Chp. 1

44 3 3

A man who was wearing a black hoodie , standing infront of a cafe and staring at someone .

Café -

"Amber !"

"Uh..yes Mrs.Linda.." she said tiredly while putting her work aside .

Linda - You can go's too late now..should I tell someone to drop you home ?
Amber - No..I can go by myself..thanks...
Linda - *Gently caresses her* Take care okay..
Amber - Yes..Mrs.Linda..

She was really tired , all she wanted to do now was go home take a bath , eat her dinner and go to sleep...but she felt someone following her..

Amber - (I'm so tired..Ughh !) *looks back* (no one ? This is scary...) *immediately calls someone*

"Hello ?"

Amber - Charlotte ?..uh..I'm walking home..
Charlotte - what should I do with that...? you want to come to my house ?
Amber - No I just..feel someone's following me..but I don't see anyone..
Charlotte - You gotta stop watching okay ?
Amber - Yea just a little tired..

11:30 pm -

Home -

Amber - *removing her shoes*

"Oh you're here ! I was waiting for you !"

Amber - Oh...Gabriella..what happened ?
Gabriella - Nothing.. I'll go to my room.. dinner's ready you can eat..
Amber - Thank you so much !

Amber went to her room and removed her jacket .

Amber - *Looks around* (Why do I feel someone is looking at me ?!) *checks her windows*

The man with the hoddie hid and thought to himself "I just got saved.."

"Be careful..did she see you..?....David ?" another man said through the microphone he was wearing .

David - write it down.. brunette..eye colour dark brown..5'3..damn she's short..are you listening James ?
James - How did you find that ?
David - I just did...
James - Any visible marks..?
David - We're not making an insurance..and the four of you better not suggest me stupid things..

"Seems like you're interested in the girl.." a young man said through the microphone .

James - Well..well..shut up..

"Me ?"

"Yes the both of you..Duke and Henry.." a man with a glasses said to both of them .

David - I'll wait in her balcony for a while..
James - Why ?
David - Ren..she is going to take a bath..I'm not doing that..
Ren - You have to..
David - That's invading someone's privacy..
Duke - We have the rights to do it..go !

David sighed and sneaked to her bathroom window .

David - ..... *Peaks inside* (Damn..) Birthmark on her neck..
Ren - Hm..
David - *looks down* And a mole on left............... *Smirk* disconnect..
James - Huh ?
David - Disconnect the cannot do this..
Ren - Uh..fine..
Duke - But what about the-
David - *Disconnects the call* (I can't believe this is the same girl.....not a nice place to have a mole tho..) *sigh*
Amber - *Looks at the window*
David - *Hides*
Amber - (What if I actually have a stalker ? ! That's not at all exciting..could someone actually be up there at that window..?..why would someone climb 30 floors like that to do this....if there is actually someone..then it must be pervert...why do I care anyways ?..) Mhm..can we go where no one else goes ~ can I know what no one else knows ~ can we fall in love in the moonlight ~
David - *Staring at her* (..why do I even have to spy on this girl for 6 months ?..) *looking at her carefully* (I feel sick..) *realises* ( I......needy ? ! There are hotter girls I've seen..but I never...) *flustered* (what will happen to me if she joins the team...?...)
Amber - (How come no one like me..?...I have such a nice face is a little chubby but still...)
David - *Looks at her* (She is nice tho..) *realises again* ( not again.....) *takes a deep breath*
Amber - *Turns around to turn off the shower*
David - (Oh..she has a Birthmark on her back moles and 1 Birthmark..)

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