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James appeared from the dark and asked -

Amber - James ?
James - Oh you are here . I thought it was someone else so , I show em' the gun . Btw did we pass the mission ?
David - Doesn't seem like it .
Amber - I thought we'd catch them smuggling and using those drugs in 4k but it turned out to be a fight scene , HD quality .
David - You joke alot..
Amber - That man is bad luck ! I told you so !
David - I thought it was important to save you more than any mission . Thankfully , that 'bad luck' agreed and sacrificed himself to save you .
Amber - But we failed !
James - You can't blame her , she is Ms. Good At Whatever She Does . She is used to winning .
David - Geez..failing missions is normal and she is not perfect at everything .
Amber - Uh-huh ? Tell me a thing I'm not good at which I've tried .
David - See , I don't think so you can be good at...kissing .
James - David ! This is a mission !!
David - See I mean , I am sure she never kissed a guy (except me ofc) and wasn't close to William too .
Amber - You are saying it yourself . I've never tried those things !
James - How do you know about that David ?
David - Just a guess ofc.. (I shouldn't have said this)

A few men then came searching . They checked in the pool but didn't find them . After they all left , James , David and Amber slowly made thier way towards the car . After a few minutes Michael entered with bruises near his eyes and a slightly bleeding arm .

Amber - Are you okay ?
Michael - Not completely...just drop me to my house .
David - Yea..

Next Day -

After failing the mission Amber was kinda sad reading her book as exams were about to start , when someone knocked on her door .

Amber - Come in..

David entered the room and closed the door . She stood up and angrily said -

Amber - What do you want ?
David - Nothing..
Amber - You were so busy choosing good people for me that you couldn't find good for yourself .
David - I have good choices... and Michael is doing great . It doesn't matter if we failed a mission .
Amber - How tall are you ?
David - 6'2
Amber - No wonder I was feeling like a dwarf infront of you ! And you are a dork , you don't know how to choose good for yourself .
David - If you are done cursing me..someone's there to meet you .
Amber - *Sigh* I don't want to meet anyone !
David - No choice..come in please .

David got aside as the door opened to reveal Ms. Linda . They both got so happy after seeing each other that they ran to hug .

Ms.Linda - Oh my sweetheart.. *kisses her forehead* We miss you alot at the cafe .
Amber - I missed you too Ms. Linda . I hope you're still in contact with my mother .
Ms.Linda - Yes ! We talk alot about you . She misses you alot .
Amber - *Nods* Thank you ! How did you manage to get her in ?
David - ....She's my mother ? Parents are aloud on weekends..
Amber - *Shocked* ( He is Ms.Linda's son ?! So wait..he's the older son ?! No wayyy !)
Ms.Linda - Oh- Yea that's why I wanted you to meet him . He was finding a female member for their team and I thought of you . Hey you know someone left this gift for you at the cafe , I think its from your mom . *gives her a box*
Amber - That's really sweet !
David - Mom.. can you go and sit in the drawing room actually I wanted to talk about something important to personal .
Ms.Linda - I see you both are getting along , that's good . Come quick , I'll be waiting in the drawing room .
David - Yes mom..

Ms.Linda left as David closed the door and locked it from inside .

Amber - What are you doing ? *Opening the wrapping of the gift* Oh- Its a necklace ! (From..William , nevermind I don't want it !)

David snatched the necklace , threw it down and stomped on it breaking it into pieces .

Amber - Hey ! What the heck !
David - What ? Don't tell me you wanted to wear this shit .
Amber - No..its not that !
David - It has a frickin' tracker in it . That creep wanted to you follow you around everywhere .
Amber - Oh my god ! That's criminal , he is becoming a psycho !
David - He is obsessed with you . *throws it in the dustbin* Now come to the drawing room , everyone must be waiting .
Amber - What was that important thing you wanted to say ?
David - That you're not a bad kisser , I was just fooling around .
Amber - *Shock* Are you sure you mean it ?
David - If it matters to you then yes..I am learning how to joke . I've became quite serious...I need to cool down a bit..
Amber - Ya , and intimidating too .
David - You think ? *Raises one eyebrow*
Amber - Yea..sometimes..why so ?
David - *Smirk* Nothing..I're not scared of me..seems like you are..*leaves*
Amber - ..*Confused*

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