You Know... Damian Wayne x (pregnant?)Reader blurb

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tw: pregnancy , she / her pronouns , 500+ words

reader tells Damian they're going to have a baby

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You've been staring at your husband of 6 years for a while. He is hunched over stacks of folders labeled "Top Secret" and after all this time you know not to interrupt him. Plus, it's cute seeing him mumble and scribble when he works. Eventually, he will pause his madness and give you his time. This is how you get his attention when he gets like this. Usually you leave him to his business, but you have a feeling he's going to want to hear what you have to say. 

When you hear the click of his pen and the rustling of papers cease your heart starts racing. 

Oh Yeah, that what you're here for. 

It's now or SOMETIME right?


"Yes, My Love?"

All you can do is keep staring. You keep his attention because his time is valuable, but this news is priceless. 

You soften your gaze and walk closer without another word. (Maybe he'll do his Damian Thing and save you the trouble? He's a detective isn't he?)

The nerves are starting to show anyway, your hands just can't stop shaking! You look away in embarrassment as your body betrays you and now Damian knows it's serious.

You sit down and take a breath to speak, but make the mistake of finding those deep green eyes. The air you once had disappears spontaneously and another wave of nerves hits. You speak hastily as to not alarm Damian any further, but what comes out isn't exactly what you planned...

"   I...  You know I've .. always admired how you ... carry yourself Damian."

Damian gives you a confused expression. Not what he was expecting, but he allows you to continue without distraction. 

"Your body is strong and ... can carry .. and hold a lot!"

Okay, now he's actually just confused.

"Yes. I'm ... I love most is your arms."

*Okayyy, so she did all this- to talk about my arms?*, Damian thinks

"So strong... they can hold me and- others too."

You start getting more comfortable in the real subject of the matter. You reach up to grace your hands on Damian's shoulders.

"You can hold and carry me and others of different ages..."

Damian is getting anxious now, what is she talking about, specifically? How does this relate to his musculature? Why was she so nervous to speak to him? 

You decide to finish this dance in one move. From the shoulders you run your hands down his toned arms. Slowly you find his palms and, without breaking his gaze, bring his hands to your lower belly. 

"I'm Pregnant." 


You see his eyes pop and you swear you can feel his heart skip a beat from the pulses on his wrist. He turns down to look at his hands and you follow suit. Now it's his turn to stare and have shaky hands. His eyes are intense and his skin is stressed to have every bit of surface area on your womb. You lean back more and give him some time to process. When he's ready, he will let you know just like he always does~

Damian Wayne x  Reader / Jon Kent  x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now