Mao - Aaa you both go together alot of time so I thought but old are you ?
Amber - I'm 18 almost 19 *closes her room door*
Xai-Mao - Aaa daughter is 15...I worked at David's real home at first so I know him from a long time , he is good at studies not like other teenagers .
Amber - That's great .


Amber - *opens the door* James ?
James - Amber are you okay now ? Where is David ? Is he angry at me ? He should be , I couldn't pick up his call yesterday night when he needed help...
Amber - No , no , he is not mad at you he has gone out with John , probably to thank him..and he told me to give you this *gives the electric cigarette* and check it..

David got out of his car and closed the door .

John - I'll deal with these 'bodyguards' till you get to that motherfu*ker .
David - Accepted...

It was the same place where Michael tied Amber and David to the chairs .

Michael - Trust me John The 'Invincible' David will also loose in front of my 2 bodyguards .

Nearly 30 men came running towards both of them .

David - The plan has changed now . John go grab him .
John - Got it !

John grabbed Michael while David was dealing with the bodyguards , 2 of them grabbed him and 1 punched him straight in his stomach as little drops of blood came out of his mouth .

Michael - Ha ! WHat dId I saY ?
John - *puts a gun pointed to his head* If anyone comes even an inch close to me now , I will shoot this man ! David you good ?
David - Just fine..I will get all of them..

With that he jumped and threw himself through his legs and kicked hard on 1 bodyguard's face .

David - *little smirk , Kicks on a bodyguards knee who is behind him*

David one by one started to fight all of them and had them at his feet .

David - What did I say.....Michael ?
Michael - Leave me ! *pushes John away and walk upto David*
David - *punches him*
John - David..

In the same way Michael was sitting on the chair and David was standing front of him .

David - See how the tables turn ?
Michael - Let me go..please...I would never-
John - Your sister must have said the same but did you leave her ?
Michael - I will never do this again please leave me...
John - YOU KILLED HER IDIOT ! *Grabs his collar*
David - *Sigh* You'll answer all the question truthfully .Then I'll think if you live or not....

Will David kill Michael ?
Read the next chapter to know..

Will David kill Michael ? Read the next chapter to know

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Peace out !

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