'I love...' (Damian's ver.) Damian Wayne x Reader (pt2!)

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The media will always be annoying, but now Damian is acting off too. How do you stop this before it gets too much?

femelle reader, 840 words, enjoy!

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You had originally given your speech to set things right. To fend OFF the press. Now, they just can't get enough.  

You and Dami have been in the news for weeks straight. 

With shameless photographers at every turn, being hounded by reporters at the most inopportune times, or cameras and microphones shoved in your face- life has become a game of hide and HIDE MORE. The paparazzi have been all OVER you and any other Wayne they can trap in a corner. 

All this suffocating attention seems to be getting to Damian. He's been more quiet for some reason... Like he doesn't know how to act around you anymore. He will stare, then look away when you turn to make eye contact. He keeps his poker face on 24/7 and responds with "Hmm"s and "Hrnn"s. You managed to crack the code by the way, hmm meaning yes and hrnn meaning no, but that's no way to communicate with your partner! You thought it was Bat Business and that it would pass eventually, but nothing changed. You start to worry if it's the overwhelming media... or if it's you.

The wheels start turning in your mind and it lights a fuse you didn't know you had. You thought you made the right decision? Said all the right words? What more could he want? You THINK you know somebody, yet here we are. 

Well. After all this time, you are not going to play some hot-n-cold game with a grown man. After breakfast one day, you grab him by the arm and take him to one of the many study rooms in Wayne Manor. You sit him down, stand a few paces away, arms crossed, and tell him out with it. This behavior is childish and he CAN do better. Damian states into his hands for a while, then he finally looks up and a hurricane of emotions hit like it's the first time seeing his deep green eyes. 

His mouth opens slowly, dry and unsure. 

"Is what you said about me true?        All of it?    Did you mean every word?"

You feel like your heart just went on a rollercoaster and landed back in your chest. Is that what this is about?? All this worrying and he just needed some reassurance??? You feel the need to spite him out for all this cold and standoffish behavior, but as you return to Earth to say your peace you find he is still sitting there waiting for an answer. Damian, master in strategy, is using his most cruel tactic- the puppy dog eyes. The reprimanding... can wait.  

You take a deep breath, just like you did before, and take a seat next to him. 

You take his hands and look right at him. You channel the love in your beating heart, and tell him everything he needs to hear. 

"Yes, every word, but what I didn't tell them is this-"

and you see the color drain from his face. A little bit of karma for the past weeks... but then you continue...

"You were born and abused to dominate, to control without a second thought for others. You were pushed beyond your limits by the League, but you were just a boy. In that same time, you lost everything. You were abandoned and blindsighted. But then chose to pick yourself up and try a different path. You were introduced to another way of life and decided your own actions. You make your own choices, your own right and wrong. You have devoted your life to your family, your father, your city, and the symbol. Gotham sleeps well because you are out every night catching and stopping those who seek to do it harm. Your family is proud to have you fighting alongside them. Bruce, Alfred, your brothers and sisters, they're all proud of you because you are making choices according to your own creed. You honor them everyday by never letting yourself be consumed. With all the darkness in your life and in your past, you still make it through every day. That is your strength. 

 I admire that Damian. I admire the Damian you have become. I know exactly who you are and you know who you are too. All of that brings me even closer to you. I'm proud of you baby, and I love you." 

You go in to end with a little kiss on the cheek, and intend to give Damian some time alone, but as you rise toward his face Damian brings you into a deep hug. You don't see it, but you can feel it. Wet, heavy tears on your shoulder. 

You slowly bring your arms up to return his hug, and you rub his back up and down to settle him. You turn your head and whisper sweet words and more I Love Yous into his ear. He needs this. Your precious Damian. 

Damian Wayne x  Reader / Jon Kent  x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now