'Hold on, I got this' - Chronically Ill Reader x Damian and Jon

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Summary: reader is no stranger to sickness, they are chronically Ill and a little on the fragile side. There is an emergency across town in Metropolis, but Jonathan and Damian are stuck in school. They need a distraction before the school goes into lockdown, this time reader comes to the rescue

Y/N knows about the boys' heroism and the boys' know about Y/N medical history

TW: illnesses, syncope / fainting, mentions of food schedules

gender neutral reader

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Metropolis is under attack, yet again. 

West-Reeve School is going into lockdown, yet again. 

At West-Reeve, safety is a top priority and each threat is given the same amount of response and attention as the next. Security is deployed, faculty are delegated, and students are confined. *ahem*  Directed toward the safety-bunkers for their protection. 

For their residents Robin and Superboy, all this organization and control is a problem. Their school takes names AND witnesses. Their alarms are buzzing in their pockets and brains about how many civilians are in the red zone, how little time left there is, and how they are not responding. They need OUT. 

Jon and Damian meet up for roll call and are visibly worked up. This is nothing strange considering the circumstances, but their anxieties are for completely different reasons than their peers.

"What are we going to DO? I can hear all the screaming!", Jon says. 

"I'm not sure yet, I am devising a plan to escape through the school vents and make an excuse we went with the wrong class group.", Damian answers. 

"I thought we did that last time! Our escapades are starting to add up, we need something fast."

Y/N finds them in their group as every student from each grade level is corralled in the gym before being separated one by one for roll call. After roll call, they go under. If they can't get out before then, more lives are at stake. 

"Hey guys- ohh...   Is it that bad?", Y/N quickly notices their expressions.

"YES it is that bad. We need to get out of this damn school. I'll give it 2 more minutes before I conclude we must fake our deaths."

"Damian, do we have to go that far? I have a baseball game this Friday! I can't miss that!!"

"Wait, you two need an escape plan? For superhero business?", Y/N questions.

"Yes Y/N, yes we do. Such excellent detective work.", Damian states dryly while rolling his eyes. 

Y/N takes a few seconds, then looks at their watch. Heart Rate is in the 60s, but they haven't checked or reported their blood pressure in a while... when was the last time they had a snack? 

Y/N makes their decision before Jon or Damian.

They get their attention and go,

"Hold up, I got this."

Y/N begins hyperventilating, taking huge breaths with no time in between then starts going faster and faster. They start turning red in the face and a familiar kind of tingling starts at the end of their fingertips. Their vision becomes clouded with dark and light spots and right before they lose sight, they hold their breath with everything they can and hinge forward. 

Damian understands the assignment and immediately goes into character. Jon follows suit and starts screaming at the top of his lungs to make way. They both start holding up Y/N by the shoulders dragging them across the gymnasium floor. They make a beeline to the Nurse's Office, silently thanking Y/N for their ticket out. They make the excuse that all the chaos and stress got to Y/N before they passed out. They tell the nurse they will stay with Y/N for support and the school nurse reports their attendance to the administrators.  


Hours later, Y/N is still at the school nurse's office, waiting to be signed out for the day. This time though, Y/N doesn't hold their breath. It takes forever for students to get home post-lockdown due to the strict sign in-sign out policy. There is a line wrapping around the building of parents and guardians waiting to be scanned and checked to take their child home.  

They're watching a news report on channel 3 about how Intergang was taken down by the heroic efforts of the Justice League. As the footage rolls, Y/N sees Robin and Superboy in the frame and smiles softly. 

At knock at the door snaps them out of focus,

"Y/N, your mom is here!"

"Thank you Miss Robinson!"

Y/N puts down their fruit cup and disconnects the monitors. They carefully stand up and starts cleaning their area before their phone lights up.

"Thank you, Y/N. Wishing you the best recovery." 

"Thanks for the distraction Y/N! Hope you're doing okay :)"

Two texts from two friends. 

"No problem"

And Y/N goes home.

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* inspired by my many Stood Up Too Fast and Almost Met Jesus moments 

* do not try this at home

Damian Wayne x  Reader / Jon Kent  x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now