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Amber was here all dressed up , walking on the richy streets of Tribeca - Road 12 . She stoped as she saw a familiar big mansion.

Amber - This is it ! I am so tired of walking now

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Amber - This is it ! I am so tired of walking now..

Amber then walked upto the big mansion and was trying to open the gate as she saw no one . A man came running at her.

Security guard - Excuse me mam , I'm Roger , if you need anything you can tell me . *Holds the gate*
Amber - Oh- Okay then I am Amber Jackson , I was called here to join the Peers Of Grey .
Roger - Ohhh- right place young lady ! Here !

Roger was an old man who was trusted to protect their base . He gently opened the gate for her and told her the way in .

Amber's pov -

As uncle Roger was leading me the way . I was busy admiring this mansion already , dude look at the garden its so aesthetic . I then saw a man..chilling in the swimming he a member of the Peers of Grey ? Damn he's attractive..

is he a member of the Peers of Grey ? Damn he's attractive

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I then made my way into the mansion . I was walking down the hallway to the elevator . And damn I didn't at all knew that these people get to live in such a vibe . The elevator door opened infront of a glass door . A tall guy with glasses was waiting their for me as he signalled Uncle Roger to leave .

Ren - *Scoffs* I am the Manager , Ren . I was the one who wrote a letter to you..its glad to see you here . *Smiles*
Amber - *Smiles back* May I know the next steps to join the team ?
Ren - Yea , Definitely ! *leads her to the glass door and opens*

 *Smiles*Amber - *Smiles back* May I know the next steps to join the team ?Ren - Yea , Definitely ! *leads her to the glass door and opens*

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Amber saw 3 men waiting for her in that meeting room .

Ren - Good morning everyone ! This is Amber Jackson , will be a new member of the Peers of Grey .

Oh my freaking lord in the parallel universe is happening in here....

James - *Stands up* Very nice to see you *moves his hand forward*
Amber - *Shakes it (the hand)*

Amber's hands were shivering and she was sweating bricks .

Duke - There is no need to be afraid of us , we are no harm...just framed that way !
Henry - *Gives her a coin* You can take this as a gift *smiles*
Amber - This is...
Henry - A sign of The Peers Of Grey , maybe it'll make you feel confident .
Amber - Oh thanks !

A man wearing black pant and tie over a oversized long sleeves white shirt which fit his body perfectly suddenly came in the meeting room and sat on the middle seat . He kept his coat on to his chair and removed an electric cigarette and started smoking .

Amber - do I have to sign a few contracts now ? (Uh..kinda suffocating..)
James - Yea..*scoffs* Ren , would you bring the contracts please ?
Ren - Yea *went towards the shelfs*
Duke - Uh..David I think we are in a meeting right now..
David - ..So ? *smokes*
James - .......Not everyone is used to your smoking habits . So can you stop ?
David - No..
Amber - Its fine ! I'm okay .
Henry - She is a normal being , I don't think so she is used to this lifestyle .
David - She'll be used to it .
Amber - (This man is such a nut.. the same man from the swimming pool..I thought he was attractive...No doubt he is..but this is kinda rude..)
David - And a normal being does not know hacking . She plays the game exactly like a hacker .
Amber - Yea..about that I just know a few techniques but I don't hack the game to win .
Ren - Here ! *puts a few documents*
James - Oh- We completely forgot to introduce our code names . I am Agent Skyfall .
Duke - Agent Night
Henry - Agent Daylight
James - ...And.. *looks at David* Agent-
David - Shadow..
Amber - names..

Amber started to read the document and after 15 minutes she gave the documents back to them with her sign .

Duke - Actually we asked Ms.Linda to give us your ID because you were very good at playing the game .
Henry - And we also needed a female member to trick the opponent team , indirectly to take information from them without being suspicious .
James - You are also very harmless looking girl , perfect for the job .
David - ...I don't don't think so..
Amber - .....Can I call you all by your names ?
James - Yea , why not ?
Amber - Oh , okay then ! David , can I ask something ?
David - Hm..*smokes*
Amber - Were you the leader of the opponent's team on the match ?
David - ...Yea..
Amber - Oh well sadly , I killed you...without hacking in other words, royally kicking one's butt .

Everyone went silent and looked at each other as David got up and left with a strict face.

James - Don't mind him ! He is a stubborn leader sometimes .
Amber - ....
Henry - can move in tomorrow .
Amber - Tomorrow ?
Duke - Yea , I heard you have a roommate .
Amber - Yea..Gabriella she is out of town for 2 days .
Henry - You are officially our teammate now but we don't want anyone to know we want you to move in here as to protect you and Ms.Linda won't mind you leaving her job .
Amber - Okay !
James - We'll try our best to protect you . So , I want you to not tell Charlotte about this . She might be in trouble . About your mom too . You can't tell her the exact details just tell her that you are a detective now .
Amber - Okay , but I am not used to red wine , alcohol , parties and cigarettes , so are you sure I can fit in here ?
Duke - Yea , if you ignore David .
Henry - He can be rude sometimes .
Amber - I see...
Duke - And..we are not..drunkards you know ?
Amber - Hm ?
Henry - I might think we drink and smoke and do parties..
Ren - Yea...yea ! We do such things but you're safe with us..we won't do anything bad..especially David..he is strict and displined .
Amber - *Nod*
James - *Smile* Don't misunderstand him because of today..he's a great guy..but you are allowed to give him straight answers when he is mean .

Amber was dropped to her house in Ren's car as it was evening time . Amber noticed all the past missions and their enemies and their goal .

"Will Hughes
The Creul Mayor"

I'd love to read your comments !

Hope you all liked it guys !

Hope you all liked it guys !#Peersofgrey

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Peace Out !

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