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Amber was walking up the stairs when she saw David .
David - *Stops* You look different..good different
Amber - Uh..Thanks... *awkward*
David - You can go .

Amber went to the 2nd floor and started searching for the Russian mafia and Iviano .

Amber - (Where is that idiot Iviano ?! Ugh ! I can't even find Duke , so annoying !)

"Excuse me ma'am"

Amber - *Turns around* (Iviano ?)
Iviano - I am Iviano , I saw you standing here , are you searching for something ?
Amber - Oh- Yea..I didn't find a partner to dance with..*awkward*
David -  Be confident . You are a businesswoman here . *Walking*
Iviano - I was about ask you that..
Amber - Oh- I am Eleanor..Russian businesswoman .
Iviano - That's are really beautiful .
Amber - (Makeup ha!) Thank you ! Would you like to dance ? *Introvert*
Iviano - Sure !

As Amber turned towards the stairs she saw David glaring at them . Through the microphone he said - "Get away from him , Duke is gonna be there soon !"

Amber - Yea..
Iviano - Sorry ?
Amber - Nothing.... *Fake smiles*

Suddenly Duke appeared there and called out Amber .

Duke - Eleanor ?
Amber - *Turns around*
David - Act like you are shocked and happy to see him .
Amber - Oh mY GwAd ! LeO !

Duke and Amber did a quite weird hug .

David - Now tell him to come down and wait for you as you want to talk to you 'friend' .
Amber - Iviano can I come down in a moment ? Leo is one of my childhood friends .
Iviano - Sure ! *Leaves*
Duke - Here ! *gives her the electric cigarette* Shadow told me to give this to you .
Amber - What should I do with it ?
Duke - Act like you are a smoker and find an excuse to enter the room in which the drug deal is going to happen and record the entire thing .
Amber - What about the cameras ?
Duke - Skyfall and Daylight have took over .

View -

James and Henry hideously entering the security room . A guard who was watching the cameras looked back because of the noice .

Henry - *shuts his mouth with a handkerchief*
James - *Attacks the other guard*

They both injected the liquid in the guards and pushes them aside . So they took over the security room .

End -

Amber - Thank god !
Duke - Listen whoever is in this party are in suspicion for us so , I'll collect the info about them and Agent Shadow is always around you , if you need any help or if someone's bothering you just tell him through the microphone . *nods and leaves*

Amber went downstairs where she saw Iviano waiting for her . She faked a smile to him .

Amber - I am so sorry to keep you waiting .
Iviano - Its you still wanna dance ?
Amber - Of course...

Amber and Iviano were doing a slow dance when suddenly she asked him .

Amber - So what is this party all about ?
Iviano - I opened a new business , we sell different dairy products to different countries like Russia , France , Italy and more .
Amber - So aren't there any partners of yours in the party today ?
Iviano - Yea..a Russian , I'll be off at the dinner time because there is an important meeting with him.
Amber - Where so ?
Iviano - On the third floor . Why are you asking me that ?
David - Good keep getting info from him .
Amber - Nothing..*Smiles* You are a handsome man.. *faking complements*
Iviano - You look very beautiful too . *Smiles*
Amber - (Idiot) *keeps a hand on his cheek* you have green eyes..? ( Help me !)
David - I think I told you to get the fu*king info . You are wasting your time flirting with him .
James - She is doing great work , let her do what she wants .

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