You can Bake!? - Jon Kent x Reader

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Reader loves to bake, Jon loves to eat! (And he loves her!!) a match made in heaven. now if only reader would see that too!

femelle reader / she her used / TW: topic of food / 1300 words

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Sigh, there she is again. Walking up the steps to his house with something that smells AMAZING in her hands.  He can hear her footsteps, but dares not to spoil the surprise. What can it be this time? Chocolate? Red Velvet? Cake or cookies? Only one way to find out. The anticipation is killing him as Y/N hasn't even rang the doorbell yet. He tries not to act too excited, but the minute her finger pushes the button, Jon is (literally) flying down the staircase. He opens the door before the ring tone can finish (oops) and welcomes in his best friend ever. Who looks perfect, as ever. Okay maybe he has feelings beyond just friendship, okay maybe definitely. Jon tries to play it cool, just a coincidence that he was walking past the door the moment Y/N pressed the bell. Smooth Jon, Smooth. Jon?     Jon?

He snaps out of his inner dialogue to see Y/N staring back up at him.

"Uhm..   may I come in?" 

Dang it! She was just standing there waiting for me this whole time! Jon you big oaf! C'mon man we gotta do better if-

"Of course sweetie, come on in.", his mom says. "Jon honey move over-" and lightly pushes him to the side to invite his longtime friend and obvious crush in the house. 

Jonathan is barely recovering from his first daydream daze, but goes along with whatever his mom said. Lois Lane to the rescue, again. 

She gives him one more push to follow after Y/N, but not without a quick "Look alive Loverboy!", as she goes to the family room to retrieve Clark. 

He finds Y/N in the kitchen setting down her latest creation. She unwraps the foil and looks around for 

"Ooh what is it this time Y/N? It smells so good!" 

Y/N pipes up with joy, "Blueberry Lemon Cakes! They're one of my newest recipes I was trying out. I didn't know if I wanted to add some extra vanilla or-"

And there she goes. Jon has no idea what she's talking about but wow keep going Y/N. With her sweet voice, shining appearance, and even sweeter smells Jon is in sensory overload. A big rumble snaps him out. Wait, was that him? 

"Oh my goodness you must be hungry! And here I am just rambling off let me get the spatula- OH I forgot! Shoot, I'll be right back"

"wait, no. don't go." he wants to say, but the words don't come out. His eyes chase her figure and she hurries out of the house. 

Meanwhile his parents walk in with knowing expressions, well- his dad has his eyes completely locked on the cakes but equally knowing nonetheless.  

Not a word is said, but the message is clear. Mama Kent and Papa Kent have some work to do. Looks like Clark has a phone call to make. 

"Here I am!", Y/N reenters with her special baking spatula passed down from generation.

 "Now let's get this party started!"

Y/N carefully cuts the cakes into delectable bites and passes them out. She waits expecting full reviews and criticisms, knowing she can get the best out of a family of star studded journalists and hearty Kryptonians. Y/N loves sharing her baked goods and with the quality of her baking, the Kents have granted her an all access permanent pass. Y/N is incredibly skilled in her craft and has built a long term loyal tasting panel. She even brings treats for Krypto! All safe and homemade of course. The Kents adore Y/N, but one Kent in particular has feelings that are more than just platonic. 

Jonathan Kent has it bad, but she has it all! With her beauty, kindness, her skills, her love to share, and she is invested in her hobbies! Jon wants to be open with his feelings, but doesn't want to lose or mess up what they have. What if she never comes over to visit again! He wouldn't just miss out on her awesome baking, but one of his best friends. He has other friends of course, but this isn't like Damian, Dick, or his brother Conner. He cares for Y/N in a totally different way. 

He loves the way she laughs when she beats him at video games, he loves the way she can talk for hours about anything she likes, he loves when he invites her for a day at the park with Krypto. She's always so good with him! Yet, now she's gone. The gift has been passed out and Y/N went back home. Jon feels a bittersweet taste not in his mouth, but in his heart. 

This happens every time. Every time Y/N comes, she has to go. 

This is how Jon found out his feelings were more than the usual. He doesn't just love her for her qualities or how she gives him food or whatever. He just loves... HER. He is always thinking about her. Here or not. Planned or unplanned he wants to see her and be with her. 

Clark comes back to the family room after washing dishes to find his son, looking outside, moping in the same spot he was in as Y/N's car pulled out of the driveway. 

Yeah, it's time to make a phone call. 

* * * 

About 2 weeks later, Y/N gets a text on her phone. 

"Hi Y/N, this is Clark. Kansas City is playing this Friday and we're going to have a get together, would you like to join?"

"Sounds fun! I'll be there :)"

Friday comes around and the house is full of hustle and bustle! Ma Kent and Pa Kent are here, and Conner brought Krypto! (Good thing you brought some dog cookies!)

This time, you brought your tried and true recipe. Orange White Chocolate Chip cookies. Made with real oranges! 

You greet everyone and settle in. You start a nice chat with Ma and Pa about your recent academics and Conner asks how work is going. Krypto gives you kisses and sits down between Lois and Clark. 

During halftime, Clark speaks up, 

"Jonno, why don't you get the dessert from the kitchen?" 

"Okay, dad."

When Jon comes back, you are not prepared for what you see and smell. 

A full platter of intricately designed peanut butter cookies. 

Your surprise only doubles when the platter is set down and consumed rapidly, and Conner goes

"Wow Jon, these are good! Great job!"

and his family "MMmM"s in agreement with faces full of cookies. 

You are taken back by this! JON CAN BAKE? AND HE DIDNT TELL YOU!? You feel taken back and betrayed!  Oh the humanity and kryptonian! How could he hide this from you? Why did he his this from you??

You turn to Jon with a multitude of questions when you see his face as confused as you are, but he's probably just daydreaming again. 

"Jon, you made these???", you ask

You can only hear the TV and Krypto panting before Conner elbows Jon,

"uh Yeah! Yes. Yes I did."

Cardinal sin of the Kent family, to lie- but Clark feels like this falsehood can be forgiven. He asked Ma, Pa, and Conner to come over and they're all in on it. Ma actually baked the cookies, but now Jon has something to bond with Y/N over. No more looking out through the window! His son has a chance to get closer to the girl he loves, he'd better not lose it! 

"Jon, they're delicious! You have to give me the recipe. Or maybe we can bake together some time!"



Another elbow from Conner later, 

"Yes!  Yeah Yes I'd love to"

"Cool, we can be baking buddies!"

And all the Kents feel like they just hit a touchdown. 

As the game plays on and the Y/N keep munching, Jon can't help the stupid smile plastered on his face. 

His heart is fluttering, but thankfully only his brother and father can hear it. 

Damian Wayne x  Reader / Jon Kent  x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now