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Amber - Mr.Dawson wait ! That's cheating !
David - If you're free enough to attend blind dates then you can definitely complete the files , they are very little anyways .
Amber - "Very little" ?! Those are five of them and they all are of the most mysterious cases !
David - I don't care about that . *Leaving*
Amber - Hey but-
David - You remember 'Black Warning' given by boss right ?
Amber - Yea...that..I did not understand !
David - If you don't complete the work you're fired .
Amber - I know you can't fire me !
David - Black Warning are given when a worker or agent is not sincere with work . When 2 Black Warnings are given to them they get fired . If you don't complete the work I'll give you a Black Warning and you'll get fired , understood ?...Ms.Amber.. *leaves*
Amber - (Bastard !)

Next day -

David - *Enters the drawing room*
Damian - Oh hey Bro ! You look handsome again !
Duke - You just needed some rest !
Ren - Hm..I bet Amber will also look normal again-
Amber - *Enters with a pale face and dark circles*
Ren - Uh...
Charlotte - *Flinch* okay ?..
Amber - Yea.. *keeps the file on the table* I've completed one..
James - Did you even get any rest ?
Amber - Yea I did..thanks to our kind and thoughtful leader I could get rest..
David - *sits on the couch and starts reading her file*
Amber - For 15 minutes...
Henry - You should've let her sleep..
Damian - Even if it was you room..
Henry - Ohhhh
Duke - Ohhhh
David - She was in my room..

Flashback -

Amber - *working while sitting on the couch in front of his bed while he was sleeping* (That's the most useless decision he could make..) *sigh*
David - *Sleeping*

End -

David - Seeing your leader sleep peacefully is enough for you , isn't it ?
Amber - Quite enough..
Charlotte - I think you shouldn't go to the date..or atleast put some make up on..
Amber - Nope..I'll go on the date ! *Looks at David* no matter who tries to stop me..
David - *Scoff*
Amber - Would a Black top and skirt with a grey coat look good on me..Mr.Dawson ?
David - It's not my job to tell you , if it looks good or not..I'm you boss , not a friend..
Amber - "If YoU eXcePt mE aS a fRiEnD , YoU caN cALl mE wHaTeVeR yOu wAnT.." anyways..who am I even asking ?..who has zero knowledge in fashion..
David - You mouth is running too much..
Amber - Mouth can't run..

Everyone trying to hold their laughs..

David - I have many different ways to shut your mouth . And if I know , so better shut it yourself..
James - David.. *holding his laugh*
David - *Stands up and whispers in her ear* And if I make you speak..then you won't just be speaking...I'll make sure you are shouting.. *pulls away and smiles* Great Job..I'm surprised that you were able to complete it with no mistakes.. *leaves*
Charlotte - Uh..what did he say in your ear ?
Amber - If I don't complete these files I am fired..
Ren - We can help you..
Amber - If he finds it out he'll fire me anyways....and do you think you can hide anything from him ?
Damian - ..We are very afraid of can go on..
Amber - That's what I thought.. *sigh*

8:10 pm -

Amber came to the cafe and saw Charles and went to him .

Amber - Excuse me..Charles Evans ?
Charles - *Nod* It's must be Ms.Amber..
Amber - You can call me Amber.. *sits*
Charles - Nice to meet you..
Amber - I'm really sorry for being late..I couldn't leave without telling my Boss..
Charles - You work under.. David Dawson..right ?
Amber - *Eyes widen* do you know him ?
Charles - We're their family friends..tho..David and I aren't that close..but our parents are also business partners..
Amber - Oh..So you know..
Charles - Yes..I's not a big deal..I won't tell can even contact me for help.. *gives his card*
Amber - Yea..sure..
Charles - To be honest..if my mom didn't force me to be a lawyer , I would've joined with David..he is a great guy..
Amber - Great guy ?..uh I mean yea..well if you joined you would find out how great is he.. *tired and slow laughs*
Charles - Is being an agent that tough ?
Amber - No no no not at be a spy at an agency feels great..but it sometimes sucks when you team leader is too strict .
Charles - I guessed it that David must be very strict at work .
Amber - *looks around* Uh..
Charles - I'm I not supposed to say your real names ?
Amber - Kinda..its okay..
Charles - Is it okay if I call him Dawson ?..I do usually call him Dawson..
Amber - Sure.. *smile*
Charles - *smile*
Amber - It's tough when you leader hates you and gives you all the work in the world as you can see.. *points at her face*
Charles - surely is difficult to work under him...why does he hate you tho ?
Amber -'s a long story.. *gets a call*
David - Come back soon !
Amber - *Sarcastic smile* Mr.Dawson it's only been 5 minutes since the date started..don't you think you are interrupting us ?
David - Not at all !
Amber - I can smell jealousy till here..
David - Come back soon or else I'll add another 2 files .
Amber - You pi- I mean.. Mr.Dawson..I'll try..
David - Do you think the files will complete by themselves ?
Amber - I'll come back soon.. *hangs up*
Charles - Uh..Jealous ?
Amber - Hehmhm..It's a long story..
Charles - I would like to know..
Amber - Are you sure ?..
Charles - ..We're friends yea..
Amber - like Charlie Puth..
Charles - *Laughs* Thanks..
Amber - *Smile*
Charles - You can continue..
Amber - Mhm..I like Mr.Dawson..
Charles - I guessed it.. *smile* Who wouldn't like him ?..
Amber - You won't ask why I came on this date ?
Charles - I kinda know..I'm here for somewhat the same reason...
Amber - Oh hey we can be great friends..we have something in common !
Charles - Hm..You maybe know her..she went on a date with Dawson yesterday..
Amber - Ava ?
Charles - Yea.. *laughs* we work in the same law firm..
Amber - Mr.Dawson was talking about annoy me..but she's a actually great .
Charles - You must've guessed reason..
Amber - The situationship is kinda annoying..
Charles - Hm..actually..I wouldn't have came here but when I told her about it she must be angry and went on a date by herself..and she went so I thought I should too..
Amber - *Laughs* are something..
Charles - *laughs* What about you ?
Amber - Umm..he keeps going on blind dates..because Mrs.Linda tells him to do so..I thought I should too.. *laughs*
Charles - So you're in a relationship with him ?
Amber - Sadly no..well he told me that our work has no personal life..and that I don't have to like him..I'll find someone better..but you see he keeps butting in when I'm talking to someone else..
Charles - As I thought..he's tough..but why would he say that if he is jealous ?
Amber - *Sigh* He's confusing..I'll definitely call you when I need help tho..
Charles - Would you like a coffee ?
Amber - I don't like coffee..
Charles - Tea ?
Amber - I'm sorry I don't like caffeine drinks at can order if you want..I don't mind..
Charles - As you wish..

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