Chp. 22

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David - *Stands up*
James - A-Augustus ?..
Augustus - *Hugs him* Long time no see David..I'm really sorry..
David - *speechless* I.. *Hugs him back* I'm sorry...
Amber - *Confused*
Charlotte - Who is he ? *Whispers in James's ear*
James - David's best friend..
Henry - How about we sit in the backyard ?
John - Yea sure !

9:00 pm -

Augustus and David were in the balcony enjoying the view with soda cans in their hand while talking .

Augustus - I thought you cry while hugging your hacker when you lose a mission .
David - You just joined here , so you need to practice still have time to search about our hacker ?.. Interesting.. *sips his soda*
Augustus - You haven't changed at all..
David -'ve became chatty .
Augustus - Do you still have it ?
David - You know I don't like wearing chains but I don't remove it.. *takes out the cross locket from under his shirt*

 *takes out the cross locket from under his shirt*

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ugustus - I'm thankful you still have it..*Sips his soda* I heard about Michael..
David - Hm..
Augustus - You don't feel angry for what he did with your hacker ? I would've killed him he did something like this to my teammate .
David - I did give him a nice beating for it..if he weren't to die..I wouldn't have let him run away . He deserved to be in jail .
Augustus - Hm..I feel sad for Gabriella . She was innocent.. *sips his soda*
David - What he did to my teammate is pretty perverted but what he did to his own sister is cruel and selfish..he'll never be forgiven for hacker is too soft-hearted that she forgave him .
Augustus - Hey..are you still in contact with JJ ?
David - No..
Augustus - You lost contacts with Jack ?
David - Yea I did.. let's not talk about it..
Augustus - Did you have a fight with him ?
David - No..I just lost contacts with him..and I don't want to to talk about it..he reminds me of... college and I don't like it....
Augustus - Okay.. So what are you planning to do next ?
David - There are many things that I'm going to do..
Augustus - I heard you went on a date yesterday *sips his soda*
David - Hm..are you stalking me ?
Augustus - No..I just know things well...did you like her ? *Sips his soda*
David - No..she's not my type..if you want I'll tell mom to set you up on a date if you are interested..
Augustus - No need ! I'm surprised you have a 'type' now . Who is it ?
David - *sips his soda* mm......someone who is strong.. doesn't give up even after many failures . Who can dare to talk back to me even if she is afraid of me . Who can fight me even after knowing she'll loose..and who's first kiss is me .
Augustus - you've kissed someone while I was not in contact with you . *Teasing him thinking it's a joke , sips his soda*
David - it wrong ? *sips his soda*
Augustus - *Chokes* what ?
David - You are acting as if I'm your boyfriend . *Laughs*
Augustus - Hey..This isn't funny ! *Smiling* are you serious ? You are dating someone ?
David - I'm not , I have many things I want to focus on .
Augustus - Who is it ? Someone in your university ?
David - Why would I tell that to you ?
Augustus - *Laughs* You are saying it as if you're in a secret relationship .
Amber - (Its the first time I've seen him come he just smile and not laugh ?) *hides herself behind the curtain*

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