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Edward - Good Afternoon everyone !

"Good Afternoon boss !"

Edward - Is everyone done with the files ?
Lia - My cross checking is left.. I'm extremely sorry for that..
Justin - I was mine too..I'll check it as soon as possible..
Edward - Okay it's fine.. anyone else ?
David - Last 2 pages..

Everyone shocked

Edward - David ? How ?
David - I was..busy with some other files..and Emma Anderson's file is easy it'll be done in no time..
Edward - You are never late..I feel like you're getting distracted by others..
David - I'm not , I'm completely normal boss..
Edward - Are you dating someone ? I heard from one of my workers that they saw you with a girl last night infront of a cafe .
David - *Done with everyone* must be Amber..we went to the store last night..
Edward - She had long hairs..are you lying to me ?
David - She..she was-
Amber - He is not distracted ! It was Brianna..she is his ex girlfriend..we-
Edward - You got back together with you EX Girlfriend ?! *Angry*
David - Boss..
Amber - NO !..uh I mean..he- he did not..uh..she approached him and asked him to have a talk with her in personal but Mr.Dawson rejected her ! *Proud smile* uh *looks around and realises* .. very kindly and gently..with respect to all women..and...he softly walked away..without hurting anyone's feelings..he isn't distracted at all.. *weird smile* and very kind to everyone.. *scoff*
David - *rubs his forehead with his fingers in irritation*
Ren - came home at midnight..where were you ?! *Angry*
David - *Looks at him in disappointment* Ren ? (Seriously ?!)
Augustus - He was with me ! Yeah- yeah..uh..he was with me..we have alot of pressure as the leaders..we were just..enjoying our time..
Ren - You drank alcohol ?
David - We-
Augustus - No ! Ofc No ! We !
Max - I thought you were home.. *taken aback*
Augustus - ....Oh no no..I sneaked out !

Everyone looking at him as if he is crazy .

Augustus - What are ya'll looking at..I..I did..
David - *rubs his forehead with his fingers*
Augustus - What..can't I do that to meet my friend ?
Noah - did a great job..
David - Seriously ?.. *looks at him*
Augustus - ..Okay it's enough..
Amber - Yes ! Exactly ! Uh..he left me home..and I suggested him to go out and have I forgot to tell that to everyone..I am so sorry ! Hehe..
Edward - Is it true David ?
David - *Poker face* is..
Edward - Okay..then focus on work.. let's get back to the was saying that just after a few months I'll be dividing you all in 4 groups , 5 members in each and as there are only 18 of you so I'll be adding 2 of my trusted employees as guides to work in the office and missions..

2:00 pm -

David - *gets out of the meeting room and turns around*
Amber - *stops*
Augustus - *Stops*
David - What in the world were you both thinking while making up that stupid story ?!
Amber - Atleast thank us for saving you..your image was on the edge of 50th floor , about to fall..we saved it ! *Points at herself*
David - Thanks for embarrassing yourself..I didn't need you-
Augustus - Brianna has really ruined your entire mood..but what do you think boss would've said if he found out that the greatest agent , David Dawson aka Agent Shadow was drunk and came home at midnight and didn't even sleep because he was angry after meeting with his ex moreover he didn't even complete his file..whatever.. I'm coming to your base for sometime , I'll go and inform my manager.. *leaves*
David - *Sigh and turns around to leave*

"David !"

Amber and David both looked at their left to see who called him .

"It's been such a long time dude ! How are you ?"

Amber - You know each other ?

"Ofc we were best friends !"

David - No we weren't ! Let's go ! *Grabs her wrist*
Amber - Are you Jack ?

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