Damian Wayne Red Flag headcanons

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~ red flags about Damian and some about him in a romantic relationship (gn)

- mommy issues 

Not in the way some might expect. Instead of being entirely dependent on his mother, he just feels like there is a void that his mother should have fulfilled. Now that he is out of the LOA, he understands that there are different (and more healthy) family dynamics that he has never had the luxury of enjoying. He feels empty and cheated out of his childhood and this crucial bond. He needs to feel wanted. He needs to feel loved. 

- daddy issues 

Damian idolizes his father a lot and wants nothing more than to be him and make him proud. The anticipation of not meeting his father for so long and finally getting his wish changed him a lot. Damian knows how hard his father has worked to make The Batman mean something and he admires that. Damian wants to please his father and show him he is the best of the best. The best protege, the best person to be the next Batman, the best son, etc etc

- jealousy (about family and relationship)

(about family) Damian walks into Wayne Manor and declares dibs on Bruce, Dick, and Alfred. Everyone else can go home. Damian has zero tolerance for any person that thinks they can take any attention away from his chosen few. 

(about relationship)

Damian's partner can't have shit in Silent Hill. If his partner is singing a song, the lyrics better BE about Damian. Also his partner can't get too into the music or else they definitely have a crush on the artist. Damian's jealousy can seriously dip into petty territory and become overwhelming extremely fast. Like it might be cute when he comes to his partner's rescue after some creep tries to make a move at a museum fundraiser, but it's not cute anymore when he asks to look through your phone because he saw you were taking screenshots of something, and he wants to know what just in case you were cheating. 🤷

- insecurity (about himself and relationship)

(about himself) Damian never feels he is good enough. He is surrounded by other established and experienced Batfamily members and heroes. He is always comparing himself to others. 

(about relationship) Damian would have a lot of doubts about his relationship throughout its time. He would constantly be monitoring his partner's behaviors. If he catches anything he deems 'out of the ordinary', he's busting out the spy gear. He needs answers and doesn't think about how his actions are a violation of privacy or how it would hurt his beloved. 

- poor communication skills

This man internalizes everything. It all boils up and eventually spills out in the form of an outburst toward anything unfortunate to get in his way. When he's teetering on the edge of a meltdown he will have unexpected but very hurtful jabs slip through. These are more focused toward a specific person and their 'unbearable' habits. Instead of seriously talking about what is bothering him and asking for a compromise or looking for a way to find common ground, he will instead bring someone down piece by piece. 

- poor emotional regulation 

This mostly manifests itself into anger / anger issues because that is the emotion Damian has the most experience expressing. Think the guy who punches walls instead of acting like a normal human being and articulating their emotions in a mature way. Damian doesn't handle his emotions well because of the limits placed on him during his upbringing. These are not an excuse, but he is delayed on emotional growth. Everything Damian ever felt was released in the form of rage and violence and old habits die hard. Damian is still working on it, but his loved ones can expect a stone wall who is secretly dying inside and a lot of outbursts. 

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