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Duke - Are you both in a secret relationship ?
Amber - *calls* Hey Charles ! Yea I'm fine !..
Charles - Thank God !

James - Amber , go to your room and rest..

Amber - Fine... *Leaving* yea....yea..I'm totally okay and thanks for dropping me home..
Charles - Your welcome..I was thinking we should go on another date ? You can make Dawson jealous and so can I do to Ava..
Amber - Another date ?..yes sure!-
David - *Snatches her phone* Hey Charles !
Charles - Dawson ?
David - Yes exactly me..
Charles - Do you wanna talk about something ?
David - No..I just don't want you both to talk .
Amber - Mr.Dawson ! *Trying to get her phone back*
David - You see..she is really busy..and tired..if she dates you then she'll be more tired or not focus on work and I don't want that .
Amber - Mr.Dawson give me my phone back !
Charles - I understand it Dawson..I just wanna talk about something important..
David - Okay ! But not now ! *Hangs up and gives the phone back to Amber*
Amber - You are so evil !
David - Shut up ! Be thankful that I didn't tell him that you moan my name in while sleeping..
Amber - You don't have a relationship and you are trying to cancel mine too..
David - He likes Ava !
Amber - How do you know ?!
David - I just know !
Ren - Amber..go to your room and rest..
Amber - Fine ! Jealous and Arrogant as ever ! *Leaves*
David - *Smile*
James - What's the matter ?
David - I was just teasing her..
Charlotte - And why is that ?
David - You didn't ask her why she teases why are you asking me ?
Ren - Was she really moaning your name ?
David - No..I was just teasing her.. *leaves*

David went to his room and received a call from Augustus .

Augustus - Are you feeling okay now ?
David - Yea..quite better .
Augustus - So what did you exactly do to her ?
David - What ?
Augustus - I messaged her and she said "Mr.Dawson's kindness flew away.." so I thought I'd talk to you first .
David - *Sigh* This girl.... *stands up*

He went straight to her room and barged in .

Amber - I'll call you later.. *hangs up*
David - Didn't I tell him later ? That bastard still called you ?
Amber - I called him !
David - I realise how parents would you blame other's children if your child is the one who's stubborn ?.. *walks foward*
Amber - Why do you care anyway ? And I don't think I allowed you into my room !
David - I have leader rights.. and I'll take away your phone if you keep gossiping with any of my friends !
Amber - What did I do ?
David - What did you tell Augustus ?
Amber - Gosh ! I just told him the truth you have a problem with it too ? Or you're just jealous that I'm talking to other guys ?
David - You-
Amber - Shh ! This is my room , so only I can make noise and if you are done you can leave ! *stands up*
David - Did I allow you to move ?
Amber - What-
David - Shh ! It's my turn to speak ! I don't have a problem with you doing anything , I have a problem with you , understood ?
Amber - You're so egoistic !
David - Take it however you want but if you dare you do something against me I'll-
Amber - Beat me up ? Try it !
David - Are you trying to test my patience ?
Amber - I'm not afraid of you now ! And I'm sure I didn't..moan your name in my sleep !
David - *controlling his anger* now should I make you do it ?
Amber - *Speechless*
David - *Sigh*...Stop checking my patience..if I loose it......
Amber - Pervert !
David - *Controlling himself* My blood pressure is getting high because of you ! Say sorry..
Amber - No !
David - Say Sorry !
Amber - No !
David - Last time ! Say..sorry !
Amber - No !
David - *Steps forward while glaring at her*
Amber - I'm not afraid of you ! *Steps back*
David - I didn't allow you to move ! *Steps forward*
Amber - S-sorry !
David - *Sigh* Stop behaving like this..
Amber - What ?
David - *softens* You did moan my name.. *leaves*
Amber - What ?... *Confused* Ughhhh ! *Stomps* Why did I say sorry ?!

David closed the door of his room and sat on his bed .

Augustus - You aren't being fair !
David - What ?
Augustus - Now you give me "If I can't have her no one should.." vibes..I meant if you rejected her then let her find another that she doesn't have to end up alone..
David - Nonsense..
Augustus - No I'm know you are ruining 2 lives at a time , yours and hers . You aren't gonna move on and if you behave like that she won't move on either..and you won't get together's messed up . Just except that you were jealous of Charles .
David - I'm not..
Augustus - You are regretting your decision..but you still have a chance..
David - *Sigh* I have to work.. *hangs up*

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