Chapter 55

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"Hey are you alright?" Scarlett grabs my arm slightly.

She towers over me like a goddess made skyscraper as she stares down at me with worried filled eyes.

"I'm fine." I smile forcefully.

My lies were no use with her. She could see right through me even when I didn't want her to. It's one of the things no one else has ever been able to do with me. She touches my face, pursing her lips together.

"I won't give you some sappy shitty speech on how I can see through your lies because I think you already know that. If you're searching for sympathy from me then ask me darling, if not then I won't be able to give you what you need, and I'll have to assume you just want silence."

Her hand falls from my face to her side while she tilts her head. She chuckles softly to herself suddenly.

"Betrayal is a bitch you know. Guess I know that better than most people do by now but of course I would never wish that upon you." She continues.

My palms reach up resting on my forehead as I inhale sharply, letting the foggy air fill me.

"That's probably one of the most philosophical things you've ever said to me Scarlett. Thank you." I comment sincerely.

She nods to me a little before taking my hand, leading me to the car.

The drive is mostly silent other than some radio playing in the background but even the rain drowned that out.

"I never got the chance to say thank you." I blurt.

Her eyes advert to me for a second then back to the road.

"Oh yeah? What for?"

"For all of this. Like taking me to speak to my dad, giving me the courage to face him even after everything he has said about me and you, and still supporting me when I've been at my lowest. Just those stupid little things, you know?" My voice is quiet.

"Those stupid little things that you speak of are simply the bare minimum. I wish I could have another minute to speak to my father one last time, tell him how much I miss my old life with him and mother, maybe even tell him about you. Never would I want you to walk out that door from your father and having that chance of not being able to say those things to him ever again. Trust me it's not a feeling you ever want to experience." She lets out with a shaky breath.

I could see the glistening of tears filling in the corners of her eyes from the passenger seat. Suddenly, I felt my own eyes becoming blurred with tears with her vulnerability.

"You're right. I never want to have to feel what that feels like." I whisper.

Scarlett shifts in her seat as we approach her building. Both of us remain silent until we make our way up to the penthouse. Walking to her door with her has been different ever since the break in. She seems much more alert, agile, maybe even scared of not knowing who could be on the other side.

Police haven't been able to tie the break in to Cullen but we both knew it was him. Not knowing what Cullen was doing or what he was thinking might be the scariest thing of all.

Inside everything seems normal, everything is in place just as it was when we left leaving me assured, we were okay.

"Would you care for a glass of wine?" Scarlett calls from the kitchen.

I lay myself down on her spacious couch, letting my muscles finally relax from the tension.

"That sounds lovely actually."

Few moments pass before she walks around from the kitchen bar with two glasses of red wine in her hands, passing me one as she plops down next to me.

"I'm heiring a new assistant soon." Scarlett begins.

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