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Amber - Yea..I do !
David - Are you telling her to cook for freaking 5 people ?
Duke - I am ready to help her .
Henry - Yea me too !
James - How about we change in and then cook ?
Amber - Sure !

Amber was drying her hair with a towel and she got a notification on her phone from news .

"Famous business man/politician Iviano Anderson found laying down in the balcony of a party hall in his own business opening party . He claims that one of the girls working in the agency against him kicked him and ran away . He has said he won't take any action but definitely find the women."

"The only agencies working against him are Lee numbers and Peers of Grey.."

"Could it be that Peers of Grey had finally hired a women in a team of men ?"

"That's shameful ! He is such a good man !"

Amber - (Geez ! That must have hurt alot but I wanna see how he'll find me .) *Smirk* (And good man my butt , I wanna expose him so bad now , but don't worry Iviano , just wait and watch..)

Amber then took her phone and headed downstairs to see everyone laying on the couch watching their phones .

James - Finally ! *turns of his phone* Do you know how to make ramen ?
Henry - Or fried rice maybe ?
Duke - Do eat meat ?
Amber - I don't eat meat but I can make it . Fried rice and ramen...yea , I know how to make em'
Duke - Great ! Let's go !

James , Duke and Henry stood up throwing their phones on the couch .

Amber - Mr.Dawson , won't you eat anything ?
David - Yea , whatever you do..
Amber - are vegetarian ?
David - Mhh-hmh..
James - Won't you come to help us .
David - *Looks at him*
Amber - Its fine ! *Turns him around* How about egg ramen and fried rice ?
David - Hm..
Amber - Okay ! Let's go ! *Drags James to the kitchen*

Everyone started taking out food stuff from the cupboards and fridge .

Duke - I found meat !
Henry - How do you make it ?
Amber - Its a little difficult to cut !
Henry - No problem ! *Takes out a sharp knife*
Amber - Okay , I'll cut vegetables and find spices .
James - Can I make rice ? I mean its the easiest thing to make .
Amber - Yea !

Everyone got to work and David was here sitting on the couch peacefully listening the news he smiled knowingly as he saw Iviano's face in the interview .

David - (She really is I need to know who's this William..if this 'William' is William Hughes then..)

James was cleaning the rice and with the water he dropped rice too and looked at Amber .

Amber - *Laughs* I'm sorry ! *still laughing*
James - *Laughs too* Its okay ! Would you do the cleaning part , please ?
Amber - Yea !

David stood up as he heard laughs from the kitchen . While walking he turned of his phone and put it in his pocket . When he came there , he saw James and Amber giggling near the sink .

David - *Scoffs* *enters the kitchen*
Amber - *Stops* *moves aside*

David took a glass from the upper cupboard and took water from the water filter .

David took a glass from the upper cupboard and took water from the water filter

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